

"This is Carina," Chiron introduced the woman beside him as she smiled politely towards the three teenagers. "She is our healer."

Hope and the twins nodded their head like children who had been reprimanded. 

"Nice to meet you Carina." Hope waved her hand and earned a nod from the female centaur. 

After that, the three of them followed behind Chiron and Carina solemnly when they entered the barn, and didn't dare to address another question as the atmosphere became awkward. Thanks to Ian previously. 

Inside the barn, just like the last time they saw it, Kace's beast was lying motionlessly on a stack of hay, covered with a warm blanket that Hope draped on his body before. 

The rise and fall movement of his chest was the only thing that indicated he was still breathing, alive. 

Chiron and the woman approached the beast quietly, even their steps couldn't be heard in this quiet place. 


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