
Retrieving Nimue

While Shiro was integrating with the sword, Lisandra, Yin and Kamnar watched with serious faces. They didn't know what had happened but it felt like her aura had changed. It became sharper and more menacing, as if everything in the world was below her, even gods.

As time passed, she opened her eyes and looked down on hand. Examining the sword, Shiro turned her gaze towards the trio.

"Seems like I was able to integrate with the sword." She smiled.

"Oh my god! I was worried there!" Yin cried out as she sat down. Her legs had become jelly after being exposed to her threatening aura for an extended period of time. As for Lisandra and Kamnar, they didn't fall over since their legs had locked out and they were forced to stand.

"Yeah, I met the previous owner and had a small chat. Seems like he was quite satisfied with me since he didn't kill me." Shiro chuckled.

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