
End of the War

300 AC, The Border of Westerlands and Crownlands…

The air was reeking of death and corpses were covering the ground. Blood was a river that flowed endlessly. The only sound was the cawing of the crows that feasted upon the corpses. Banners were littering the ground with their colours.

A gold lion on a crimson field, a running grey direwolf on an ice-white field, A striding huntsman in red on a green field, a golden rose on a green field, a purple unicorn on a silver field… They were all painted red by the fallen men's blood.

It was a custom to bury or burn the dead after a war but not a man could be seen for leagues. This was a place where swords clashed and shields were splintered but only one of them left the field with a victory. One look at the battlefield, it was obvious that there was more death on the Crown's side but still death was a death for a mortal.

The victory of the Starks and their charging to the Crownlands was not without a reason. The intelligence they received was the foremost reason. Their raids and attacks on the castles were ceased in the Westerlands and their only priority became the seat of the Crown, King's Landing.

The debt given by the Iron Bank was a huge threat to the rebellion and that six million gold dragons were something they can't allow Lannisters to use. It was an amount that could change any war. So the Starks marched to the King's Landing.

The march took for two whole days and the corpses they left behind were already beginning to rot. It was at noon when they arrived at King's Landing and began building their siege weapons. Baratheons forces from the Stormlands joined them and the forces in the Harrenhal took the field the next day.

While they were besieging King's Landing a naval battle was taking place near the Dragonstone. The death of Stannis and naval commanders at the wedding was a huge blow to the rebel forces. However, the Crown forces still had their naval commanding chains and this became a huge boon for them. Despite being superior in numbers, Stark naval forces lost the battle and retreated back to Maidenpool. However, the battle took away most of the royal fleet so it was sure to be helpful to the land forces.

Siege tent…

Eddard Stark and several newly raised commanding officers were discussing their siege plans. A big map was laid upon the table that showed the King's Landing's layout. There were several pinned places on the map and they were showing the cells of the believers. Coincidentally, the newly raised commanding officers were all believers of the Prophet so there was nothing to hide in their plans.

Suddenly, yelling voices came from the outside and one of the guards outside entered the tent with fear in his eyes.

"My lords, there… there are a man and a big black monkey out there." the guard yelled with a nervous voice.

Ned was confused for a moment but then he realized what was the guard referring to so he spoke, "Let the man in."

A moment later, a man who had a black scarf and black eyes entered inside and bowed his head, "Lord Stark," he said. "The Prophet wanted to end this siege quickly so he sent us to help you."

"Any help is appreciated," Ned nodded his head, "However, why is Kobo here?"

"He just wanted to tag along." Lurs silked his shoulders and went to the table, "Let me see your plans."

The casual attitude of Lurs was ignored by Ned as he told him about their plans. However, displeasure was written over Lurs's face as he listened to him.

"You will lose a third of your army while trying to get over the walls, they are using the machines we have invented so it will be hard to climb the walls. However, you are lucky as we are here." A confident smile washed over Lurs's face. "Come by the morning, it will be our men that hold the gatehouse with Lannister cloaks. When you attack the city focus on the gate as it will be opened for you but don't show it to the enemy. Prepare your ladders and siege engines and fake them as much as you want. However, I want the bulk of your army at the gates."

Ned nodded his head and asked, "Will you be using the sleeper cells or your own men?"

"Both of them," Lurs said, "My men will use the tunnels to enter the city. Then, the men we have planted in the city will give the Lannister soldier uniforms they have prepared earlier. The rest of the plan does not concern you and it will be done discreetly."

Lurs took out a small vial and put it onto the table, "This is given by the Prophet, he said if you have any headaches you should take it and if you need more, then you can ask from me. But this is very important so don't you forget it. And prepare a horse for Kobo, he is very hungry."

Ned sighed as he watched Lurs leaving the tent with other commanders. As they took their leave he looked at the vial on the table. Indeed, the headache was beginning to take its root in his head and nightmares were common these days. He ignored them as the haunting of the dead but if this vial was going to help him then he was willing to take it. He opened the vial and drank its content to the last drop.

The ranks were formed before the walls of the King's Landing. All the soldiers were waiting for a signal from their lords to attack. Eddard was at the head of the army with two of his commanders beside him. He was waiting for a sign from Lurs. He wondered whether he was successful or not as there was no news from him for three days.

A grunting sound came from beside Ned. He turned his head to the left and saw a huge steel armoured giant ape. It was holding a similarly giant club that had dozens of spikes on it. He wasn't expecting Kobo to fight with them but when he was preparing for the battle, he learned that they also brought armour for Kobo.

Ned especially ordered his men to not build any battering ram. He was hoping to fool the enemy and make them believe that he would only attack the walls so they would focus on defending the walls and leave a little group of men to hold the gates in case of a surprise attack.

