
Chapter 16

Hadrian was quite tired, though the shower was refreshing him, but he couldn't afford to go to bed so soon. Astronomy with Professor Sinistr had been waiting for him since ten to twelve. He also recalled that Daphne wanted to talk to him about something, so he headed to their common room where the girl was already sitting with Tracey. He noticed that they were reading some catalogs and discussing something when he realized that he had several dozens of catalogs from the companies he invested in the inventory. That is why he quickly disappeared into the corridor so that no one could see him and took out three different catalogs from the inventory, each of them had four pieces that he was going to divide in the common room among several tables. He also kept one piece from each catalog in the Council's common room.

"That's enough to show up. Tracey asked as she saw him, and Hadrian put the catalogs for Tomorrow's Clothing, Potions World, and Bookshop at Gandalf Blue on the table.

"Just a couple of store catalogs where I buy my school supplies and for daily use," he replied, and quickly spread the other three pieces of catalogs across the common room, using mainly clusters of older girls to give him his bright smile. to see how every girl in the circle looks at the catalogs and looks surprised at the new fashion trends at lower prices than they were used to. If someone paid attention to the last page that was covered by the store, vendor addresses, and other information, he would notice his names and coats of arms of the Potters and Blacks.

"I didn't know there were any such shops on Diagon Alley. Normally we buy clothes from Madame Malkin, but if these prices are true, I would save a good ten Galleons every time I buy, which is quite a lot of clothing, "Tracey said over the clothing catalog, and Daphne watched the potion catalog.

"Hadrian, where did you get these catalogs?" Daphne asked, and he turned the last one on the back, taking a moment, but finally noticing his name and the coats of arms at the bottom of the page.

"So you own these three companies?"

"I do not own them all, I only have a share in them and I am their sponsor in order for the owners to have a chance at all in the market when there is a huge discrimination against them. Now that these stores carry my coats of arms, it will attract a much larger number of customers. However, you wanted to talk to me? "Hadrian explained, preferring to quit the topic because he did not need to be tapped and use this advertising move against him. He still had to deal with the catalogs in the other dormitories, but he already meant two names of people The problem was that he had not known any of the Ravenclaw dorms yet, but if today's change of dormitory spoke of something, he would know his Ravenclaw classmates very quickly tomorrow.

"Yes, I would like you to explain to me in more detail what I need to know about the Muggle subjects you intend to study in your spare time, and especially the rationale for their study needs. I am not saying that I am determined to study them with you, but if this is an opportunity that will help me in the future, I would not like to lose it, "she said, putting aside her potions catalog so she could listen carefully. especially, and your assumption of how each of these subjects will help him in a magical subject and why.

Finally, Daphne decided to try a few weeks of lessons from every Muggle subject to see if she did. Some subjects were definitely interesting and she was quite curious. After all, she grew up in her family home all her life, and when they traveled abroad, it was only to other magical shopping malls where they came from their summer homes in different parts of the world. Daphne cursed her stepmother because she lost her summer residence in Italy and Greece because of her, when she sold them to have her splendid celebrations and tea parties.

Astronomy was taught at the highest Hogwarts Tower. When Hadrian arrived there with the rest of the Slytherins, students from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw waited there. Of course, Malfoy couldn't help but open his purebred mouth.

"Look, incompetent bookworms and a bunch of guys, there's no animals without brains," he said, bringing not only their attention to them, but also insulting them all.

"Draco, close the beak before I close it for you. Right now, you're the only one who's acting here like he doesn't have a brain. If you continue to do this and try to continue to cause controversy and problems among students regardless of their college, you won't like the consequences, "Hadrian warned coldly, staring into the blond's eyes. Draco quickly realized he was moving on very thin ice, literally, so he took a step back and rather quietly talked with his entourage.

"On behalf of the Slytherin College, I apologize for one of us. His influential parents seem to have cared only for their social life and forgot to teach their son the basic social rules of behavior. If any of our college students are going to be in trouble in the future, do not be afraid to contact me, "Hadrian said to the students of the two tracks and bowed slightly to them.

"What, Potter, are you asking everyone to be forgiven for being a slimy snake?" A new voice came out, no one but the youngest Weasley at Hogwarts.

"Weasley, I have absolutely no need to apologize for being a Slytherin; after all, there is absolutely nothing wrong with ambition, being ambitious and cunning, although it is true that some of our college members are missing these qualities. Otherwise, for your information, the snakes are not slimy, you are wrong with the earthworms, which are unfortunately not snakes, "Hadrian said, nodding to his Gryffindor friends.

"Everyone knows that Slytherin is full of sorcerers and followers of You-Know-Who!" Weasley shouted.

"Sorry, I don't really know who the followers are. And if you have nothing intelligent to share with us, keep silent before you make yourself a much bigger fool, "Hadrian told him, noting that their professor of Astronomy was coming down the corridor.

"No wonder you're in Slytherin, Potter. You-You-You-Who tried to kill you anyway because he knew you'd be his competition. Only the Dark Lord can kill another Dark Lord! "He said triumphantly, but the smile crossed him instantly.

"Ten points from Gryffindor for your unfounded and unintelligent insults, Mr. Weasley. I am also sure that you will be very happy to present your theory to the director Dumbledore, who defeated the last Dark Lord Grindelwald. I'd like to see you tell our director he is also the Dark Lord. Now, all up the stairs and prepare your star observation workplace! "Professor Sinistrate said, and Weasley was paler than Malfoy.

Each student found a place at a free table that was tall to their elbows, and exactly one star map, inkwell, quill and some drawing tools came in on him.

"Today we will learn how to use your binoculars properly. I will teach you how to draw into the star map what you see in the sky and over time you will learn to name each of the important stars. However, we will not only study the stars, but also the planets and their moons. Now I'm going to go around all of you and check if you have the appropriate equipment for my lessons, "she told them, not even imagining, and she probably didn't see any need for it.

