
Entice Him

Feng Xinying had her soup at ease and she looked at him with a smile. "The soup is very tasty Chef Shengu. I think I got a great person for my kitchen." She felt like a role reversal at the moment. She felt like her husband while she was his doting wife. She chuckled at her thought. 

"Thank you Miss Xinying," he replied as he averted his gaze from her legs. "What else would you like to have for lunch?" he asked. Since it was his first day at the job, he wanted to be really very good at it and impress his employer. 

At the same time, his employer wanted to entice him at every given opportunity. She looked at him and fluttered her eyes. She replied, "What is that you make best?"

How could he say that he loved making braised sea cucumbers because as a Chef he had to be perfect in making almost everything she would name, so he replied, "Miss Xinying, you can order anything and I will make it."

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