
sweetness and lightning 2

Suddenly Kosaki runs to her mother blushing and out of breath

Kosaki: Mother thats him! our part time worker today

Onadera's mother: Kosaki

Kosaki: g-goodmorning, Tenchi-kun thanks for helping today...


tenchi stares at her

Kosaki: is...there something the matter?

Tenchi shakes his head out of the daze: No I was just shocked how good you look in the shops uniform Kosakicchi

{Tenchi calls the people he's close with cchi...I just figured people would get confused so I don't put it in there}

Onadera's mother: Stop with the flirting it's pissing me off...anyway this boy is a part time worker? I was wondering who it was you got when you said you found a great cook. Turns out to be a classmate of yours...Not only that but look at him. He looks like a model who never did a day of work in his life...I mean look at his hands his hands look completly soft...they're softer than yours!

Tenchi: (am I getting ridiculed...I am aren't I...)

Onadera's mother: Kosaki I was looking forward to seeing the type of person you brought...to even think that a high schooler can cook

Kosaki: Tenchi isn't like that! he cooks for his family all the time also he helps out his mothers cafe

Onadera's mother:(Cafe??? why does that sound familar?) Well...if you insist

she says while thinking of who owns a cafe...


They went to the kitchen and Tenchi had changed into a cooking outfit

Kosaki: (He looks so good in that!)

Onadera's mother: I'll decide if he can cook or not. If he is no good I'll send him packing

Tenchi: (WHAT REALLY! My cooking skills aren't that good. I should really get a chef to join DMC)

Tenchi looks at Kosaki who looked at Tenchi like he can do it

Kosaki:(Tenchi can do anything! )

*after a little over an hour Tenchi brought out his food

Onadera's mother noticed his detailed skills and how he prepared everything: (this kid isn't bad...)

Tenchi: Sorry for the wait*he said with his golden eye closed

Onadera's mother looked at the plate and was surprised to see what was brought out

Onadera's mother: Mochi? no Chi chi Danga Moochi

Tenchi just smiled

She took one of the pieces and bit into it with a deadpan expression and suddenly

Onadera's mother: What this its sweet delicious. the amount of sugar and oil is perfect. but how did you get it so small without imperfection

Tenchi: Simple I used a plastic knife.

Kosaki: Plastic knife

Tenchi: Using a plastic knife to cut the mochi into squares. The mochi is very sticky, and it is less likely to stick to the plastic knife versus a metal knife, making the process much easier.

Onadera mother: So how did you...starch

Tenchi: Correct. I coated the knife with starch when I chopped it

Onadera mother: But what is this flavor...we had little sweet flavor...

Kosaki took a piece and had it

Kosaki: Its Strawberry Nesquik

Tenchi was shocked and nodded: yeah....

She then said

Onadera mother: Kosaki has the gods tongue

Tenchi: (Whats with that awesome sounding name)

The girls kept eating more and more and then

Kosaki: I can't stop eating this

Onadera: Its almost like

Kosaki/ Onadera mother: Were drawning in stawberry milk

They imagined Tenchi in a rabbit costume and he poured his ton of starberry milk at the girls and they were on fours with clothes all covered in milk and looking at Tenchi

They started breathing heavly and looked at Tenchi

Ondera mother: Um... your name was Tenchi right?

Tenchi: Yeah

Onadera mother smiled at Tenchi and said: Alright marry into this family, you!

Tenchi was a little shocked at this and he coughed

Onadera mother: Hey at first I didn't know how it would turn out

she nudges her daughters arm

Onadera mother; wow you go a worthy man

Tenchi looked at her and said

Tenchi: Umm...I thought we were engaged

Kosaki: eh?

Onadera mother: eh

Tenchi: what thats what the old lady said

Kosaki waved her hands and started blushing

Kosaki: Te-Te-Tenchi what are you saying! what about Chitoge or Marika

Onadera mother: wait whats your mother name

Tenchi: Mari...the one who was in the biker

Onadera Mother: YESSS I SEE your her son...wow you've changed

she acted funny

Onadera mother: but I thought your name was Raku

Tenchi: I go by Tenchi now...