Hadrian spent most of his time watching the stars and wondering if there was intelligent life somewhere between distant light dots and what it would be like to travel through space. The only thing that kept him from watching the stars was the occasional clouds that floated across the night sky.

"Mr. Malfoy, I understand that you wanted to impress your classmates with your gold-plated telescope, but this one is completely non-functional. Wrap your stuff and write a letter to your parents for the rest of the hour to send you a new and functional telescope. I'll check your letter at the end of the lesson. If you don't have functional aids for the next hour of Astronomy, I'll let you drop out of my subject, "Professor warned him, and Draco preferred not to say a single word, he had enough problems.

"You're the last one, Mr. Potter. I see you have the same model as Miss Dagworth-Granger? "Asked the professor.

"Yes. One of the less powerful Muggle telescopes without electronics, when we were told that no electronics were working at Hogwarts. However, the Dealer has refused to enchant us, so we wanted to ask you if you are capable of knowing who would do it for us, of course we will pay for it with Tamara, "Hadrian told her immediately.

"I'll take care of their enchantment, Mr. Potter. However, in return you lend me your binoculars for this school year, of course you will get it back for hours. I'd like to test his full potential before I decide to buy my own, "she offered, and he stepped forward. He would be crazy if he didn't, because it wasn't worth it, and he didn't have to pull his own telescope at the Astronomical Tower , his professor will do it for him.

At the end of the lesson, none of the students looked too conscious, after all, it was almost midnight and none of them were used to being awake for so long. None of them thought much about anything, especially that they got into their beds and fell into them in different clothes.

Abyss - Korea:

First, nothing could be found in the dark room, but the opposite was true when several cones of light came on from the ceiling. One cone illuminated the oval table while a few other cones illuminated the figures sitting on the chairs around the table. No character could be identified in any way than the animal masks, which were the only visible sign, everything else was covered in black uniforms.

A holographic globe also appeared in the center of the table, but it did not point to the borders of the countries but rather to the boundaries of the Abyss and its division among the most powerful groups.

"Why were we summoned like this at the beginning of the month?" Asked the figure with the gorilla mask.

"We have a possible destination in England. It took us a moment to rule out all the possibilities before we reached the result. The Orcs bought the magic books of two spontaneous summons from the Abyss Auctions and sold several Souls of Souls on the Auction, "the figure with the crocodile mask replied.

"Interestingly. Did you figure out who it was for? "Asked the man with the clown mask.

"It took a while, but at 95% we came to the conclusion that Tamara Dagworth-Granger, the heir of the family who was considered extinct a month ago, was the recipient. If someone other than those of the first-generation chopsticks were the recipient, the Orcs would contact Abyss Auctions much earlier for them. The ability to use spontaneous summons belongs only to those who have years of experience and experience with the element, "the crocodile replied.

"What do we know about her?" A person with a tiger mask said, not knowing if she was a woman or a man.

"Her mother is dead, her father is an untrained partial sensor. Tamara herself is very intelligent, and has also attended martial arts courses for several years. Our agents have found that he often moves in Hadrian James Potter. Tamara also has a cousin, Hermione Granger, who is a little older and also the first generation of magic wand users, "the crocodile reported and flipped through his agents' messages to find something he would be interested in.

"Potter ?! Any connection with Charlus Potter? "Asked the man with the shark mask.

"Eee, yes here it is. Hadrian Potter, James Charlie Potter's dreams and Lilian Alexandra Evans-Potter. Charlus Potter is his father's grandfather, why do you care? "The crocodile asked.

"Because, you dun, Charlus Potter was the Grand Master of the Dragon Wrath. When we had kidnapped Doreu Black many years ago, we had no idea she was married to Charlie Potter. To get her back, he and the Dragon Wrath Legion went through all of Europe and Asia, and the only one of our branches did not survive the Legion. Maybe Charlus may be dead, but I guarantee you that the Legion still exists, not to mention what the Black House sent against us to get their daughter back. Forget about the girl, it has no value to risk our destruction, especially when we are so close to completing all the preparations, "the shark announced, and those who knew the Company's history were very uncomfortable.

"Why the Dragon Wrath?" The gorilla asked.

"For two reasons. Everything that came in their way was burned to ashes, including the world's most durable materials. The second reason is much easier to understand. The Potter family has special artifacts that allow their user to turn into dragon forms, but with a human mind. We gave them the Legion of Dragon Wrath, despite the fact that there were only thirteen of them, but their power and power matched our legions of best employees, "the shark explained, and the beam of light around his place faded, meaning he had left the meeting.

"I have decided. We will both observe them when possible, but we will take no action against them. The meeting is over, "the jester decided, and the light cone illuminated his place and the others did not wait long, and the meeting room sank back into the darkness.

You slept in your bed. HP and MP are fully restored.

The two-hour Black Magic Defense at Ravenclaw Students was nothing Hadrian was going to repeat, but he had to accept that by the end of the school year he would have to spend time with the arrogant Hermione Granger, who knows best. Not only did she talk to Quirrell for two hours and ask him about things they hadn't discussed yet, but she didn't let anyone else in the class answer Quirrell's only question.

"Merlin, Morgana, Maeve, please don't be with her in herbalism," muttered Hadrian to himself.

"So will I join this prayer too," Daphne said, who, despite her cool mask, had difficulty controlling her emotions, and Granger had deprived them of her dormitory with her screaming when she didn't give anyone the opportunity to answer questions and earn them.

"Heheh, I hope Sprout puts her together with Malfoy," Tracey chuckled.

"Grr, in which case I don't know who to regret, if Granger or Malfoy?" Hadrian asked her, but he didn't get the answers because she rang for an hour and Professor Sprout pushed them into the first greenhouse where she split the students into pairs as she recorded her attendance. .

