

The snowy months were awful. Abby wasn't sure how a desert dweller like Katie had ever adjusted.

When she asked, her sister wryly replied, "I didn't. Look at me. I'm wearing a sweater, a bathrobe, fuzzy pajama pants, three layers of socks, and am drinking hot chocolate but I'm still cold. I spend most of the day thawing in front of the fire when I have to go outside."

Katie was very well bundled up. Now that she had an infant to care for who couldn't go outside, someone else was filling in her shift at the library. Sometimes Abby joined Al on his rounds checking up on people to pick up the new mother's slack but for the most part she avoided going outside too.

Cold in the mountains sunk into your very bones. Abby was grateful that her sister had found a way to invent fuzzy pajamas because they were a lifesaver. She was nearly as bundled up as Katie was and the cold still got to her too.

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