
105. Take me there

From the outside the house looked like something that had been abandoned.

This wasn't the haunted house_ Jennie had told them that the person in this house would take them to the haunted house.

But Dante found it funny how the house even looked haunted. He started to wonder_ if the house that wasn't haunted looked this haunted how would the haunted house look.

The air was cold as if they had gotten to another part of Ocean city where snow fell in summer and maybe they have.

Ocean city was always cold but in some places they did felt the suns heat some days during summer, while in others snow felt both in winter and in summer sometimes even ice block fell from the sky.

Jennie shivered and hugged herself as they came out from the car. It wasn't this cold the last time she came here if not she would have come along with a jacket.

"This place is damn cold you should have told me to get my sweater at least." Lora shivered, gritting her teeth. Jennie ignored her.

Dante didn't seem to notice how cold it was, he wrinkled his nose then he brought out a cigar and lighter from his car and shut it.

"Who wants a smoke." Jennie nodded in the negative. "I'll have one." Lora opted taking the cigarette from him, He lit it up for her and smiled. Jennie gave her the bad eye but Lora ignored her puffing out air.

"Let's get this over with." Jennie said as she led them into the small bungalow that was just a mile away from where Dante's car was packed.

When they got to the cabin she knocked on the door gently but they came no answer.

"Knock again." Dante mumbled, blowing out smoke. Jennie nodded.

Before she could even knock they heard a loud scream from inside. "He is screaming." Jennie feared.

"Stand back." Dante ordered. He hurriedly stepped on his cigarette, then he kicked the door so hard it flew open.

The sight that met them was ugly. The parlour was scattered and it smelt a lot like drugs and vomit. A tall man was pointing a gun at a more smaller one, who looked like the crack head between them.

"Jeremy." Jennie rushed to him but she was stopped halfway by the tall man.

"Stay back." He growled. Then he pointed the gun at her.

Dante immediately took out his gun and pointed it at the man.

"Who are you guys." The huge man asked. He looked all muscle's and height the kind of man that belonged in the ring. "You had better all turn back and mind your own business."

"Let him go. Jeremy I thought you were done with this." Jennie asked. She was furious with him, although her eyes were still filled with worry and sympathy.

Jeremy looked like he was in between life and death. He didn't reply, he didn't look like he could even hear or see them. His mouth was parted and he was pale.

"When he pays me my money I'll let him go." The man was not the least afraid of the intruders or of the gun Dante was pointing at him. To him Dante was a small man compared to his 7ft height Dante should maybe 6ft or less just like Jeremy. They were all little men.

The man pulled Jeremy up by his shirt so that his legs suspended in the air. His gun was still pointed at Jennie.

Afraid Jennie withdrew and stepped behind Dante.

"How much is he owing you." Lora interjected stepping forward. She coughed out as a result of the smoke that filled her long.

"2,000 dollars."

"2,000 dollars on drugs! I am so disappointed in you Jeremy. So disappointed." Emily shook her head.

"Shut up woman." The big man hissed.

"I'll get you the money." Lora said and with that she opened her bag and brought out a wand of note. Then she threw the notes at the man.

The cold air stilled Jennies lungs and she wished she had taken a smoke. But she didn't know how to.

"Here. Now let him go." Lora sighed. Her cigarette had burnt out and she wanted another. Her head was filled with so many thoughts she wanted to clear them out.

The man caught the wand of note with his right hand as it landed on his chest. "Beautiful." He said with a toothy grin. He pushed Jeremy down and kicked him hard on the chest.

"Hey stop that." Jennie cried out, rushing to Jeremy.

"You are a lucky man the next time ye find an addiction you can fund. Aye aye ladies." He smiled as he left the door eying Dante who still had his gun pointed at him.

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