
Chapter 5 {Install!}

-Gudako POV

After waking up at more or less 4 a.m. due to habit, I made my way to the first floor only to be greeted by the sight of the dining room full of people having hangovers that it reminded me of a marketplace when it gets busy and I mean real busy by that. Asking the people around about why they were drinking so much alcohol that they're a hangover, turns out they were having a party to cheer Naofumi up. They didn't want to tell me first, but after I offered to cook up a special meal for people having hangovers the innlady told me, apparently her husband was the one who started it.

Making my way to the kitchen while smiling because I'm happy of Naofumi being accepted, I prepared the ingredients as started cooking a light but nutritious food to start the day, I didn't use any alcohol or any meat containing alcohol as ingredients to make sure the customers won't get an additional alcohol addiction from my food (although Shuten disagrees).

After finishing my preparations I started cooking for the inn and also my Servants, but different from the one I'm cooking for the inn the Servant's food I make is personalized to fit in their tastes (example: for Shuten it's a food with a crazy amount of alcohol accompanied by strong liquor, for Altria Alter and Jeanne Alter its hamburgers, and so on). And as I started cooking a pleasant smell started coming out of the kitchen which made the lazy people still lying on the floor stand up with a groan and some sniffing before sounds of foots shuffling around to find a place to sit that I could hear because of my sharp hearing.

-Naofumi POV

After cleaning myself I went out of my room only to be met by a delicious pleasant smell which refreshed the little drowsiness that I had, I stopped to check my menu... and as I guessed an alert menu popped up saying 'Pleasant Smell of Purification -Effects= Mental debuffs immunity and increased resistance against all debuffs (medium)'.

...Well, I guess Gudako is cooking again today. I admit I am a bit excited of what food Gudako will serve after yesterday's dinner. While thinking those thoughts I made my way down, after reaching the stairs I'm noticed by Al who is eagerly waiting on his seat for his food. After noticing me Al greeted me which made the people around him to notice me and giving me gestures of encouragement, which made me blush a little. After greeting them I made my way to an empty table when Al invited me to eat with him, to that offer I accepted.

After sitting down, I began to have a little chat with Al while remembering the shields I unlocked yesterday. After saying I wanted to try something I stopped my conversation with Al, which drew everyone's interest except for Gudako in the kitchen. I raised my hand wielding the shield, but then I realized I didn't know how to change the shield. For a while I was having a dilemma, but shortly after I decided to try every idea that pops out of my head to change my shield.

Well first let me try willing the shield to change forms to the one that I want, more specifically the {Gourmet Shield III} and then the shield suddenly lighted up and changed shape into a rectangular shape with a painting depicting a spoon, a fork, and a knife (the one used for eating of course) crossing each other like in a scene of people crossing blades to make oaths like musketeers(all for one and one for all) or something like that, and also a plate being sorrounded by what seems to be light at the back of the three which made it clear for the gourmet part.

After that happened the people around me broke into a clamour saying things like "Damn, he really is the Shield Hero." ...I already did say it yesterday but as expected no one believed huh? Even Al is one of them, which made me feel down. After the momentary depression I shook my head to push it away, after being met by waves after waves of depression yesterday I'm more or less used to it, but at least this time I managed to surprise someone.

Paying attention to my new shield, I saw the base stats for defence and it actually has 15 more than my original 'small shield', which made me wonder the strength of food... after almost being enlightened into a food monk of all things. I payed attention to the other tables, more exactly the ones that already has food delivered. Today's breakfast looks to be a refreshing noodle soup with meat neatly chopped and some greens with it, also an orange-like drink.

After finishing the once again HEAVENLY dish I felt refreshed and that as though energy is coursing my body, making me feel a bit antsy of just sitting down. In fact the other customers are already busying themselves, but although we all feel so much energy it might burst strangely the energy is calm and soothing making us incredibly calm and focused.

