
Like Father Like Daughter

"Did…. Did Shiro just lose?" Madison asked with disbelief as the thought of Shiro losing seemed impossible for her. Even if it was a spar, it was still shocking.

"Yeah she did. But think of it this way, now that she's lost, she's got more to learn. Meaning, she'll get even stronger." Lyrica nodded her head while trying to stop herself from blushing at the sight of a red faced Shiro feeling embarrassed on her father's shoulder. 

"Makes you think about what could happen to us doesn't it? Her dad did say that we'll get some training from professionals after all." Aarim chuckled.

"It's good news isn't it? That way we can be more prepared for the new age." Helion smiled.

"Urg… my normality is drifting further and further." Madison sighed.

"I mean… you're the future Demon Queen so I'd say normality has always been an illusion for you hahaha." Helion laughed as Madison launched herself towards him and tried to strangle him.



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