
Saved again

Our warden and Sakshi took me the room and warden told Sakshi to take care of me and she left to know the teachers discussion.

Sakshi told me to wash up. I didn't know what to do so she took me to the washroom and stood I

outside of washroom and I went inside .

I took a shower and and changed my clothes and threw away the dress and walked straight to go somewhere outside this school.

I think Sakshi stopped to give the dress to cleaner to clean it but I wasn't sure.

I was running straight without looking at anything or listening to anyone I was just running to an unknown destination.

I could hear Sakshi calling me but I don't wanted to stop I just wanted to run away from everything.

Then I saw someone coming to me but I don't wanted to look who's coming.

I kept running but he catched up to me and stopped me .

He was Arjun .

He started calling my name and tried to make me come back from my daze .

I couldn't understand why he was doing this so I told him to let me go but he told me to look where I was standing.

when I looked down I saw I was standing on the verge of the mountain.our school was made by cutting off a mountain .

when I saw the edge of the mountain I remembered all the pain I've been through .

This seemed like an easy decision so I tried to fought Arjun and jump but he pushed me away.

I tried again but he pulled me closer and told me -"you can't go. I'm not gonna let you go"

I pushed him away and screamed at him-" why?. why can't you just let me go. why?"

He pulled me closer again and answered"- I can't because I love you more than anything. you can't leave me . I'm not gonna let you."

I felt like I was falling from the sky.

I couldn't understand what was going on.i tried to fought him but my energy was vanished.

I asked him angerly -" why are you saying these things . you love someone else and I know who that is and if you would've ever loved me you would've have done what you did to me today"

Arjun answer -" All I'm saying is the truth . I don't love anyone else. I fell in love with you when I first saw you in the Fresher's party. "

I asked him -" Then why are you making my life miserable everyday. why did you pushed me away every time I got close to you. please let me go . I don't want to listen to you anymore."

Arjun didn't budge but he answered me -" I never wanted to make your life miserable . but I didn't knew then the thing I was feeling for you is love but I knew I have to protect you so every time my friends plans something bad for you I saved you in the last. "

I told him -" wow . thank you for saving me in the last when you and your friends are satisfied with torturing me. thanks . I'm very much obliged.i can't thank you enough."

I wanted to say more but Sakshi and our warden mam was there searching for me.

when Sakshi saw me she ran towards me and hugged me and then slapped me and said -" you idiot . if you try to pull up this kind of stunt ever again I will kill you. come with me you are not going anywhere. "

then our warden mam came and told me if I try to go away she will tie me to ny bed and took me room.

I told them that I wanted to rest so I went to my bed but I was still figuring out the things he told me.

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