

Cara's blast reduced Typhoon's water cannon to steam. This caused Typhoon's mouth to drop down. Impossible!" How is it possible that you stopped my attack?" Cara didn't answer. Instead, she started approaching Typhoon. Typhoon scoffed. You dare approach me?" Not a very smart move. Typhoon lashed out his tongue after Cara. Cara widened her eyes. She grabbed Typhoon's tongue quickly and set it ablaze. Typhoon started screaming. He tried to remove his tongue from Cara's grip but couldn't, her grip was too tight. She reeled in Typhoon by using his tongue. She then punched him so hard in the face, at least a dozen of his razor-sharp teeth came flying out of his mouth. The force of the punch made him crash into some bypassing asteroids. The asteroids exploded on contact. Typhoon puked up blood, smashing some of his ribs. Cara couldn't believe it. She was going head to head with a founding dragon.

Cara was pumped with excitement and energy. I am definitely sure I can take this fight." Typhoon licked the blood from his face and started laughing, breathing. I didn't expect that." Hmm." That soul of the blue tail Phoneix suits you well." I'm very glad to see the way you are using it." I congratulate you." Typhoon morphed into his human form and stuck his hand out." Shake and it." I want you to become allies with me. Cara popped her eyes out. Why on earth will do a stupid fucking thing like that." What makes you think I would even trust you." Typhoon sighed. " You can trust me." I'm a man of my word." Cara rolled her eyes. She didn't trust anybody but her tribe people. Cara folded her arms and said: I'm afraid I'll have to decline that offer. Typhoon looked worried. Why?" Cara didn't answer. Instead, she fired a fireball through Typhoon's chest, causing him to freefall down into the atmosphere.

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