Daphne was lucky when she was assigned to Lisa Turpina, one of the two girls who came from the Noble House in the first year of Ravenclaw. Tracey finished in a pair with Michael Corner, who was just like her with her blood status. Tracey also guessed it when Hermione was connected with Draco and Hadrian knew it would be a problem.

He himself was assigned to Anthony Goldstein, who was not very pleased, and had some mocking comments and hints about him. Herbalism was better than OPČM, mainly because Prýtová gave them work to fertilize and irrigate all the plant pots she had prepared for their desks.

Anthony Tony Goldstein

Age: 11

Title: Magician

Blood Status: Half Blood

Level: 10

HP: 1,000

MP: 1,000

Info: Despite the fact that Anthony is half blood, his ancestors come from a purebred family of Teutonic Knights. Anthony is very arrogant and thinks he's better than everyone around him because of his ancestors' origins and he hates the fact that he's not Purebred and blames his Muggle-born mother for that.

These information about his partner told him everything he needed to know. There will definitely be no friendship between him and Tony, though if he could, he would be ready to use it. That is why he acted with him without any emotion, and so that he would not be envious of him if he no longer considered him as an enemy with the way he treated him.

Hadrian had a lot of experience with this kind of work and it didn't matter if it was a magical or non-magical plant. True, the fertilizer was different, but basically it was exactly the same and when he could grow his own garden, he had no problem with it. As a result, he also earned ten points for his college, and Anthony also earned them to work together, but more importantly, he earned some points while Granger had no chance of getting one with how she kept silently arguing with Malfoy.

When they finally rang for a break, they all went to their dormitories. They had no more teaching that day, so the entire group of Hadrian had also met in the Entrance Hall. Their modified schedule now contained two hours of physical training, and because it was nice outside, they headed for the Black Lake.

"Now what?" Dafne asked, looking around and seeing no reason to be on the lake beach.

"We'll have a warm-up warm-up, and then Tamara and I will show you a martial arts duel that we've been studying for years. However, we will not want you to do anything like that, only if you are interested, we will teach you the basics of self-defense. However, I hope that over time, we could teach you how to play out, football, volleyball and maybe even badminton, "Hadrian said.

"I would add gymnastics, endurance running and maybe even dance? Dance helps in coordinating movements and I'd like to learn more than one or two basic dances I can, "Tamara added.

"I will be happy to teach you dancing, I can do all that is required in the wizarding society," Daphne said immediately.

"Okay, we have a basic plan. We could dance later in the days when the weather is bad. Otherwise, please try to imitate me just as you can and we will advise Tamara if you can't handle it. Fay and Samantha should already know this from elementary school, "Hadrian said and began to instruct them as if he were back in Doju and led a warm-up. Of course, he missed a little of it and added more, especially to ensure that every exercise went through and explained its benefits.

Six students spent an hour at the lake before returning to their dorms to wash and head for the lunch that most of the school had taken, but they decided to have it later. After lunch, they headed to the library to complete all tasks and prepare for the next day's lessons.

It was only the third day, but everyone was getting into a routine very quickly. Of course, Hadrian had his duties as a member of the Council of Seven, so at five o'clock he had to be back in the arena to watch the fourth year of the rest of the Council, where Lucian Bole had to defend his place in the Council in third place. If he lost, he would not only lose his position in the Council, but Gemma would return to her seat and the new representative would take the fourth seat instead of the third seated on Lucian.

Fortunately, the fights lasted only an hour, and Hadrian could embark on another survey of the dungeons. He found many staircases to the lower floors, but he wanted to map the top floor first and gradually go down. Moreover, because he was with 24/7 Tamara in the group, he could see how she explored the fifth and sixth floors.

He had no idea how Tamara had done it, but he had teleported from his room to places on the map, where he had finished his research last day and walked down the corridor deeper into the unexplored parts of the castle.

"Lumos!" He activated the Spell, which lit up the end of his wand. It was one of the six spells he found the Spells in the Library. he wouldn't like to crash into the walls or any other obstacle he couldn't see in the dark, but for this spell he saw the use of the battle, he had to use a lot of magic to activate the spell, and the weak spell became a powerful flash that would blind his opponent. He himself experienced it or rather his eyes when he experimented with this spell and blinded himself for a few very long minutes.

He looked around carefully and tried to notice every detail, for he was no longer fond of hitting the dead ends without a single purpose. He was just in one of those dead ends, and he didn't believe there was nothing. So he activated his Magic Vision, whose level has increased to 15 levels in the last days. He could no longer see pure magic in one color, but he already distinguished three colors.

Hadrian quickly discovered that there was a certain amount of magic in every wall of the castle, but it was below the surface of the walls where no one could touch it. However, five meters back to the end of the corridor, he spotted magic directly on the wall, so he went to the place. He had to scrape a little dirt out of the wall to see the tiny engraving of a snake under his light from his wand.

"Open the SS!" He commanded in the Serpentine language, and a passage appeared on the bare wall, which he would not normally notice or register, because it was the same passage as on Platform 9 and 3/4. , therefore, without hesitation, despite the fact that he did not know what was on the other side.

As he walked to the other side of the wall, he found himself in a room of four meters in length and width. The room was completely bare, except for the smaller chest that stood on the ground just in the middle of the room.

Congratulation! He discovered one of the many secret treasure rooms. However, know that you are not the first to reveal some of the secret rooms and have already taken the treasure!

Reward: 500 exp

This message was quite pleasing to him because his efforts had finally paid off, but the school had been around for about a millennium, and several dozen students with the Snake tongue had to walk through its walls. So he could only hope that he would be lucky. Or he could help. So he looked at his profile and invested all twenty Points Points in LUK, which meant he had a total of forty luck points.

He achieved 40 LUK points. You get a 15% chance of a better loot from killed monsters or discovered treasure!

