
Heat Beam

The robot came from an Industrial Elven warship that had been tracking the refugee ship for quite some time. The ship was camouflaged in the clouds, which allowed the elves to attack anytime without being spotted. The Industrial Elven warship was being guided by an Industrial Elven captain named Model X-45, a cyborg whose entire body was a weapon. He carried a curved sword. He had his arms crossed. Two elves piloted the warship. Captain what shall we do with that refugee ship?" X-45 walked up to the pilots and rested his hands on their chairs. " What else can we do?" Destroy it." Their in our way." The elven pilots started charging up the heat cannon, the largest gun on the warship. When the pilots fired the heat cannon at the ship, a powerful red beam was released. When the red beam reacted with the ship, the ship tilted. Everyone who was inside sleeping were awoken. Fire again." Another round was fired at the ship. This time a hole was blasted in the ship. Some of the refugees who were inside were blown out like pieces of debris, falling to their death. If someone didn't do something quickly, more people would die."

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