
Chapter 8

Anyways, after the baloon died it left an orange rubber thing in it's place. I WAS going to ignore it after inspecting it a bit, but Gudako instead encouraged me to try and absorb it with the shield.

Also curious of the result I placed the rubber near the shield and mentally ordered the shield to absorb it. And to my surprise I found that it unlocked a new shield, the baloon shield.

I tried changing it right away, but after seeing my shield's new appearance I started to regret my decision while Gudako is trying desperately to contain her laughter. Because the shield's new appearance is like it's name the baloon monster, it's a smooth round orange buckler that has no decorations except for the green crystal in the middle of it which made it look funny instead.

Because the appearance is practically a large round orange fruit. As I was depressed inside Gudako said to me "So where's your vegetable armour Naofumi, or is it a fruit armour?" before rolling on the ground to laugh.

Although it did depressed me to an extent, the joke was admittedly funny. But imagining myself in a vegetable or fruit suit made me think otherwise.

After unlocking the new shield I stood up and absorbed the pile of balloon's remains that Gudako piled up for me. Imagine my surprise when an announcement rang out of the sudden saying that I've mastered the new shield.

I was at a loss so I consulted Gudako, but she explained that it was only natural. "If you have 1 sword can you really call that sword perfect? The only way to know if it is, is by comparing the same type of swords. The same rule goes for materials, after absorbing more than 1 the shield can compare which material is the most perfect and develop the shield from there, thus granting you the mastery. At least that's what I think but since you could do it, the rule should also apply to the other heroes, IF the rule is the same for legendary weapons." [Gudako]

Hearing that I nodded to affirm that I understood, but the next moment I was surprised because of what she said next.

"Also I'm going to travel alone for a while to play detective. Because I'm a bit suspicious of what the king had said."[Gudako]

"The king? Didn't he say that we heroes needed to save the world by defending against the waves of calamity?"[Naofumi]

"Yes that's the part, he only said that the waves of calamity occurs in this country. But I heard from other people that the waves also occur in other countries as well."[Gudako]

Hearing that made me go silent with a dumbfounded expression on my face. I mean why exactly would the king lie to us heroes about the waves of calamity?

Seemingly reading my mind Gudako said "There are many reasons for a king to do this, the most simple of them is to make his kingdom number 1, in other words keeping the heroes to himself and lending them to the other countries in exchange for some benefits."[Gudako]

Hearing what she said made sense, I mean which king wouldn't want his kingdom to be the best. But for some reason something feels... off.

Looking at my doubtful expression Gudako clapped her hands to get my attention and instead of an angry expression I was greeted by a smile. As I was having doubts to why she was smiling she said "From your expression it seems that you have doubts about the king's decision, it seems off to you."

When I heard that I involuntarily nodded, seeing me nod she also nodded satisfied as she continued to say "Because it IS an idiot's decision. Besides gaining temporary power and fame, it has no other benefits. In fact there are more drawbacks than the benefits such as triggering a war between countries, being isolated by them, and others that I won't mention."

Hearing her criticize the king made me sweatdrop, I mean really why did the king do such stupid thing?

"Anyways the point is that I'm leaving for a while to investigate a looot of things. And this is also training for you to be independent. Oh and also it's best if you don't tell anyone of the critics I gave on the king, especially the royals and the other heroes."[Gudako]

Hearing her I nod but I am a bit confused to why I can't tell the other heroes. Seeing me having doubts she explained "Because all the heroes except for you have some 'shadows' watching their every move. And if you're to inform them it's most likely that the adventurers that accompany them will convince them otherwise."

Hearing her explanation made it clear for me. Although I'm a bit reluctant about her going to leave on a journey, I do agree with her that I need to be independent.

"Well I'll be off later after I made dinner for the inn. And while I'm gone try to find some way to make money, okay?"[Gudako]

"Wait, your leaving today? And why are you leaving at night?"[Naofumi]

"Because Naofumi it'll be more convenient for me to leave in the dark and throw off whatever sort of pursuer that the king hired. Oh and by the way I heard that the party system can only be used with people you consider as comrades or the like. So I was curious, what would happen if you're shield were to absorb my hair?"[Gudako]

The question halted my thoughts, I mean I'm not a pervert. It's just that I'm also curious, that's all.

As I was having my inner monologue, Gudako had already plucked a few strands of her hair. When she handed it over to me, my body just went autopilot and I let the shield absorb it.

And to my surprise the shield did unlocked a new form. To be more precise 2 shields were unlocked, the first one is the 'shield of companionship' which has an effect of raising my allies's status as they level up. And the other is the 'teacher's shield' which has the effect of boosting my teaching and learning capability. Although both of their effects are small, for now.

...I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore by the shield's power.

Anyways after we hunted a while we went to Erhard's to buy me a chainmail armour to get used to iron armours. And after that we went back to the inn, aaand Al dragged me into a drinking competition to send Gudako off, and I won by the way.

But the next morning I woke up and found my money along with my newly bought chainmail gone. As I panicked the door bursted open and guards stepped in holding an edict as they yelled "Naofumi Iwatani, you are under arrest for the attempt of assassinating the sword hero and insinuating seeds of rebellion."

'Wait what? When or how did I plant a seed of rebellion?' As I was dumbfounded by that question inside my head the guards carried me outside. As I was carried I saw the inn was... messy, like a fight has occurred and looking at them closely the guards have bruises all over them and looking at the numbers it seems like a whole platoon has been deployed.

...So it more or less went like this, ealier in the morning the guards barged into the inn and announced that I was to be arrested for attempting assassination, and the inn folks wemt into a riot and beat those guys up. After that the guards went back and gathered more forces and stormed the inn, and after subduing the inn folks they arrested me, hence my current situation.

As the pieces came together I asked one of the guards "What happened to the tenants of the inn?"

The guard's eye twitched before yelling to me "So you think you're a sort of hero just because your underlings beat up a team of guards?"

I sweatdrop at his reply, but that at least confirms my conjecture was right. And by the sounds of it they weren't able to punish Al and the rest, which is a relief.

Oh yeah, I realized just now that compared to the me before being summoned I'm a genius right now. But that's because of Gudako's training, when she taught me theories she also taught me to be wise like a detective. And to be honest, it's kinda fun for me to solve the puzzles and riddles that Gudako arranged for me, which is very useful now.

Anyways right now I'm being carried by the guards into the castle, and although I can break free from them I won't know the clues to see the mastermind or the reason for my arrest if I don't go to the castle.

Also after being trained by Gudako I'm not scared by anything they can throw at me. Hell I'm not even sure I'll be fazed by what they've got planning for me.

Anyways, after reaching the throne room I see the king, Myne(the red head female that Gudako gave me a warning on), and the other 3 heroes alongside their companions, also a number of guards.

Myne seems to be scared judging by the shaking of her body but the occasional small smirk that would've gone unnoticed(if it weren't for Gudako's spot the difference training) gave away her true thoughts and the king that is practically oozing with malice.

While the other heroes and their companions are giving me looks of disgust and contempt. While the guards are... well you could say I guessed it but they look furious, probably by the fact that my arrest was supposed to be an easy mission that a team can complete effortlessly, turned into a mission that required an entire platoon armed to the teeth to arrest me, add to the fact that I spotted some of the guards with a red slap mark on their face.

After they dropped me on the carpet and surrounded me with their spears pointing me did the king begin his 'reason' for arresting me.

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