This message pleased him, and although 15% wasn't much, it was still a chance. He walked over to the chest and had to kneel to her to open it.

He opened the Treasure Chest! You earn the following rewards:

500 Galleons

Book of Experience - 1x

Magic Ruby (lvl. 1) - 1x

Golden Key - 1x

Five hundred golds were always good, but he had no idea what other things were, so he used his Observation Skill on each of them.

The Book of Experience

Info: The Book of Experience is a special disposable artifact. Using the player will receive 5 levels of Skill, Magic Skill, or Spell he chooses.

Note: If the Experience Book is used for Skill, Magic Skill or Magic that has less than 5 levels to its maximum level, unused levels will be lost forever!

Do you wish to use the Book of Experience?

Yes No

For the time being, he chose NO, because he didn't want to hurry anything, so he put the Book of Experience in Inventory. He took the gem in his hand and found out what he was.

Magic Ruby (lvl. 1)

Info: The Magic Ruby is a gem in which magic can be stored for worse times. This Magic Ruby has level 1, so it's not rare. To get a higher level, you need to combine three Magic Rubies of the same level.

Use: The Magic User must be in contact with the Magic Ruby to insert or vacuum magic into it. The most common use is to place Magic Ruby in a special place in the pocket size of your clothes, insert it into jewelry or insert it into a special belt.

Capacity: 300 MP

When he first saw the name Magic Ruby, he thought it would be a gem with magical qualities, as if resistance to fire magic, increased strength, and so on, did not expect it to be a magic battery. He opened his Inventory to inspect the things he was wearing and found that he was unable to insert the gem into any of them. Moreover, he had no idea how to create pocket dimensions despite the fact that his inventory was one of those.

However, the Magic Ruby had to be in contact with his person to use it. Meanwhile, he could hang it around his neck if he had somehow bandaged it, but there was a risk that someone would steal it or lose it somewhere. For the time being, he also hid it in his Inventory, where he had a huge number of things and decided to do it later. He still had two computer assemblies in it that he honestly forgot.

Finally, he focused on the Golden Key.

Golden Key

Info: The Golden Key is a special key that needs to be opened to open the Treasure Chest. Outside of the Golden Keys, there are a number of other keys to open the Treasure Chests.

Hadrian looked at the chest he had opened himself, and this time he had found out about it.

Treasure Chest

Type: Unlocked Chest

Info: This Treasure Chest is common and there is no key to unlock it. Each Treasure Chest contains gold and a random key. It may or may not include a variety of Books, Artifacts, Jewelry, or Gems.

Hadrian laughed briefly because he was really lucky to get two extra items than normal. When he saw nothing else in the room, he went back to the corridor and looked at the map to orient himself again. He noticed that the secret room was now visible on his map, but there was a picture of an open chest above which a lightning rune hovered, just as he had on his forehead.

Because he had discovered one secret room, he decided to search for the already explored dead ends he had previously rejected. Still with the Magical Vision, he teleported from one place to another.

That evening Hadrian was lucky because he found four more secret rooms, but on the other hand he was out of luck because all four rooms were already discovered by someone. Two discovered by someone to whom his map was assigned a half-triangle sign with a circle inside. The other two rooms were discovered by Voldemort, at least judging by the skull's emblem with the serpent that emerged from her mouth.

He also checked the rest of the dead ends, but found nothing else, so he packed that day and decided to continue over the next few days.

You slept in your bed. HP and MP are fully restored.

Upon waking up, Hadrian forgave the morning survey, only following his usual exercise. He also changed his mind at bedtime before investing the Book of Experience. He considered many possibilities, but finally decided to increase the level of Magic Vision. It was an important ability for him to get to the maximum level as quickly as possible. As a result, he had Magical Vision at level 20.

The first two hours were the History of Lines and Spells, where Binns actually taught what was important to their education. No one dared to fall asleep and everyone made honest notes and notes from the lecture their professor had for them. Binns had no task for them at the end of the two-hour session, but pointed out that five-minute tests await them the next hour, giving them one main question and a bonus question to improve their grades or earn bonus points for their college when they answer the main question to 98 to 100 percent.

Hadrian and Tamara and their study group arrived at the Library as they used to during their free hours and embarked on a study of a foreign language at a larger table in one remote corner. Each of them had a little bit of French, so they decided to talk to each other mainly in this language. The second free lesson they had devoted themselves to Latin to improve the pronunciation of spells and read in really old books that were written in Latin. Tamara had it much easier than their friends, indeed they had the Skill of the Nation, which allowed them to learn any language extremely fast.

After two free hours at the Library, six students headed to the Great Hall for lunch, where everyone settled down at Gryffindor Table. When Tamara and the girls could sit at the Slytherin Table, he and Daphne and Tracey could sit at the Gryffindor Table. Moreover, to make matters worse, everyone was still talking to each other in French, so almost nobody understood them.

"What is this bunch of slimy snakes doing here?" Cried the youngest Weasley at Hogwarts as he walked into the Great Hall a quarter of an hour later and noticed three students at their desk in other college colors.

"We are not in the mood for your childish outbursts, shut your beak and let us eat, Ronald!" Tamara immediately said, unable to bear the redhead.

"You shut up, you Muggle shit! This is the Gryffindor table, these treacherous snakes don't have anything to look for! "Weasley protested at once, and Hadrian looked at the professor's desk to see if any of them were going to deal with it.

"Weasley, being you, I apologize very quickly. Indeed, Tamara is the heir of the Noble Dagworth-Granger House. Insults to any heir may result in a Clash of Honor, and I doubt you would have a chance in anything like that, after all, your clock results are totally disastrous, and I'm afraid you'd stick your eye with your wand before you can cast a single spell. "If you apologize for your vulgar speech, Tamara will sit down and eat your own lunch, understand it!" Hadrian said coldly, and the air around them was very cool and he activated his Magical Auru to not think Weasley thought he had the upper hand. .

