

Tifa: hi~ i would like to take this mission~

Receptionist: yes miss Tifa

Tifa: how many times did i tell you to just call me Tifa~?

Receptionist: im sorry miss Tifa!

Tifa: ...

Rose: ...

Tifa: *sigh* nevermind~ lets go Rose~

Tifa grabbed Rose hand and walked out of the Guild and started to walk out of the city to the forest

Tifa: We are going to go kill some kobolts~ but they may be some werewolf's too~ so be on guard~

Rose nodded her head and Tifa makes a satisfied face with a big smile she was looking at Rose with sparkling eyes <is she really happy about your power or does she like children?>

'i dont know but her emotion toward me are warm but i dont know what it is'

<oh god thats depressing>

After and hour they were standing in front of the entrance of a cave and Tifa walked in with Rose still holding her hand and after a minute she looked at her and said

Tifa: from now on you will go kill the kobolts~ i will not do anything unless it is necessary~

Rose nodded and equipped her new katana. she didnt have any EXP so she could not use the rune. when i heard that Tifa said that she could sense some magic from Rose when she meet her i immediately though that it can be used to use as normal magic and use magic attack's

Rose run deeper into the cave and Tifa fallowed her so silently it felt like she wasnt there at all

Rose was now standing in front of an little army of kobolts they were wearing some rusty old plate armor full of crack's and their weapons were in a poor shape <this will be easier than i thought>

after four hours Rose was done she killed every kobold in the cave every single one of them was sliced in half in one strike

<your EXP is 2798 and your level is 38>


<the bigger it is the stronger you are! you raise it by getting EXP> wait how do i know this? does minecraft level system even work this way? i dont know from where but i just know that...does some knowledge about my functions was transferred to my head when i become a system?

'im even stronger now!?!'

<yup you can also get your level as high as you want>

Tifa: Rose~ how much EXP did you get~? the Mana i sense from you is monstrous~

Rose: i dont know how much is it by your measurement

Tifa: well i that case we will get you an ID so we can check

<with our current strength we can escape from her>

'i dont want to...'


'she is nice to me...'


Tifa grabbed Rose hand and they started to walk to the city when they entered trough the gate Tifa wanted to go straight to the guild but Rose told she was hungry so Tifa bought her something to eat and drink

When they finally reached the guild they saw that there were a lot of people in the lobby but they didnt mind and walked pass them. however some mages that were able to sense Mana were looking at Rose some of them in disbelief some in amazement and others with jealousy. they wanted to go and talked to her some to just ask her some things and others to relief their frustration on her but they didnt as they saw that she was accompanied by the Guild #1 adventurer Tifa

Tifa and Rose entered Qadir office Tifa said

Tifa: its done~

Qadir: already?!...well how much EXP did you get?

Tifa: she does not know to measure it but you can easily sense that she has an ridiculous amount of mana right~ we want to check with a ID card if possible~

Qadir: will the ID card show us her magic power?

Tifa: well we can easily sense her mana so i guess its worth a shot~

Qadir nodded his head and take out a black card handing it to Rose

Qadir: let your man-EXP trough it

Rose did as he said and on the black card white letters could be seen


Name: Rose

Surname: none

Life force: Infinite-you won't age but you can be killed

Mana:2798 (100% purity) able to use Supreme tier magic spells

Magic: [fire magic-SSS+] [water magic-SSS+] [wind magic-SSS+] [earth magic-SSS+] [thunder magic-SSS+] [life & death magic-SSS+] [holly magic-SSS+] [unholy magic-SSS+] [spiritual magic-SSS+] [nether magic-SSS+ (after you kill the nether boss this ability will be unlocked)] [aether magic-SSS+ (after you kill the aether boss this ability will be unlocked)] [end magic-SSS+ (after you kill the enderdragon this ability will be unlocked)] [witch magic-SSS+]

Skills: [increased senses]-as a beastkin your senses are stronger than most of other races/ [increased movement]- you are as agile as a cat/ [crafting]- able to craft everything in the omniverse/ [enchanter]-able to use any enchantment in the omniverse/ [potion maker]-able to make any potion in the omiverse

Tittles: [cursed by the ender dragon]-the ender dragon cursed you making the monster more determined to kill you at night/ [crafter]/ [servant of the vampire princess]


everyone was looking at Rose ID and didnt say anything. after a couple of minutes the siblings looked at Rose and said

Qadir: Rose do you mind answering a couple of questions?

<yea sure if they can be answered by not reveling me>

Rose: i dont mind

Qadir: *nods* first of it is said that you are immortal how can we not sense it?

<they have immortal soul and body if they die they will reincarnate when you die you go to the afterlife> dammit another knowledge that i should not posses ehh it looks like knowledge about something from this world and about my functions was sent to my head when i changed to a system...

Rose:i have an immortal body but not the soul

Tifa: hmm~? but you cant have a immortal body without an immortal soul~ how did that happen~?

<i dont really know how to answer that> steve from minecraft doesnt age so her body dont age either

Rose: i dont know

Qadir: next question what are those weird magic that you have? the nether, aether and end ones

<they are named after some dimension you can visist so they probably magic from that dimension>

Rose: they are magic from the dimension i can visit

Tifa: hoh~ i hope we can go soon~ i'm realy interested~

Qadir: ok now the next question what is the omniverse?

<other worlds you are not able to travel there as you need to sacrifice 4625 EXP to open a portal (level 50)>

Rose: they are other worlds that i can visit if i sacrifice 4625 EXP to open a portal

Quadir: last question what is this ender dragon and why did he curse you?

<its a dragon that lives in the end and it probably curse you as you are the only one who can go there and kill him>

Rose:its a dragon living in the End dimension he cursed me as i'm the only one that can create a portal to there and kill him

Tifa: *to herself whispering* that dirty dragon how dare he curse my cute Rose!

Quadir: *sigh* i need a minute to digest this...

Tifa: *still a little angry about the whole curse thingie* are the materials ready~?

Quadir: the girl can start enchanting as for the obsidian blocks they will be done in a month

Tifa: good~ Rose do you want to enchant those armor and weapons now or do it later~?

Rose: i can do it now!

Rose was escorted by Quardir to the Guild basement and they entered a room full of armor and weapons and some runes

Quardir: dont overdo yourself ok?

Rose: ok!

after that she started to enchant the equipment in the room she was done after two hours and lost some levels when she enchanted all of this

<your level is now 21 and your EXP is 891>

'its ok i dont mind'

<well go get some rest now>



to be continue

minecraft is everything that is good in life...well exept pizza, s*x, other games,

blabladorcreators' thoughts
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