

"So I was video chatting with my grandma after school yesterday for her to tell me that she had a bad feeling when it came to me." I was talking with Rhett while we were getting our gym clothes.

Rhett Barba was one of the first guy friends I have and the most loyal of them. He's great at almost every sport that gets played in gym class while I'm just trying to catch up. "You know, for your family matriarch she sure is superstitious."

"I know and I don't believe in feelings or hunches about people. I'm believe in what I see. Like Rona Holmgren."

"Holmgren. Why doesn't that name ring a bell. We went to the same elementary school I should know it." Rhett scrunches his nose as he thinks about our newest classmate. "Why, can't I remember...?"

"She left with her family at the end of kindergarten! I don't know how many balls have hit your head Rhett but you're acting like you have dementia." I playfully shove him as we both make it out to the gym court.

Where Rona, Kat, and regretfully Maybelline was already with the other gym participants. We have a new gym teacher this year. Mr. Johanson, who has a whistle he wears around his neck and he likes to use it. "Okay is everybody here?!"

After we all collectively say, "Yeah," he toots his whistle loud and clear.

"Alright, let's start with ten laps around the gym!" When the other kids didn't move, he blew his whistle and hollered, "Not a request. Move it!"

So against my better judgement, I blast ahead of the rest of the class to run alongside Rona. "Hey Ro!" I quickly say as I conserve the rest of my breath towards chugging me forward.

"Hey Kit!" she cheerfully replies and as I take in her blue grey eyes, my heart twinges painfully. My heart is skipping beats, but I'm relishing the pain as it encourages me to keep pace with her.

Meanwhile, Kat is clearly the fastest runner in class. "How was your first day?"

She laughs for a moment. "Good! You should know, we're almost in the same classes." She and Kat are both in my core classes this year.

"Almost, there's some I've missed." Rona smirks at me for a moment before avoiding the gym wall by centimeters. "You good?"

"Yes, I'm good. But I should let you know. I have a boyfriend back in Germany."

"Why would I want to know that?"

"Because," she says as she let's a big huff loose. "You're not the first boy to try and catch up with me, is all."

I laugh as I say, "Okay, I'll admit. I'm trying to catch up with you, Ro." I took a few sips of breath before adding. "However, I know I'm the only boy here who's remembered you by your eyes. Miss Blue Grey!"

"That's not creepy at all," replies Rona as she picks up speed towards the end.

Kat is the first to finish. I catch up with her as she talks with some of the girls from class. "Side bar," I tell Kat as I drag her away for a moment.

"Kit, I thought we agreed side bars are supposed to be done outside of classes--"

"Do you think it's creepy if I remember Rona by her blue grey eyes?" I ask her in a whisper.

"Of course it's creepy, Kit. It would have been much creepier if you told her." I look away from Kat as she chuckles. "You told her, didn't you?"

Kat glances to her left where Rona is, being surrounded by all of the prettiest girls in class. "There is one way to get her attention." Kat's sly look made me smile. "Apologize for saying you remember her by just her eyes alone. Let her know you'd like to get to know her better and...let her know that since we broke up, you've been completely devastated."


Before I realized what was happening, Kat pushed me away by my shoulders. "I told you what we have is over Kit! It was just a summer fling!"

I have to admit I've sort of corrupted Kat somewhat. My best friend wasn't as nearly good at acting before I came along. I take full credit as I focused my own feelings of pride into what I hope was a look of disappointment. "But Kat, I miss you!" I say with anguish.

"Then miss me somewhere else," she replies.

Damn, I didn't think Kat could sound so cold. I slump my shoulders and walk towards Rhett. Rhett raises his eyebrows at me.

"A bond moment for you guys?" asks Rhett. Rhett means James Bond. That's what he calls our various pranks/missions: bond moments.

"Yes, and I hope it works."

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