"I'm sorry," Ronald sputtered with hatred in his voice and marched to the other side of the table to find support from his eldest brother at Hogwarts.

"Who the hell is he? The boy will still be very surprised when I finish with him, "Tamara murmured angrily, and the air around them warmed again very quickly.

"If you like, I'd like to teach you a few spells I've learned to get rid of annoying idiots if they want to try," Daphne offered.

"I'll join in because I want to curse the idiot, even here in front of everyone," Tracey said, and Fay and Samantha nodded in agreement.

"Today, after Transfiguration, we quickly complete our tasks and then find one of the unused classrooms. In return, I would like to teach you one or two spells I have discovered in the Library, "Tamara replied gratefully, and Hadrian watched the five girls join together for a single purpose. He didn't care much about himself, but he had to be careful not to turn against No one had ever known them, the only bad word and anger of five girls would be a great pain to him.

Fortunately, the Hour of Magic Formulas came fast enough to stop thinking about possible scenarios in which five girls would be targeted. However, Professor Flitwick did not discuss any new stuff and let them all practice the levitation spell. Those who did this last hour practiced formulas on larger or heavier subjects to improve, while others tried to make the feather in the air.

The next hour of Transfiguration was in a similar vein, but there they tried to turn the match into a needle much faster, and Professor McGonagall urged them to work on the details of their resulting transformation. Hadrian shocked her when he pointed a needle at the end of the hour, which was wrapped around a small snake from the middle. He had his head resting on the top of his eye, and his tongue was missing. He had earned ten points for Slytherin from her, and to make Tamara so far, she had created a winged lion at the top of her needle that was different from the Gryffindor coat of arms, but she herself had earned ten points.

Thanks to that she joyfully stuck her tongue out on Hadrian to show him that he was as good as him. He didn't just like it, and as everyone rose to leave the classroom after the break began, he let her shoe soles to the floor and she couldn't move out of place.

Tamara looked at him angrily and wrapped her legs with her elemental flames before extinguishing them quickly and coming out sharply.

"This means war, Potter!" She said, and Hadrian knew it was next, right after Weasley.

"In that case, I won't make it any easier for you." He said, watching as the Tamara's icon disappeared. She wanted to say something to him, but Hadrian stepped into one of the many niches, and as soon as no one saw him, he teleported to the library where he was safe. that while five girls go to the Library, Tamara convinces them to help her in revenge against him.

"Hey, how did you get here so fast? Have you been to us all the time and now are you already here? "Tracey asked, looking at him first at their study table.

"The magician will never reveal his tricks, my dear," Hadrian blinked at her, and Tracey pursed her lips, wondering if he would pass if he kissed her when she pouted the lips, but didn't want to risk another's anger.

"What have you done to Tamara to declare war on you?" Asked Dafne, who first settled in and pulled out her study materials to complete the tasks. She wanted to have a free weekend for her own plans and agreed to finish all tasks on time and prepare for the next day it was more useful than wasting time in the common room where she would have to listen to Malfoy and his like-minded people.

Despite being allied with Hadrian, she made many enemies in their year. Fortunately, everyone could see that the Silver Queen of Slytherin took it under his protection, and there was no one in Slytherin who dared to go directly against her, no one who was intelligent enough and intelligence was something that much of their college lacked.

"Whatever you do, you don't have to worry about us, don't you?" None of us will go against one of the Councils, "Tracey assured him.

"I thought she wanted to play Tamara when she stuck my tongue out on me. Just by chance, I could arrange for her soles to be frozen to the ground with her shoe, and she couldn't move out of her place, "he said lightly, but it was clear that he was just a mask and still fear what Tamara would prepare for him.

"I thought you knew each other for a long time? Why would she declare war on you? I myself might have paid you something similar, but still, "Tracey said, watching the three Gryffindor girls come to their table and all sat in their usual places. Tamara smiled too joyfully and Fay and Sam looked surprised and every now and then they looked at him and then at something invisible in front of him, wondering for a moment before he realized what Tamara had done, and she invited them to the Group, not only revealing her secrets, but also revealing his, whether it be was deliberately or not.

Fay Dunbar

Age: 11

Class: Temporary Gamer

Title: Sorceress

Blood Status: Muggle-born

Level: 10

HP: 1,000

MP: 1,000

Info: Fay Dunbar is the first wizard in her family, at least what she knows. An inheritance test can reveal many secrets. There were many strange things around Fay in his youth, but as she grew up on a farm, she never came into contact with bullying because of her differences. She also loves the presence of any animals because of her childhood and can't wait to start the magical study. In addition to animal friends, her only friends are Samantha Krej and Tamara Dagworth-Granger.

Samantha Krej

Age: 11

Class: Temporary Gamer

Title: Sorceress

Blood Status: Muggle-born

Level: 12

HP: 1,200

MP: 1,200

Samantha is the oldest of the three sisters and hopes her sisters are wizards to share this wonderful gift with them. Only their mother educates Samantha and her sisters, their father died in the service. Samantha comes from the Netherlands and her family moved to England five years ago, a year after her father's death. Samantha discovered her gift when she rescued her sister from colliding with a careless cyclist and since then she has trained him to control Telekinesis's ability.

Her current friends are Fay Dunbar and Tamara Dagworth-Granger. For his friends, he also considers Tracey Davis and Dafne Greengrass, whom he admires very much with Hadrian Potter.

Start a Telepathic Call - Tamara! He thought, waiting for Tamara to accept it.

"What are you going to give up before the war between us started?" Tamara asked him immediately.

