
Mutant power's!

Rose took out a bunch of different armor's from her inventory and many different kind of weapon's while she used her inventory to equip her own armor which was no longer a crimson armor but a palladium one

Adelar: what is happening? why are we preparing for battle?

Rose: in this world there are people called mutant's that are born with a superpower but they are discriminated and there are many people that want to get them extinct or use them as weapons and right now someone is attacking a school full of many of them

Adelar didnt ask more question's and took one armor that he felt most comfortable with it was one that covered his entire body and it was made of palladium

Steve on the other hand took out an armor from his own inventory for a second i thought that it was an diamond armor but when i looked more carefully i noticed that it was a mythrill armor and further more an enchanted one! he also took out a gun that he probably found when he was traveling

they were now equipped and ready but before they started the mission Rose send Steve a party invitation that he quickly accepted and soon after that Rose accepted the mission and the three of them teleported

---quicksilver POV---

ah nothing better than a good weekend! as always most of the people were chilling in the academy and doing whatever they wanted to do

as for me i was enjoying a nice pizza from the oven while playing some video games in my secret room where i hide when i pull a prank on Logan (wolverine) i swear to god there is nothing more priceless then seeing his reaction's

but of course as always some assholes needed to destroy my hopes and dream's of having a nice weekend by invading our school...AGAIN!

'i swear to god this must be the fifth time this year'

they never give up do they it's always the same they invade kill some of or student's capture a couple and 10% of them fly off in their chopper's while the rest of them is either dead on the ground or is about to die! after that we group up go save the kid's that they kidnap and destroy whatever super mutant homunculus they have created

i run out of my secret room and started to grab every student that i could find and bring them to a special bunker that we build deep beneath the school they didnt even had time to react one second they were in their room's and the second they were in the bunker

when i was searching for them i also saw some "soldiers" and of course as a responsible superhero i am i did the right thing and kicked every soldier i saw in the nut's

i almost searched the entire school and saw a couple of my friend X-man's fighting the soldier's on the way but i ignored them for now the priority currently was to escort every student that was still alive into the bunker

when i looked into the cafeteria i saw that a bunch of kid's running away from a missile that was shot from an RPG that one soldier at the other end of the room was holding the worst part is that the missile was already basically touching one of the kid's

quicksilver: oh shit! oh shit! oh shit!

but before i could react i saw...barely saw a girl with...cat ear's? and tail? she moved so fast that my eye's could barely keep up with her she quickly grabbed the missile and throw it back at the soldier holding the RPG

i could see a bunch of electric charges dancing around her body but this still didnt made sense i tested my speed myself when i use my mutant powers i still can see lighting traveling i can easily out run it so she had to use something more that that weir electric power's to be able to move that fast...(A/N: if you want to know how Quicksilver see a lighting bolt while having his power activated watch the scene of "the ancient one" dying when Dr.strange and the ancient one were talking in their astral body)

---back to Rose---

Rose suddenly appeared in a cafeteria and to my and her surprise neither Steve or Adelar was beside her and i can only guess that they were teleported to another part of the school

Before i could register what is happening around us Rose used the first form of the thunder breathing technique but it was made without the sword so it was not an attack but a simple dash. the next thing i know Rose is holding an RPG missle and she throw's it to a guy in a soldier uniform

the missile exploded killing the soldier and the a bunch of teen's that were in the room screamed when this happened but they quickly realize that they were not the target and just looked at Rose

Quicksilver: wh-who are you?!

he said in a half shouting and half confused voice

Rose: reinforcement's

Quicksilver: eeehh...*look's at the teen's* okay wait here i will be back in one sec...literally *grab's the teen and run away*

---one second later---

Quicksilver: okay i'm back! so...once again who are you?

Rose: help

Quicksilver: that does not answer a lot y'know?

