
Answers to Q and A

Q: When are you going to go to Akatsuki no yona?

A: Tenchi is actually going to be starting in the Akatsuki no Yona place soon

Q: Why are you taking so long to go to Akatsuki no Yona

A: I would say lots of excuses, but the real reason is I was in a divide on if I wanted another series associated with it. Originally I was going to have Grancrest Senki because I really got into it, however, after much thinking, I thought it wouldn't be suited for this world...Plus I thought that Akatsuki no Yona was going to be not as much the focus.

Q: Why introduce King's avatar and you didn't go into it? Plus they were kids

A: That is for later on in the novel. Tenchi is going to be growing up. He isn't going to be in high school forever.

Q: Ok whats up with the Frankenstein family? they seem pointless and was that Senku from Dr. stone? Are you going to go to Dr Stone

A: While they may not hold high importance, Senku is going to be important later on...as for going to Dr. stone world...Senku is only 7 years old...

Q: So I have to ask why Frankenstein?

A: Well, many reasons, one Tenchi is a noblesses and if you read nobleless you know Frankenstein was there. Plus Tenchi needed an Alfred. I just couldn't figure out a way to introduce him but I remember oh yeah Frankenstein family was in China

Q: Why didn't Tenchi meet Mui while he was at the Ryozanpaku she is his fiancee

A: That is because I'm going to have her more involved in either his second year or I may remake my Sanji novel...depending on a future vote...don't ask spoiler

Q: Why do you introduce people and then never talk about them. In China arc how many people did you introduce?

A: I want my world to be expansive. Some people like in real life aren't going to play that big apart in it

Q: How powerful is Nurariyon and Tenchi grandfather and Tenchi father

A: Tenchi Grandparents are Mythology rank as for Tenchi father he's Legendary Rank

Q: I am so confused to do people recognize Tenchi or not. Didn't everyone see Tenchi fight with Baki and why did the yokai trend die...did they forget

A: It didn't die. They know the existence of them but they aren't seen every day. Its everything else it slowly gets forgotten. As for Tenchi fight with Baki, Tenchi didn't like attention when he was weaker so he had a witch cast a spell of Forgetness so they won't recognize him

Q: I understand having shogi but Kyouko Kouda..shes kind of a bi

A: haha part of that is the appeal

Q: Why was Tenchi mean to Rei

A: Why does everyone think that. Tenchi hates being looked down on.

Q: Why did you introduce Kyouko before going to China...there are tons of other characters but you focused a couple chapters on her

A: Geeze you really didn't like her. Its connected to a future event later on in the novel. slight spoiler it has nothing to do with shogi

Q: How was Tenchi able to bend elements, didn't you say he can't use magic in his normal state

A: First he can use magic it just hurts his body. Second, it wasn't magic it was Chi

Q: Is Tenchi weak or strong

A: Strong but weak. Tenchi had entered the next realm of power but he is at the lowest bar currently

Q: What actually is angels?

A: Subservants of God.

Q: When is Tenchi going to get the light hawk wings

A: Soon

Q: I read watched the original Tenchi and he is probably the most powerful person in all of anime

A: wow... I had no idea

Q: Why does Tenchi feel so weak

A: He isn't he just likes messing around with people

Q: Originally I thought you said Tenchi didn't want to be a leader

A: He doesn't, he actually wants his brothers to take his place

Q: does Tenchi hate his birth parents still

A: No, he doesn't hate them. he feels complicated

Q: You keep saying Tenchi hasn't mastered his swords what else can they do. I don't care about spoilers

A: Tenseiga can revive the dead as long as their body in tact and a death god hasn't come and Master sword can sever and make a new karmatic ties. It has a few other abilities


A: He isn't afraid of ghost...he just find them creepy, think of a person who hates worms

Q: What going on with Chrono

A: Oh yeah...I forgot


A: Yeah but after college

Q: What is the level of Tenchi's brothers

A: Masamune - High-class disciple, Keima- high master, Rikuo in yokai grandmaster with Tesegia demigod

Q: What does Tenchi think of his brothers

A: Masamune an unfortunate person, Keima Tenchi 100% is his uncle's actual son but his uncle is hiding it because he doesn't want to be clan leader and Rikuo someone he wants to protect

Q: Whats Tenchi best skill

A: Alchemy

Q: Who is more powerful Tenchi or Eros

A: Tenchi has more potential

Q: What are some worlds you want to go to

A: I'll only list a few, aginst the gods, Death Mage, Dunguen defense, pokemon, tower of god, black clover, rezero,

Q: More on the organization...who is the leader

A: Its a secret but its figure was split in 4.

Q: How evil is the organization

A: ...its not...

Q: Will Tenchi brothers becomes Kings?

A: Yes...

Q: Have you figured out who are the organization boss is

A: Yes

Q: how much of the story have you gotten in your head

A: I know bits and pieces, who I want to live, certain powers, so I have an idea on how I want to end it

Q: Who is your favorite character not including Tenchi

A: Botan

Q: Is it just Tenchi who will travel to a new body

A: No, in the future I want his brothers to go with him

Q: Is it hard to remember the characters

A: Its not hard but trying to imagine how they will interact based on their established personality is difficult



Q: Why are you focussing more on this than Eros

A: Eros is someone who is someone already overpowered, Tenchi is someone who will get stronger over time

Q: Is Tenchi going to do the MCU

A: Yeah and DC. I figured out how he will too. but hes too young

Q: whats many chapters are there left in Tenchi

A: Well let's see...Tenchi hasn't even gotten his light hawk wings yet so its a while

Q: Are you going to take another break of the series

A: I do have another surgery...

Q: When the next chapter of Eros

A: ...this is a Tenchi Q and A

Q: does Tenchi kill or not, I'm so confused

A: Tenchi doesn't like killing so he avoids it in Earth prime.

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