"Are you crazy? Not only did you reveal them, but she also revealed my secret! Don't you understand what they are capable of in Abyss? If they get only one message of what we can do, they won't stop before they get us for their perverted plans! "We don't even reach the heels of any of the Abysss, and you told us two girls you know barely a few days ago!" Hadrian said, hoping Tamara would understand the dangers she was exposed to.

"I believe both of you and you know, they both made a Confidentiality Pledge." If they try to talk to us about someone who does not know our secret, they will lose all the knowledge associated with that promise. In addition, they have limited abilities for as long as they are with me in a group, losing everything they can now access when dissolved. So you don't have to worry, they only know you're The Gamer. Moreover, I do not intend to hide anything from my friends! "She replied immediately, and he was satisfied with their promise, but he didn't like it anyway.

"Oh, when do you add Daphne to Tracey to your group? Or are they not your good friends? "Hadrian screamed as he was still angry, despite making sure they were not in danger, because she had decided to do so without him.

"Daphne with Tracey are my friends, but you explained to me how it goes in Slytherin and will still be loyal to you and it doesn't fit me into our war." I promised to show you I'm a better player, and with the help of Fay and Sam, I'm going to overtake you very quickly. You should be aware of the fact that more is going on in more, "Tamara replied, ending their telepathic conversation before he could say anything else.

It was true that more was going on in more, but until Tamara entered his life, he was more of a loner, which was the first because of Dudley, but later it suited him. He would definitely have to meditate on the coming evening. He knew that every hour Tamara could get some exps for absolutely anything and get level 17, which was just two levels behind him.

It occurred to him that he could invite Amanda, who had level 21 to her group, but was still unsure of what she wanted, except for trying to seduce him with her body to tell her the secret behind her ice attacks. Something had already explained to her, but he didn't know if it was enough or not.

"Are you all right?" Tracey asked him after Tamara and Fay and Sam had left and they were still at Dafne's table.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just have to think about something. Do you want to help with something or are you still planning to meet Tamara, where do you teach her some revenge spells against Weasley? "Hadrian asked Daphne.

"I gave my word so I can help her today and teach her a few spells, but don't you want me to help her?" Daphne asked, not wanting to lose Hadrian's help when she needed her in Slytherin.

"Cool. I see that I have a little more than an hour's time if you'll excuse me, "said Hadrian, packed his belongings and left the Library to teleport to his room in the first niche, where he changed quickly and teleported again, this time to He was about to find another secret room, and five more fights awaited him, this time the fifth year, where Gemma had to defend his place. by the magnitude of the level, rather by the quality of things, Spells, Magic Skills, etc. Once the Sorcerer will have far more magic and believed that he would unlock other benefits associated with the next level of his magical potential.

You slept in your bed. HP and MP are fully restored.

Morning warm-up, shower and preparation for Potions. That was Friday morning, and Hadrian couldn't stop smiling. Last night he found five secret rooms, only one was discovered by someone with a triangular sign. He found three Unlocked Chests, and although he no longer found another Book of Experience, he found Magic Sapphire (lvl. 1) and Magic Diamond (lvl. 1) that had the same characteristics as Magic Ruby (lvl. 1). In addition, a total of 1,500 gold coins. One Bronze Key and Two Silver Keys. He used one of the Silver Keys when he found the Silver Treasure Chest.

Silver Treasure Chest

Type: Locked Chest - Silver Key

Info: The Silver Treasure Chest is less rare and requires a specific key to unlock it. Each Silver Treasure Chest contains gold, a random key, and a magic item. It may or may not include a variety of Books, Artifacts, Jewelry, or Gems.

He received a total of 2,000 gold from this chest, making a total of four thousand galleons from the discovered chests. Next, he got the Platinum Key and Magic Amethyst (lvl. 2).

Magic Amethyst (lvl. 2)

Info: Magical Amethyst is a gem in which magic can be stored for worse times. This Magic Amethyst has level 2, so it's not rare. To get a higher level, you need to combine three Magic Amethysts of the same level.

Use: The Magic User must be in contact with Magic Amethyst to insert or vacuum magic into it. The most common use is to place Magic Amethyst in a special place in the pocket size of your clothes, insert it into jewelry, or insert it into a special belt.

Capacity: 700 MP

However, his most important subject was a coiled dragon ring that was bitten into its own tail.

The Ring of Dragon Breed

Type: Extremely rare magic artifact

Owner: Dragonius Potter (former), Hadrian Potter

Info: This artifact was created by its first owner to fight the war against the Dark Lord, calling thousands of Inferi into his service. Dark Lord Necros was a mighty Necromancer who could summon the whole legions of bone warriors and undead phantoms. Dragonius Potter created this artifact, in which he bound the magic core of the Chinese Heavenly Dragon to rule over the dragon flames and destroy the undead armies of the Dark Lord Necros.

Ability: The Ring Holder can use the Dragon Flame Magic up to three times a day. The Dragon Flame is a magical flame that only the Cursed or Angelic Fire is equal to. Whatever comes into contact with him has no chance of surviving. The dragon's flame is active as long as it is within the reach of the undead creature.

Restrictions: Magic Level - Wizard

Although he couldn't use it because he wasn't a Wizard anymore, but at least he learned something about one of his father's ancestors from his family. When he also studied the map of the dungeons in more detail, he found that he was missing much of his survey on the current floor. He intended to spend this afternoon completing a survey of the first floor of the dungeon before exploring the lower floors where many staircases led. He had no idea that every staircase led to his own floor and so on.

When Salazar Slytherin built the dungeons, he was going to make a maze out of him, where no one could know without a map. Because of that, she was also unkempt, because no one was going there, and no one dared to investigate places where nobody was hundreds of years old.

"Everybody in!" Snape rushed to his classroom and grounded his murderous eyes to students who were too loud. He stood by the door himself, counting his students to know if everyone was there, although no one dared to come to his classes.