Some of the customers are painters, architects, and blacksmiths and strangely ALL of them have sudden inspirations on their works and hurriedly went out after paying their bills. I suppose this is truly the wonders of food... wait snap yourself out me! Since when did I ever have a monologue like this?... Just today after eating Gudako's food I guess, but then doesn't that mean Gudako is at fault? No of course not but then "Naofumi I'm already done cooking lets meet up in front of the inn."[Gudako] My thoughts are stopped by Gudako's voice as I involuntarily responded "Okay then, see you in a minute."[Naofumi] Wait what was I panicking about again? ...Ah no matter, it'll come to mind soon. Having those thoughts I made my way to the door after giving some words to Al who's busying himself by cleaning his weapons to prepare for an early hunt. Guess he wasn't kidding when he said that he hunted the meals alone.

-Gudako POV in front of the inn

After waiting a few minutes after exiting the inn Naofumi exits the inn wearing an impatient expression, but the impatience turns into dread when he saw me holding my greatsword which is sheathed to my back. Looks like he knows where this is going, because he looked like he wants to run but after a few seconds of contemplating to himself he sighed resignedly and hanging his head. Good looks like he knows that running is useless, after I nodded with a satisfied expression I motioned Naofumi to follow me to the empty plot of land where we trained yesterday.

After arriving I didn't start the training from the start but instead I confronted to him about the party menu, I asked him if he could see it and most importantly about what he can see about my status. What about the shadows you ask? I already saw them retreating before arriving to this empty space, which means that unless either me or Naofumi tell them they won't know what we're doing here. Anyways to my earlier question Naofumi answered "Yeah, I can see it but I couldn't see anything more than your name, level, and your class. I mean I couldn't see your stats exactly because of your class, the Inheritor of Legends. Anyways what kind of class is that to make even legends protect your status from being seen."[Naofumi]

His reply left me in a bit of conundrum although I already suspected that was the case because yesterday some of the servants were making a fuss to decide who to go out and punish the pervert who tried to peep at me , but after a few seconds I let out a sigh before facing him I said "I already suspected that you could see my class but even so, legends are protecting me you said? It's mostly right, but more like my body is used as a hard drive to contain the data which is the legends and I CAN in a manner of fact use their power."[Gudako] My reply made him astounded if his blank face isn't of any indication. After seeing him snap out of it I continued "You see i can use the legend's power in 2 ways the first one is called {Include} it allows me to conjure the signature weapon of the said legend" I said as I lifted a finger, he wanted to open his mouth but I cut his intention short with a sharp gaze and light murderous intent(light enough to make him shudder but nothing else) to make him shut up.

After that I continued "The second one is called {Install} that let's my body harness the power the legend wield to a certain extent and also lets me fuse my personality, thoughts, and memories with the legend's, but when using this part of my power my body is transformed into a mix of my own and the legend's. Also after I disengage this power I return to normal with no side effects like developing a different personality whatsoever."[Gudako] Naofumi looked a bit distressed when he heard about me fusing in body and mind when using {Install} but is relieved when hearing that I won't change mentally... yes I only mentioned the mental part and not that I can keep my body in the fused state even when not using {Install}... I'll mentioned that to him later.

"Now that I've given you a simple introduction to my power, how about a little demonstration? And oh I almost forgot to mention, the legends that I carry are not only historical legends but also fantasy legends and also 'what if's'."[Gudako] Hearing what I said Naofumi seems confused, smiling a little bit I decide to give him more information "Legends are not only formed in the past but it's also possible for new legends to form, for example the old legend of king Arthur is a prime example. There are many what if's in that 'what if Arthur is a woman?', 'What if Arthur wielded a holy lance instead of a sword?', or another example would be Paul Bunyan from America, the saying goes that she would drink lakes dry, that her punches formed ridges, and that she chopped forest into wastelands. Or how about a modern legend? Of that being Thomas Alfa Edison or Nicholas Tesla, and yes their considered legends by modern society because of their inventions. Also there are some legends that came from the future."[Gudako] I said the last part with a grin as I saw the astonishment on Naofumi's face.

"For today's training you are going to have a spar against a legend to know how much you fare against one, and don't worry I'll limit the power that I can use and also I'll only use this sheathed sword here so that you'll be fine. Now then shall we start?"[Gudako] I see Naofumi wanted to retort but I instantly used my power that is simplified and assisted by the world as I say "{Install}"

As my body emitted a bright light I saw Naofumi instantly standing up with his hands in front of his face to shield his eyes, but he is able to take a peek from time to time.

Still slow inspiration so don't keep your hopes too high on fast releases

Furnocreators' thoughts
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