Rose: okay then i am a little girl able to use magic that came to help you guy's with two of my friend's that are wearing a medieval/fantasy armor

Quicksilver: mhm...(god i f*cking love weekend's) okay you are here to help right? then help us deal with those soldier's

Rose: you got it silver boy

Quicksilver: thank's kitty cat

---Steve POV---

Steve was teleported to the entrance of the school looking at a guy single handedly slashing and stabbing hundred's of soldier's and not giving a single f*ck about getting shoot from multiple direction's

'note to self dont mess with that guy'

he then looked at a man with some weird glasses that was standing some distance away from the action's and to Steve surprise the man pressed something on his glasses and he shoot some kind of laser from them. the soldiers were more worried with the man/monster slaughtering them but whoever noticed the laser eyed man was quickly killed before he got time to react

Steve smacked his lips and walked to the laser eyed man so silently that he didnt even noticed his arrival until he taped his shoulder

Steve from the game may be not the sneakiest guy you could imagine but this Steve was different his world was real and he lived a long live surviving in it if he didnt want to be find they would not found him, if he did not want to be heard they would not hear him that how much of a skilled fighter Steve is. if someone would see Steve strength and skill in battle they would say that he trained his body to the human limit's but this couldnt be more wrong...human's didnt have a limit they can keep on growing infinitely and this fact alone is terrifying on it's own

Steve: *tap's Cyclop shoulder* hey man

Cyclop: *startled* dont move! *prepares to shoot*

Steve: relax i want to help *point's at wolverine* mind telling him to move away? i could kill him if he does not leave the place

the mutant looked at Steve hesitation showing in his eye's he could not trust this man after all he just meet him...but he also know's that if he wanted him dead he would be laying on the ground motionless not even being able to fight back his instinct's were screaming to him that this guy is dangerous

Cyclop: that guy has High regenerative power's he will be fine as long as his head in intact not only that but his bones are made of adamantium nothing can damage them

Steve: it will still hurt him

Cyclop: *look's at the battle in front of them* honestly *shoot's a couple of soldier's* i dont give a damn

Steve just shrugged and took out a modified minishark the only thing that was different from the normal is that it shoot faster that's all

cyclop looked at the weird gun with a complicated look on his face but before he could say anything Steve began to shoot and massacred the soldier's the bullet's were flying so fast that they easily pierced their bulletproof vest and body

after he was done and the dust settled Cyclop saw that Steve managed to dig with his bullet's only a large 3-5 cm deep hole's and the only thing's that was left of the soldier's is a mixture of blood and blended organ's, skinn, muscle and so on

few second's have passed and a shiny skeleton stand up he soon started to regenerate and the skeleton was now a man with a very impressive physique that was rocking the best sideburns that Steve ever saw

Wolverine: *look's at Steve then at cyclops* thank's for the warning d*ckhead's

---Adelar POV---

Adelar appeared in long underground tunnel behind him there was a big metal door with an X symbol on it and in front of him there were three people fighting soldier's...well more like holding them off

there was a girl with white hair and dark skinn that was sending powerful gust's of wind at the soldiers and beside her was a man he looked like he was made entirely out of ice and was shooting a beam out of his hand's that froze the soldier's that it hit but this was helping more the enemy than them because now they could use the bodies of their frozen comrades as a shield and when the ice-man noticed that he stopped freezing them and started to think what else he can do to help his friend's the third guy was a giant man made entirely out of some kind of metal he used his giant body two shield his to friend's from the bullet's

Adelar raised his two handed heavy sword above his head and with one quick motion brought it down. from the sword a giant slash made of flames was shoot out and it traveled all the way into the end of the tunnel hitting the soldier's and setting them on flame's causing them to panic

Adelar was not a mage but he knew how to do some basic magic attack that he modified it in a way that would help him in battle

the three mutant's looked at the burning soldier's and two of them turned back to see what or who did this they were the black skinned girl and the ice-man and they were very shocked when they saw a man wearing a heavy full body armor right behind them

putting the weird chose of clothing aside they just could not phantom how someone managed to get behind them

the only one who did not look back was the giant titan made of metal he used the fact that the soldier's were panicking and charged at them knowing that they are to busy trying to put out the flames

Storm: who are you? *creates a mini tornado in her hand*

her voice was calm and the tone in which she said it was the one that demanded answer's Adelar felt a little shiver down his spine and didnt dare to make her wait for the answer

