
Ch. 76: Lord Jorge De Silva

"Good Evening Prince Iren, Sir Toval." Jorge spoke with a titillating accent, one that was sure to drive women wild. "I was making rounds about the dance hall when I couldn't help but notice this beauty . . . Prince Iren, would you be so kind as to introduce your friends to me?"

Iren rolled his eyes but politely introduced us all. Once Iren got to me, the man named Jorge gave a seductful once-over, eyeing all my curves like he could see me undressed. I tilted an eyebrow at his obvious lewd attention - Apparently this guy didn't want to keep his eyesight.

Iren was about to introduce Jorge to us, but the man beat him to it, "My name is Lord Jorge De Silva, Son of Papalo De Silva, heir apparent of Loveta. Lady Ezran . . . What a beautiful name. Is it really true that you are the Champion that bested Gorvant's famed Lord, passed the trials of Silvantia, and also led the battle of Bargona, Tyslantavia and Grimmheim?"

I gave a bored look, holding back a grimace, "What of it?"

Jorge lowered his eyelashes giving a seductive smile, "It's just a pleasure to be in the presence of a Lady who not only has the looks of an angel but can hold her own in battle. A woman such as yourself would be terribly passionate, I'm sure."

Richie held back a laugh as Iren's eyes nearly popped out in surprise. Toval gave a smirk while looking up at Rodair, making sure the big guy didn't immediately rip this guy apart. Rodair was giving the guy a cold glare but he didn't do anything. He knew I could handle my own, at least I hope he did. We were in a public setting and I'd hate for him to get overprotective here.

I rolled my eyes, turning my attention back to the wanna-be casanova, "I'm not fond of such obvious flattery, Lord Jorge. Perhaps you should focus your attentions elsewhere - There are plenty more desirable ladies here for you to seduce."

Jorge raised his eyebrows in surprise, however he was not deterred. Instead, he straightened to his full height, looked around then looked back down at me with a smile, "Hmm, there are many more ladies here but I'm afraid that all of them pale in comparison to your beauty . . . How about we discuss this in more detail over a dance? One small dance wouldn't hurt and maybe m'lady would be more receptive once you got to know me more personally, hmm? I happen to be VERY persuasive." His suggestive accent put a sexual spin on each syllable.

Almost laughing at his confidence, I was actually slightly impressed; He was putting himself out there even after getting shot-down.

I gave a small smile, "I appreciate the offer, but I don't dance."

Jorge returned my smile, then turned to Illana, "Is this true? Does the renowned Lady Ezran not like to dance?"

Why would he ask her? I guess he thought his charms would tempt her, which was kind of working cause Illana's face turned crimson, "Umm, I'm not sure. Honestly I've never seen m'lady dance before."

His seductive gaze looked deep at Illana, "I thought women were fond of dancing . . . Do you like to dance Ms. Illana?"

It was apparent Illana was trapped in the alluring gaze, "Yes, very much so."

Richie and I gave each other that knowing look. We'd seen this act before in the brothel house - There were occasional men like him who could make any woman swoon. Too bad it didn't work on Eurasion women.

"Then perhaps you could convince your friend that a dance might be just the thing she needs to make this an unforgettable night." Jorge suggested to Illana.

Seriously? I was standing right here, was he really trying to get my friend to convince me to dance with him?

Illana turned her dazed gaze to me, "Lady Ezran, dancing isn't so bad . . ."

Good heavens! I needed to get her away from this charmer as soon as possible!

Before she had a chance to finish her suggestion, I interrupted, "You know Illana, you're absolutely right! Forgive my manners, I just didn't realize you loved dancing so much. You don't have to hang around me all night - Go ahead and dance. Actually, I'm sure a dance between you and Rodair would be absolutely unforgettable . . ." I looked up at Rodair with pleading eyes and nodded at him to take Illana away. If she stuck around this casanova too long he might just wisk her away and try his stupid act on her. Or worse, she may beg me to dance with the man myself!

Rodair looked down in confusion while Illana shook herself from her daze once Rodair's name was mentioned. Her cheeks grew even more red as she shyly looked up at Rodair, "Oh I'm sure Lord Rodair probably has other things he'd enjoy more . . . Dancing with me would be a bore."

"Nonsense! You wouldn't think it'd be a bore, would you Rodair?" I smiled up at Rodair. He furrowed his brows, looking between Illana and me then said politely, "Rodair would be honored to dance with Illana."

I thought Illana's head might explode, but she shyly took Rodair's huge hand and followed him out to the dance floor. All this while, Jorge was giving me a confused glare; Now he finally cleared his throat, "Ahem, I was actually implying that perhaps a dance between you and I would be unforgettable -"

I faked a shocked expression, "Oh was that what you meant? I do apologize - I've never seen Rodair dance before so I thought that's what you meant by unforgettable. A dance between those two would definitely be a memorable moment."

Toval, Iren and Richie were holding back their laughter as Jorge tried to discern if I was merely toying with him. After a few moments someone called him over so he bowed lowly, excusing himself.

"Wow Ez, seriously? Just to avoid the guy you made Rodair and Illana dance? That's cold." Richie shook his head in condescension.

"Hey, if Rodair stayed around Jorge much longer he'd have snapped his neck. I saved that guy's life tonight - I'm a saviour."

"Ha ha! You're a saviour? You know Illana is gonna think too much into this, right?" Iren laughed with a small trace of pity.

I bit my lip, "Yeah . . . Maybe. But she'll definitely enjoy it." I gave a wistful look at the two on the dance floor. It wasn't a secret that Illana had a crush on Rodair - The girl couldn't keep her eyes off of him. We all saw it yet never talked about it; It seemed poor Rodair was oblivious.

Toval turned my way with a small smile, "Are you trying to play matchmaker? Ezran, Champion of the Bodach Empire - Also renowned love-guru?"

I rolled my eyes, "Ha. Sure. I just think it'd be nice if they had some one-on-one time, what's wrong with that? She's my friend, he's my friend . . . They'd be really cute together if they just gave it a shot."

Toval gave a weird look, "Did you just say 'cute'?"

Richie smirked, "Rodair doesn't look at Illana in that way Ez. He's got eyes elsewhere."

I looked up at Richie confused, "For who?"

Now Toval and Richie rolled their eyes. I looked over at Iren who looked just as confused as I was, so I didn't feel so bad.

"What do you mean? I haven't seen Rodair show interest in anyone." Iren cocked his head to the side.

"For Ez, duh." Richie waved his hand dismissively.

I shook my head, Snippet rocking on my shoulders, "No. I don't think so. Rodair is just a good friend and he took the life-debt thing way too seriously. I believe his people are very loyal - You guys are just taking it the wrong way."

Toval gave a look to Richie who pursed his lips, "Yeah, sure Ez. Whatever you say."

I deadpand, "I'm serious Rich."

Richie threw his hands up, "Okay, I believe you. But just know I'm pretty sharp on these things. Maybe you're right and it's just how his people are . . . But if in the future it proves I'm right, imma say I told you so."

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