"You may have noticed that there are signs with your names on the benches. From this day on, you will be sitting exactly where I have determined and will only change if I choose myself. Snape ordered them as he slammed the classroom door behind him and stood in front of his desk dramatically.

"Maybe none of you have, but there's no silly wand waving in these hours. You are here to learn the ancient art of potions. Those of you who have the talent for this art will be able to prepare fame, fame, and even save death in crystal bottles, unless you are a herd of stubborns I have to teach every year, "he said, and no one dared to speak. from the first benches on the right side of the classroom, most Slytherins were behind him in pairs, only he was alone.Tamara even sat with Fay and Sam in a triple bench because there was also an odd number.

"Dagworth-Granger, heir to the founder of the Potion Guild." See if you are incompetent as your Muggle Father, or there is a little inheritance in you. What do I get if I add the crushed root of the asphodel to the wormwood leachate? "Snape blurted out and decided that if he couldn't attack Potter, he would take the Gryffindor College as he used to, and because there was Tamara with his highly respected name this year. Indeed, he was also aware of the dispute between Dagworth-Granger and Potter, so he intended to deepen the gap between them.

"Strong sleeping potion," Tamara replied, and Snape snorted.

"Insufficient. Snape said to Hadrian, who was first surprised, but quickly recovered.

Optional Task: Answer questions!

Professor Snape decided to test you out of Potions knowledge. Answer his questions and not only do you deserve a little respect, you will also get a reward.

Reward: 5 Dormitory Points to answer each question

Task Failure: - 10 Dormitory Points for Not Answering Each Question

Do you wish to accept this Optional Task?

Yes No

Of course, he accepted the assignment, although it was a bit risky because he had no idea what questions he would receive, but he was not going to be intimidated. Indeed, he knew the answer to the first question.

"They are the two main ingredients in a potion called Live Death Dish. This potion is so strong that anyone who drinks it will feel the world dead. Legends and myths about this potion are still known in the Muggle world, even though they are hidden in metaphors. The most famous is the fairy tale of the Rosary, "Hadrian replied.

"Indeed. Miss Dagworth-Granger, where do you find a bezoar and what is his purpose? "Snape asked the next question.

"It's a stone in the goat's stomach and serves as an antidote to most poisons," Tamara replied, hoping it would be enough.

"Potter! "What do you know about the bezoar and don't bother repeating just what has been said," Snape said, and Hadrian nodded.

"Bezoár is an object similar to stone, which is created by the chemical process in the stomach of Mountain Goat or Mountain Chamois. During the chemical process, medicinal herbs and their magic are distributed with the help of gastric juices, which convert the healing magic into a solid substance. One to three bezoars can be found in a single subject depending on their age. Bezoar alone is able to eliminate the effects of almost all poisons, but he is unable to completely eliminate it from the poisoned body, so preparation of an appropriate antidote is necessary. Bezoár is used in the preparation of general antidotes, but also in some specialized antidotes. Nevertheless, the Bezoar is totally ineffective against poisons and potions that contain dragon blood or poison basilisk, "Hadrian replied, and was really glad to get ready for Potions ahead. He certainly owed Amanda for her advice on what he should read. Snape he merely nodded at his answer.

"Third and all good, Miss Dagworth-Granger. Snape asked, and Hadrian turned to see Tamara, who was furious with herself, though it wasn't much to see. He had known her for years, so he knew her moods, no matter that the more she controlled her element of fire, the more explosive she was.

"In their name, sir?" She snapped, and Snape did not react, just turning to Hadrian.

"Solomon and mordant are one and the same plant, which is also known as omnis." It is an extremely poisonous plant that is used in healing potions. Its effects are also known to Muggles who use it as a local anesthetic in healing, and tuber is used in limited doses to reduce fever temperatures, "Hadrian said.

"Your knowledge doesn't seem to be too worthy of your name, Miss Dagworth-Granger. Although your first two answers were inadequate, your last answer was inappropriate. For your insolence and inability to keep your emotions at bay, I take ten points from Gryffindor. Mr. Potter, I didn't expect it from you, but unlike your idiotic father, you seem to be able to read, and you inherited a little talent from your brilliant mother. Fifteen points to Slytherin for answering all my questions, Snape said, turning to the board where he waved a wand to show a recipe and a procedure to cook a simple potion to treat ulcers.

Congratulation! Meet Optional Task: Answer Questions!

He gave Professor Snape a satisfactory answer to his three questions and he was properly rewarded accordingly. Now you have his almost irrelevant respect. Keep trying and maybe you get more of his respect and he'll teach you the hidden secrets of his art.

Reward: 15 Knee Points (kb)

The preparation of the potion was not complicated, but it was important to follow the exact procedure with a bit of a sense of detail that Hadrian had gained in chess pieces.

First he poured enough water into the cauldron and gave it a boil. Then he put all the potion ingredients he needed on the table and lined them up in the way they were supposed to come into the potion. He also immediately began to crush six snake teeth and crushed them until they were fine powder.

He poured four scoops of this powder into a boiling water kettle, which he fired to two hundred and fifty degrees Celsius with a magical burner for ten seconds before lowering the temperature and letting the potion boil. He should now wait a little over half an hour before continuing with the original recipe, but he had prepared two hundred grams of dried nettles that had been ground to a fine powder and poured into the cauldron after fifteen minutes and stirred clockwise three times. with the stirrer pulled out at the same spot where he had dipped it into the potion. He also immediately cleaned it with clean water and wiped it with a cloth to prevent any dirt from being added to the potion.

From the addition of the dried nettle, he prepared four horn slugs, which he carefully cleaned of dirt and eighteen minutes from the last step he added all four to the potion. He had to wait until the slugs had boiled and removed the open-fire pot, which he had extinguished. Finally, he added two porcupine spines to it, which instantly dissolved. His final step was to draw the wand and activate the cooling runes on the top of the pot, which was there for beginners who did not know the proper spells to complete the potions without the use of rune magic.

