
Violence and Bloodshed

Lonzo was upstairs in the bathroom, hiding. He took the tank lid off the toilet and reached inside of it, pulling out two fully loaded plasma handguns. He placed his ear by the door and listened to the incoming footsteps of the soldiers. As soon as he heard the footsteps grow louder, Lonzo jumped into the shower and hid behind the black plastic curtains. The door was suddenly kicked off the hinges. The well-dressed captain walked and sniffed the area. Lonzo didn't get a chance to freshen up the bathroom, so the bathroom stunk of shit. The captain placed his hand over his nose and walked towards the shower. He pulled the curtain off the shower rod and smiled hoping someone was Lonzo was to be revealed. As he saw no one, he sucked his teeth and stomped on the ground. " Where is this old bastard hiding?" thought the royal elven captain. As he turned around, he stabbed in the chest with a screwdriver by Lonzo. Lonzo always kept a screwdriver tucked away in his left sock in case weapons were scarce in times of danger. The royal elven captain let out a loud screech before stumbling to the ground. " You old fucking bastard!" I'll kill you!" The royal elven captain grabbed the screwdriver and ripped it out of his chest. When he did this, blood began oozing out of his body.

He stood on his feet and kicked Lonzo in the chest, causing him to stumble out of the bathroom and crash through the inside wooden balcony and onto the floor on top of a wooden table which got smashed into smithereens as he came crashing down on the ground. A piece of wood had been now lodged in Lonzo's stomach. Lonzo grabbed the piece of wood out of his stomach and tossed it to the side. He stood on his feet and coughed up a couple of chunks of blood. A couple of his ribs had been bruised. When Lonzo looked around he noticed that the other royal soldiers had been put down. The royal elven captain pulled out spiked brassed knuckles from his back pocket and placed them on his knuckles, clanking them together. He jumped down and confronted Lonzo. Lonzo pulled out his plasma handguns and wrapped his fingers around the trigger's ready to pull them. " I only came here to talk to you." Queen Ariel has asked us to bring you to her."

This didn't have to result in violence. All you have to do is come with me and all this violence and bloodshed will be finished." All you have to do is report to the throne room." Nothing more." Lonzo sucked his teeth and said: I refuse." The royal elven captain popped out his eyes. " What?" Lonzo clenched his jaws together and said: I refuse to report and talk to a person who poisoned her own father just to get the throne. " The royal elven captain was confused. " What the hell are you talking about?" Only very few people knew their previous king's true death. No one dared to share this information with people who didn't know the truth. Queen Ariel threatened those who knew the truth with murder. The royal elven captain started laughing. I don't have time to listen to these tall tales." Either you're coming with me or not." You're choice." Choose wisely." Lonzo waved the white hair from his face and said:

No." I'm not going with you." The royal elven captain snickered. " I was hoping you would say that." Once you said that, I now have the permission to kill you." The royal elven captain was recording the conversation. He sent the conversation to Queen Ariel and she gave him permission to kill Lonzo, despite him being a war veteran who helped defeat and draws the world away from the dragons. The royal elven captain knew he had absolutely no chance of defeating a war veteran from The Golden Era.

This however wouldn't stop him from trying. The royal elven captain reached into his waist and pulled out a plasma knife, charging towards Lonzo. Before the royal elven captain could do anything, a metallic spike suddenly pierced through his heart. Lonzo or the royal elven captain couldn't believe what just happened. The royal elven captain suddenly turned pale and his eyes turned white. He instantly died of blood loss. Cross uncamouflaged himself and spat on the carcass of the captain. Lonzo was rather angry. He wanted to snap the kill himself. Since he didn't get to take the kill, he agreed to go to Queen Ariel and talk. He wanted Cross to go with him but first Cross wanted Jagger, Orion, Akashiri, Sarah, Elanor, and Jesse to come to. The others would stay behind just in case something else went on while they were away. The documents to freeing the slaves were hidden in the walls of the bathroom.

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