Onadera mother: I see...wow I now get it..the cafe...haha

Kosaki: whats going on?

Onadera mother: Oh..Raku here is your fiance...


It was decided that Tenchi would help out. the shop. he was cooking it

Tenchi: So why doesn't she have you cook?

Kosaki: I attempted it once...and everyone ended up sick and passed out so now I just decorate the food. I hope I can one day make the sweets for everyone someday...

Tenchi: I'm sure its not that bad...how about this...before we are done make one for me and I'll eat it

They cooked for all day then there was a thunderstorm so customers stop coming... It was decided that Tenchi would leave soon...but Kosaki made him some sweets

it was a strange dark aura...it looked evil...

Tenchi took it and ate it....he then passed out

Kosaki: TENCHI!

~Tenchi gained poison resistance~


Tenchi woke up on the lap of someone

he kept his eyes closed and tried to 'accidentally touch her chest'

Tenchi: (Huh its smaller than I thought)

Tenchi: huh where am I. I feel like I've gone to heaven...

he opens his eyes and sees a blushing Haru

Tenchi: (Oh no wonder her boobs were smaller)

Tenchi received a slap the head for touching her chest and she stormed off

Tenchi screamed: Your pajamas are cute!



When Kosaki returned she figured that Haru and Tenchi had a argument (from her yelling)

She explained that he passed out and they were taking turns looking after him...

They then started talking about stuff. Kosaki took out a photo album and Tenchi was able to see all the pictures of Raku...and a cute Kosaki and Haru

Kosaki: Tenchi...why did you say were engaged...

She didn't know why she said that but she asked that...

Tenchi: why we are in a relationsihp

Kosaki: What...about those two...

Tenchi: I will make them my wives too

She had a complicated look on her face..

Kosaki: thats no good...you should only be with one girl....I don't think I'm good enough...Marika and Chitoge are more attractive than me and families are closer to yours...

Tenchi stands up and goes to her

He lifts her head moving her chin and kisses her

She was shocked happy and confused

Tenchi: I am not the type to leave someone whom I love behind. I will take all of you. I will make you all happy. I have a motto Being true to yourself, meaning don't worry about pleasing other people; living by someone else's standards or rules. You don't care what people think of you. You live as your natural self. Without compromise. I say I will make all you girls my wives. what the world thinks of that doesn't matter. I'm the person who will become the multiverse greatest Athlete

Kosaki: I don't get it but I get it

Suddenly Haru came in with some drinks...she looked pissed (she was listening to their conversation...)

She got the drinks from her mother. She attempted to leave but the door was locked

Onadera's mother: Well I know you like Tenchi. Why not have a good talk with each other and maybe you can decide which of you will end up with him. I'm going to go to see Mari so I will see you later...

Haru started banging on the door but it was still locked

she was so embarrassed and suddenly

Kosaki and Haru started to feel weird

Kosaki: whats going on...

Haru: I feel strange...my special place is feeling tingling

Kosaki: Tenchi...you love me right

her clothes are getting loose

Tenchi: huh my sexual induction is activating...SHIT ITS A FULL MOON TONIGHT...

Tenchi see the horny girls...and said adjusting his shirt

Tenchi: Seeing how were locked in here and the sexual induction is working on you...lets play a game. who ever passes out first loses...

Tenchi said with a smile...that night...Haru and Kosaki... became Tenchi women

//AN: IN case you forgot. During full moons Tenchi can't fully control his powers...

Remember to vote where you want Tenchi to go. either Atsuki no yona or Nura rise of the yokai.

Oh originally I was going to have Tenchi go to Yona with his brothers. Rikuo, Masamune and his brother hes' gaining later Keima. It was going to be a adventure together similar to Final fantasy 15...

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