
Ch. 50: So You Can Stitch

"And you thought you could simply fix this yourself?" I reiterated her absurd idea.

She clenched her teeth (whether in anger or pain I was unsure), "I would've managed."

I didn't say anything else as I grabbed a washcloth from the water basin then began to wipe her wound. I prepared to grab a tonic but was alerted when she pulled out a dagger. Grabbing her hand, I gave her a sharp look, "I told you I wouldn't harm you yet you still draw your weapon?"

The feel of skin on skin was electric and she slowly raised her bewitching eyes to cautiously look in mine, "I wasn't going to hurt you - I'm not an idiot. I need to cut myself for some fresh blood."

Narrowing my eyes, I gingerly let go of her hand. She glanced at where we touched like it burned, nevertheless she sliced open her palm and drew forth some blood. Laying the dagger down, she grabbed the tonic and squeezed her blood into it.

Handing it to me she said, "Here. This will be more effective. The bleeding should stop right away."

Now this was rather interesting. I'd read before that the Eurosians could use fresh blood to assist themselves, however I'd never witnessed it in action. I poured the tonic on her wound and I could see her tense up.

She was right - the bleeding did stop. I wiped up the remaining blood and prepared the stitching.

"This will sting." I warned as I started with the first stitch. She tensed again, but didn't jerk. Seeing the needle pierce her delicate skin caused an uneasiness to stir within me that I chose to ignore. I expertly began stitching her up starting with the back.

After a few minutes, she awkwardly broke the silence, "So you can stitch?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Neat." Every time I touched her soft skin it felt like electric currents ran through my fingertips. I didn't like this feeling; it was odd and unfamiliar. Not only that but her long hair was right in my face . . . It was unavoidable to not smell the hint of warm vanilla. Must be her choice of soap.

She cleared her throat grabbing my attention, "So you said you came in here for a reason . . ."

I focused on the stitching, not bothering to look up, "You turned down the Zantarkans."

After a brief moment she sounded puzzled, "Was there a question about that?"

"Why?" I asked simply.

Letting out a small sigh she explained, "Why would I accept? They may seem like a generous group of people but those old farts just want to have sex. It's demeaning."

Her frankness caught me off guard. It was kind of refreshing; everyone else was always so polite and fake.

She glanced back for a second then looked ahead, "Why did you come today? If I remember correctly, when you made me your Champion you told me that I was beneath you in every way therefore you had no reason to listen to any of my opinions. What could have changed to have you asking for my reasons now?"

So she remembered that, eh? Good to see that my words didn't go to waste. "You have proven yourself to have some level of competence since that time and you're my Champion so your status has risen, therefore while your opinions don't really matter I do put some stock in your choices. I simply came here today because I wanted to see if you'd be persuaded to join the Zantarkans." I concentrated on my work, my voice remaining dull.

The two former remarks had her indigent, so she sarcastically said with a roll of her eyes, "I'm so 'pleased' my actions are of value to you 'your highness'. Still . . . You came all this way for that? That's ridiculous."

I didn't bother commenting. I just focused on my ministrations, working my way to her side.

After a moment she said, "So . . . you knew what they'd offer before coming here. Does that mean you had this all planned out?"

If she were actually looking my way I'm sure my deadly gaze would have trapped the accusations in her throat, "No. You chose to stray from the campaign - I simply came to ensure my assets."

"And that's all I am. An asset?" She asked quietly.

"What more could there be?" I stated plainly.

I could feel her body tense as she angrily spit out, "I suppose there could be nothing else. I'm just a woman of a race you nearly wiped out. Clearly you have no feelings on this point."

I got the distinct impression she might be upset that I didn't feel anything at all toward her - no hate, no remorse, nothing. It would seem that perhaps she despised me so much it actually bothered her that her one-sided hatred was so insignificant in my eyes.

I decided to voice my thoughts, "And I suppose all this pent up hatred is lacking once put to the test of my indifference to you, hmm?"

She glared at me with unspeakable rage, "I will ALWAYS hate you. It doesn't matter if you recognize this fact."

And yet here we are. This woman evidently hated my guts; and why shouldn't she? I led the attack on her civilization. It didn't matter that I was following orders or that it was my duty to make sure that they fell. I didn't owe this woman an explanation but before I could stop myself I said, "I will not apologize for doing my job - and doing it well. It was your race's choice to not submit."

If looks could kill, I surely would have died on the spot. But just so happens, her look almost humored me more than intimidated me. I mean, who was she anyway to think that I would be afraid of her? I was Baymun, Crown Prince of Bodach, feared by all and unmatched in battle. Clearly this woman was ignorant of such things.

"I wouldn't accept an apology anyway! Obviously you're a heartless despicable demon - You deserve to die a horrible torturous death -"

Before she could continue with her rant, I cut her off sharply, "Just because I'm assisting you with your wound does not mean I give you leniency to insult me. Like I said that day in the arena, your opinions or demands do not matter to me and will not until you have successfully proven beneficial to our empire. Keep that in mind 'Champion' before you continue to try my patience. "

I could see the anger seething under the surface, but she was smart enough to hold her tongue. She may be the stepping stone I needed however I wouldn't allow her to continue such ridiculous talk. I could always find another stone, right?

After a few minutes of heated silence, I guess curiosity got the better of her as she asked, "What would've happened if I did take the Zantarkans offer?"

I smirked coldly, "Then I would've made sure the Zantarkans suffered for their insolence."

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