
Preparing for a Bank Heist

Under the effect of my Commandment ability, I learn their names pretty quickly.

The men go by Bob, Jack, James, and finally George. Yes. George. That name is fairly common here in this time period.

As George is already taken, I decide to go by Max to prevent confusion, not that I would not go by Max from the very start. No need for me to go by George unless my hands are forced.

I am more identifiable by Max, as that is the name that I had chosen for myself the first time that I had stepped into the past. The year 1950.

That year feels so far away. Not 26 years ago from today, but more like 400 to 500 years ago. At least to me due to my power over time, and most of those years merely involve me fucking around all over the place and having a lot of fun.

A lot of fun to me anyway. Not so much for other people, especially those people who I have tortured the hell out of for one reason or another. Most out of their own arrogance and disrespectfulness.

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