
Ch. 33: Fifteen Years Old

Since it was taking a while for the army to make it here, I found myself starting to drift off to sleep. The constant crackling of the fire, the guys talking with each other, and the crash from my prior adrenaline rush was getting to me. My head swayed a little and before I knew it, I had fallen into a light slumber . . .


'Darkness surrounded me. I could faintly make out the sound of Sister Livy a few feet away as she raised her whip to strike again. The whistling in the air caught my attention, allowing me to successfully dodge the blow. Since I was distracted from the whip, I didn't pay attention to the sound of knives being thrown my way. I felt one slice the edge of my neck while the other two triumphantly lodged into my body - one in my right shoulder and the other in my chest. I was lucky that the one in my chest was on the right and not on the left otherwise it would have met with my heart.

I gasped in pain as I heard Sister Livy's cold chuckle echoed through the stone room, "Had enough yet Little Sis?"

Heaving a deep breath, I slowly exhaled while trying to ignore her taunts. I left the knives in my body so as not to allow the wounds to bleed out while I ran at her again. I wasn't allowed any weapons in the training room, so I tried to use hand combat. However before I could even land a blow, she had used her whip again to swing it around my legs. I felt the cool leather wrap around my ankle as she viciously pulled it toward her. My leg came flying out from under me as I fell backwards on the ground. My head hit the stone floor with a resounding bang.

I laid there slightly dazed as I tried to gain my bearings. I could hear Sister Livy walk toward me, her chuckles echoing throughout the small room, "Oh dear Sis, it seems you may not be cut out for the apprenticeship after all. If you can't simply dodge a few blows from my whip, you will never be a doxy."

I gave a small laugh through my pain, "Actually . . . I have decided not to participate in the initiation anyway."

Her steps faltered, "What? As if you had a choice. We are all doxies - there is no other alternative."

"I may be younger than you Sister, but I'm not naive. I understand that YOU chose to follow our Mothers path, but I on the other hand will not."

I could hear the anger in Livy's voice as she spat, "Oh, so you are just going to give up on our race, is that it? There is no other way . . . this is how we survive. All we have is our bodies - how else are we to pay for food, water, shelter and not to mention attempting to continue our bloodline? Our body is our greatest asset - we can't afford not to be a doxy. You will do well to remember that."

I struggled to get up from my spot but she quickly pulled the whip back, flattening me out again. I hit the floor once more and even though my head was spinning I defiantly said, "Sister Livy, I don't expect you to understand. What I want is more than just survival . . . our race is dying. We can't keep doing the same things over and over again and expect a different result. We have to try doing something different and maybe it's not following in the same path as you all have done."

She loosened the whip and reeled it back in, "You can't be serious!" Within seconds the whip flicked through the air and hit my cheek all the way down to the bone. I wanted to scream from the pain, but what good would it do since Sister was beginning to rant, "After all that we've taught you?!" She hit me again, this time on my other cheek. I couldn't help but let out a whimper, which fueled her on to continue hitting me over and over again on different parts of my body as she yelled forcefully, "How could you defy our race?! Almost all of our men are dead - all we have left is each other and the small glimmer of hope of continuing our race! We HAVE to survive - we can't go extinct."

Even though I was in extreme pain from all the whips, I tried to sympathize with Sister, "I know it was incredibly hard to lose your two kids Livy, but -"

Sister Livy stopped hitting me for a millisecond and I heard her inhale sharply, "YOU DARE BRING UP MY CHILDREN??!!"

'I made a terrible mistake.' I could tell Sister Livy had lost it at this point. I shouldn't have brought up her kids - I knew that the subject was taboo but I was too stupid and young to know better. My fifteen year old body had endured a lot up to this point, but nothing could prepare me for the onslaught of my Sister's rage. She didn't give me any chance to try and get up before she pounced on me with all her pent up anger. She grabbed her whip and wrapped it around my neck before grabbing her knives and slicing through me again and again at all of the non-vital areas. She pulled back her fist and punched me over and over and over . . . . and over until I couldn't feel my face anymore. I probably would have blacked out if she didn't put a small pill into my mouth as she violently hissed near my ear, "Oh no Little Sister - you're going to feel ALL of this."

I realized that the pill had to be an accelerant which caused the user to stay awake and feel more of what was going on around them. I felt every wound, every punch at maximum level. Every nerve in my body went super sensitive and I began to hate every life decision I had made up to this point.

She grabbed my wrist and bent it until it snapped, causing me to cry out in pain; not that I could cry much anyway since my mouth was all banged up but still. She laughed as she heard my gargled scream and snapped the other wrist. I whimpered in agony, trying to summon up the words to make her stop but she continued with my ankles, then knees . . . . following with my elbows. Her boots crashed down upon my split joints, as she bent down to scream in my face, "You are NOTHING to our race it you are unable to participate in an apprenticeship! Let this pain remind you of the death of our race - including my children. While you are lying here, think about your resolution . . . perhaps you may decide to become one of us after all."

With that I heard her stomp out of the room and bolt the door shut. I can't describe the pain I was feeling. All I wanted was to pass out and never think about this day again but I couldn't. My entire body was undergoing the worst agony imaginable, and there was nothing I could do to assist since I was unable to get up or move. All I could do was wait for my health regeneration to kick in, but since I couldn't assist it was very likely to take a while. What I didn't realize was that the acceleration pill was also able to assist with bone mending . . . I wound up feeling the effects within about half an hour. Suddenly my bones started snapping back into place at superhuman speed causing my entire body to jolt and endless screams came from deep within me as I felt every fiber of my bones coming back to their original form. My screams didn't stop for at least ten minutes as I waited for each of my bones to go back in place . . .'

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