Adelar: i'm sorry for the sudden intrusion my lady i came here with my friend's to help you with the intruder's that invaded your house

Ice-man (Bobby Drake): not only a knight in shining armor but a well spoken knight in shining armor... this will be a funny day

Colossus: i have managed to deal with the soldier's and locked the entrance to the Cerebro *look's at Adelar* i thank you for your assistance my friend

the metal man had a heavy Russian accent but Adelar understood what he said and just nodded his head

Adelar: it was not a problem i'm always happy to help

Ice-man: i'm sorry to interrupt but if you locked the entrance then how are we supposed to get out?

Colossus: i didnt lock the secret entrance

Storm: we are getting out and help dealing with the rest of the enemy forces *look's at Adelar* you coming?

Adelar: i'm at your service

--- 1 hour later and also Rose POV ---

the gang and the X-men somehow managed to defend the school/mansion and the soldier's that were not killed were captured and interrogated and by "interrogated" i mean that the mutant's with some sort of mind power's get into their head and looked for information there

Professor X called the "damage control" to help them clean the mess and he also called the government, why you ask? well apparently in this Marvel universe the mutant's were still a group of people that was very discriminated but they were still considered citizen's and therefor if you committed a crime against a mutant you would be still punished

also apparently those soldier's were a wanted group of terrorist that wanted to made some sort of experimentation's on student's...you know the one and only reason that this school was getting attacked over and over again? yea that.

the government special services took the soldier's that survived and took the information that the psychic mutant were able to take out of them and after that they told that they "would look into the accident" and left

well this day was a fun day i can tell you that and right now the trio (Rose, Adelar and Steve) were in a some sort of living room that was probably used for the teacher's when they wanted to rest and calm down

'hey Arthur'


'sience i helped the X-men and they are superheros then does that mean that i completed your mission?'

<technically yea>

<here let me make it complete>

<<system mission: a true hero! help a hero from the marvel universe in one of their mission! it does not matter if it means catching a bad guy or help save the world as long as you help>>

<<reward: a copy of a superpower from the superhero you will help>>

<<Since you helped a group of heroes called "X-men" you can chose one superpower of one member of the group!>>

the list was long and Rose took her time deciding what she will chose and ultimately she choose one of wolverine superpower's

[adamantite bone's]- your bones will be made of adamantite making them almost indestructible! there is a very few thing's that can cut adamantium one of the examples are an adamantium blade that was heated up to the point it would started to glow red (A/N: like in the movie Wolverine when silver samurai used this kind of blade to chop off wolverine claw's)

Adelar: hey Rose?

Rose: hmm?

Adelar: does this "high regeneration" makes me immortal? becouse i dont want that

Rose: wait..what are you talking about?

<your party member's will get the same reward as you when you complete the quest>

'why didnt you told me about this?'

<i mean...is it a problem that they will get the same thing's that you get when you complete a mission?>

'no it's not but it would be still nice to know...wait does that mean that they too got the reward from saving aunt may?'


Adelar: i mean...regenerative power's are convenient but i dont want immortality i dont think i would be able to live and infinity and still be right in the head and the description say's that the regeneration stop's the process of aging

Steve: i took telekinesis it will help me build stuff since i will not need to do everything by hand

Adelar: i wanted to pick something that would help me in battle but i think i will pass on the high regeneration thing...*sigh* what to chose?

<<God mission: help the mutant's! right now the mutant academy of Dr.Xavier (professor X) is attacked and many young mutant's are in danger!>>

<<reward: your own mutant power>>

the notification was in front of everybody face's and Adelir have this look of amazement, confusion, shock and bafflement on his face he keep on staring at the word "God" with his mouth open but before he could ask Rose about it the trio heard a noise

*knock knock*

Rose: it's open

a man in a wheelchair entered the room with a smile on his face you could tell by looking at him that he was old behind him was Cyclop and beast acting as bodyguard's

Professor X: i suppose i should thank you for saving my student's my name is Charles Xavier i'm the headmaster of this school but please call me Charles


holy sh*t this chapter was long...

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