The fact that he had successfully completed the potion was not only known from the pink vapor that rose above his cauldron, but also from the gaming buzz that soon appeared to him.

Congratulation! He cooked his first potion and unlocks the new Menu: Magic Potions Recipes section.

He has successfully prepared an ulcer treatment, get a new recipe!

A special Magic Skill was created by a special act.

For the successful preparation of your first potion, you won the Magic Potion Potions - Beginner Lvl. 1.

Potions - Beginner - Active - Lvl. 1 - Exp: 00.00% - Potions are the magical art of processing magical ingredients to get a special effect that cannot easily be achieved with Magic. A beginner has access to making only basic potions. The higher the MD level, the more complex and advanced the potions will be made available, the potion life will also increase. The life of potions depends on individual potions.

The chance of failure is 50%, with each level the chance is reduced by 2%.

- Number of recipes: 1

- Current chance of success: 52%

- Levels: Beginner - Advanced - Expert - Master

Potion - Potion for the treatment of ulcers

Creator: Hadrian Potter

Info: This potion is the first attempt by Hadrian Potter to cure ulcers, sores and similar ailments.

Lifetime: 14 days

Hadrian was pleased with his work and, as Snape looked like, he also did.

"Whoever has successfully completed his potion will pour it into one crystal vial, which he signs and surrenders it to me for a table." Pour out the rest of the potion! "Hadrian obeyed, except for the potion, where he poured himself two bottles and hid them in his inventory. He wanted to see if the stasis that kept all the food in perfect quality it will also keep the potions in which it has been put in. It would mean that it could supply all the potions regardless of their durability.

Other successful potions were handed over by Tamara with her friends, assisted by a telepathic call. Then Malfoy and Daphne were also successful, and everyone else did not achieve a viable result. Hadrian was just at Snape's desk when an explosion sounded in the classroom. Because he was scared, he drew his wand and created the Ice Shield completely instinctively in the direction of the explosion. However, nothing threatened him, so he canceled it, but the sight of howling Weasley was priceless. Not only had his cauldron melted, he was all soaked in the potion, and red blisters all over his body.

"Idiot fool! Can't you read? Porcupine spines are added after the fire is extinguished! Smith, take him to the infirmary and twenty points from Gryffindor for your incompetence! "Snape raged as he began to repair the damage instantly, especially as the potion spilled over the floor and annoyed the students around the shoe soles.

"Ice Age!" Hadrian used one of his Magical Skills, marking his running enemy as his enemy, so that nothing else in the classroom froze. Snape was then very quickly able to get rid of the disaster Weasley caused.

"Potter, twenty points of Slytherin for your quick help!" Snape said, not even realizing that he had just given a lot of points to a student he hated at the beginning of the week. They all had to quickly hand over their potion samples and everyone who was hit in it. the explosion, he had to head to the infirmary, which meant that only a part of their class was heading for Herbalism, most of them came ten minutes later, but Weasley and Smith didn't show up on the Flying Day that day.

After Herbalism, where Prýtová began teaching them about the effects of various plants in different potions, there was an hour break to have Chemistry, but they used it to write an essay for Snape about the potion they were preparing today and the ingredients they had to use. After lunch, all Gryffindors and Slytherins went to the castle courtyard where Professor Hooch was waiting for them.

The first hour of flying took place without any serious problems, but sometimes the old school broom got bored and one even stopped working, but the professor took care of everything. During the first hour, they focused on the correct grip of the broom and its control, then in the second hour she took them to the Quidditch Playground, where they could try a few rounds around the playground and allowed the more capable individuals to fly.

More than flying itself, Hadrian enjoyed the freedom he had in the air. The magnificent view of the large school grounds did not do any harm either. She was a little disappointed that the second lesson ended so early, but the professor promised them that she would be organizing additional flying lessons on weekends for those interested. As soon as the end of the hour rang, Hadrian paused for a moment, as a new sign appeared, a task he had been honestly forgotten to have.

Congratulation! Meet Optional Task: Everywhere!

He arrived at all hours in time and avoided the adversity of his professors.

Reward: 150 exp * 8 = 1,200 exp + 25% = 1,500 exp



Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: 11

Class: The Gamer

Title: Magician - Council of Seven

Blood Status: Purebred

Level: 19 - Exp: 12.01% (21,500/179,000 exp)

HP: 3,150

MP: 3 810 (+ 1 900 gems)

STR: 68

VIT: 68 (+ 30% HP)

DEX: 70

INT: 115 (+ 40% CTR)

WIS: 65 (- 15% Price)

LUK: 40 (+ 15% chance of better loot)

Status Points: 0 (90 + 5)

Perks Points: 0 (0) \ t


- Snake Language (+ 15% to the power and effect of healing magic, + 20% to the strength and effect of counter-missions)

- Boy-Who-Survivor (+ 25% to Exp of Completed Tasks)

- Heir to the Potter family (+ 15% to the strength of the Defense Against Black Arts spells, + 15% to the Power of Runic Magic)

- Heir to the Black Family (+ 15% to the power of Black Magic spells, + 15% to the power of magic to fight magic creatures)

- Mother's Victim (Temporary Status) (+ 75% Defense against Voldemort, 50% Defense against Death Eaters, 25% Defense against Unmarked Death Eaters)

- Student of First Year (+ 25% to INT and WIS while studying in Hogwarts.

Money: 4,270 L, 20,451 G, 0 AD

Trustee Safe: 202,700 G

Tournament points: 65

Dormitory Points: 105


HP: 555 (1/6 summonera + 15 for each new level)

MP: 665 (1/6 summoner + 15 for each new level)

Level: 3 (1,800 / 10,000 exp)


Hidden Scrolls Spell! (6/100)

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