While Ned was thinking about the coming battle, a deafening sound came from the city before him. It was like the roar of a lion but the sound was coming from the other end of the city and it caused all heads to turn towards it.

Ned knew this was the sign he was expecting so he unsheathed his Valyrian sword and raised it into the air as his commanders yelled to charge.

It was a sight to see as soldiers ran with all their might to the wall but none of the enemies knew that their aim was not the wall but the gate.

They run with ladders at hands but when they neared the walls they threw them down and turned to the Lion's Gate which was opening at a rapid pace.

Ned watched his soldiers charging into the city. He was not planning to join them as it was too dangerous for a man to like to be at such a battle. A loose arrow or sword could kill him in an instant and all the plans of the Prophet would be collapsed upon themselves. Thus, he sat on his horse and watched a second massacre.

Nearly twenty years ago, it was the Lannister army that passed the gates without any blockage and pillaged the city, slaughtered the royal family. Now, it was the Starks getting into the city unopposed but they were not here to massacre the civilians but to kill the head of the evil Lannisters.

Though the Stark army entered the city unopposed, they met resistance at the streets as soldiers wearing Lannister coats cut their advance and blocked them in narrow streets. However, the rebel army was too fierce after all the battles they have participated in. Death was something they strived for as they threw themselves onto the golden lion cloths and cut their enemies to the last. The army was split into two as half of it went to the walls and side streets, the other part advanced to the Red Keep.

Though it was not in the plans but rape and pillage were still rampant amongst the rebel forces as they cleaned the streets from Lannister soldiers. Some Lannister soldiers stripped dead Stark soldiers and tried to wear their coats to escape from the battle but while they were wearing the clothes, they were caught and killed quickly.

The hardest part of the siege was getting into the Red Keep. From the looks of it, Lannisters placed most of their soldiers in the keep and prepared for a long siege. They were probably hoping to bring a sellsword army to break the siege but the Starks were ready to play the game more than them.

It took three days for the city to calm down and provide a small amount of order. Ned was lucky that the shadows came for his help as his men found barrels upon barrels of wildfire on the walls. It was obvious that the Lannisters were planning to use the same method they used on Stannis.

On the third day, the shadows scouted the tunnel going from Chataya's whorehouse to the Hand of the King's tower. Apparently, someone tried to seal the tunnel from the other end but it was a poor job as, after a few kicks, it was broken down. Luckily, the sound did not attract too much attention as most of the occupants of the tower were in the main keep.

Ned quickly ordered his men to pass from the tunnel and enter the tower. The first ones to enter the tower was to hold the gate and let the others get in. Then, all of them were going to attack the castle's gate and open it for the army. After that, every noble would be brought to the throne room and face justice. The plan was as simple as the tits of a Hrakkar.

However, there was something they ruled out, the Mountain. He was the one guarding the gate with his men. The giant men have slain four men who attacked him and did not stop there. He attacked every Stark men he saw but the Stark men swarming out of the tower so they were able to open the gate of the Keep.

From the gates came the only being who could subdue the Mountain with ease; Kobo. He roared and frightened all the enemy soldiers, even the Mountain took several steps back. Kobo went forward and swung his big club and threw several soldiers into the air. Then came the Mountain who tried to hold the club but the spikes on it pierced his hands and made him cry out in pain. Kobo held him from his head with his one hand and crushed it like a pomegranate.

The Mountain's brain splashed around and the sword on his hand fell to the ground. All the soldiers stopped fighting and looked at him with shock in their eyes.

Kobo threw his corpse to his side and began beating his chest while roaring. With his roar, the morale of the Lannister soldiers fell and one by one they began surrounding. Every one of them knew that they would not be able to stop this giant ape from advancing and they didn't want to throw their lives away.

Several minutes later, the yard was filled with Stark men and Ned entered the castle. They went towards the throne room which was the symbol of power in this continent. Silence greeted them as they entered the room, it was empty and not even a corpse was in sight. Ned quickly ordered his men to search for any Lannisters.

Ned went to the Iron Throne and looked at the monstrosity before him. Even its steps were made from swords. He climbed it and turned around to look at the hall. The hall looked small from this height and he saw many soldiers looking at him. He turned his head and looked at the throne and then slowly descended him on the seat.

As soon as he sat on it as a man who conquered it, he felt a great power wash over him. He wondered whether Robert felt the same thing.

An hour later, a young Lannister was brought before him. He was caught while trying to escape from the tunnels. Ned ordered his men to search the port and tunnels for any Lannisters or other nobles.

The city belonged to him, the kingdoms belonged to him and soon, justice was going to belong to him...

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