
Set 249


A guy with a huge dick has a lot of trouble trying to get a girl. When they see the sizeof his pecker they make their excuses and leave. So he thinks of a cunning plan, meets a hooker and asks her, "Do you mind if we do it my way?"

"What way is that?" she asks.

"Oh, I would just like you to wear a blindfold" he replies.

"Is that all? No problem - let's go to my place," she answers.

They walk the short distance to her apartment. Whilst taking off their clothes he puts the blindfold on her.

"Why do you want me to wear a blindfold?" she asks.

"Because of my religion" he answers.

"What religion is that?" she asks.

"I'm an agnostic," he says, getting on top of her.

"Hmmm - an agnostic - I've heard of those - you're one of those people who doesn't believe in....JESUS CHRIST!


A little boy and a little girl, both about six, are playing in the sandbox. Unexpectedly, the little boy farted, causing a little sand between his legs to shift.

She notices, and squeals with laughter, "How'd you do that," she asks.

"Easy," he exclaimed, "I just farted."

"Can I try it," she asks?

"Sure," he says, "anybody can do it."

So she strains, and concentrates, and grunts. Suddenly, there's a terrible explosion, the sides of the sandbox fly off, all the sand flies out.

The little boy rolls up the hill, he finds himself upside down against a tree.

He groggily gets to his feet, runs over to where the little girl is out cold, flat on her back, spread eagle.

He lifts up her dress, peeks underneath, and loudly exclaims, "Just what I thought, dual exhaust."

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