
Hot Guy. Fractured leg

Next morning, Silvia woke up early because she had a morning shift.

After getting dressed when she came downstairs, Aunt Lily and Uncle Thomas were sitting in the living room sipping tea.

When Aunt Lily saw Silvia, she smiled and said," Good morning darling."

" Good morning mom." Silvia said before giving her a morning kiss.

" Morning shift?" Uncle Thomas asked.

" Yes." Silvia said.

Getting up from the couch, Aunt Lily said," I'll quickly prepare breakfast for you."

Silvia shook her head and said," Eh it's fine mom. I'll grab something at the canteen. I am already running late."

" But-"

" I got to leave now. Bye I love you both." Silvia said before rushing outside.

"Silvia wa- Ah this girl." Aunt lily shouted.

" You know that you don't have to bug her for eating right?" Uncle Thomas asked.

Aunt Lily frowned and said," She is going eat junk again."

" It's fine. Let her eat what she wants to." Uncle Thomas said.


When Silvia came out, she was shocked to see Kevin standing outside.

At first Silvia decided to ignore him but when she thought about what had happened last night, she decided not to.

Walking towards him, Silvia asked," Why are you here early in the morning?"

Kevin shook his head and said," No specific reason. I was just passing by so I decided to meet your mom and dad."

" They are inside. I need to rush okay bye." Silvia said before leaving.

After Silvia left, Kevin stormed his feet and cursed," Damn you Kevin Austin you were suppose to talk to her."

Thinking for a while, Kevin entered the house.


Inside the house.

When Aunt Lily opened the door, she smiled when she saw who it was.

" Ahh Kevin Sil just left for work." Aunt Lily said.

" Ya I know. I just met her." Kevin said.

Aunt lily smiled and said," Alright come in."

Uncle Thomas hugged Kevin and asked," What brings you here early in the morning young man?"

" Why don't we sit and talk?" Kevin said.

" Ya sure." Uncle Thomas said.

After staring at them for a while, Kevin said," I want to marry Silvia."

Aunt Lily gasped in shocked and asked," You like Sil?"

Kevin pursed his lips and slowly nodded his head.

Uncle Thomas clapped his hands together in excitement and said," Ahh this is such lovely news to begin the day with. I am happy that you like my daughter young man but I will also have to talk to Silvia about this. The final call will be hers after all."

Kevin nodded his head and said," You can talk to her properly. If everything will be okay, I want to get married before I return to the military."

Uncle Thomas raised his eyebrows and asked," And when is that?"

" Not anytime soon." Kevin said.

Uncle Thomas nodded his head and said," Alright I'll talk to Silvia tonight and the let your father know."



" Nurse Silvia this isn't the thing that I was asking for." A NIS said.

Silvia shook her head and said," Oh ya I am sorry. Just give me a second. I'll get your stuff."

" What's wrong with you today?" Janet asked.

Silvia shook her head and said," It's nothing."

Janet raised her eyebrows and said," You think you can lie to me Sil? Like seriously?"

Silvia sighed and said," It's nothing Jan."

" Is it about that hot guy?" Janet asked.

Silvia pursed her lips but chose not to say anything.

Janet rolled her eyes and asked," Did he hurt you? Did he take advantage of you? Did he touch your boobs?"

Smacking her head, Silvia said," Janet."

" Then why are you upset?" Janet asked.

Silvia sighed and said," Can I ask you something?"

" Go on." Janet said.

" Do you think it's okay to marry someone you don't love?" Silvia asked.

Janet chuckled and said," Babe I don't believe in love and you know that right?"

" So when you want to get married what will you see in that guy?" Silvia asked.

Janet thought for a while and said," Well let me think. He should be hot and handsome and should be very good at sex."

" That's it?" Silvia asked.

Janet chuckled and said," Da-uh. Oh and he should also be rich."

Silvia sighed and nodded her head. She couldn't stop thinking about Uncle Thomas and Aunt Lily's conversation that she had overheard yesterday night.

Silvia shook her head for a while and decided not to think about it for the time being.

Just then Ron came rushing towards Silvia and Janet and said," A really hot guy, fractured leg, VIP cabin oh God cramp."

" Oh Ron take it easy." Silvia said.

Passing him a bottle of water, Janet asked," Now tell us what is it."

Taking a sip from the bottle, Ron said," Room no.75 a hot guy just checked in."

Silvia rolled her eyes and said," What's the big deal then?"

Just then a NIS entered the emergency room and said," Nurse Silvia there is young man looking for you outside."

Silvia frowned and asked," Are you sure he is looking for me and not for Janet?"

" Well he said he wants to see Silvia Green." The NIS said.

" Alright ask him to wait. I'll be right there." Silvia said.

Janet grinned and asked," Who is it Sil?"

" How would I know?" Silvia said.

Pulling Silvia's cheeks, Ron said," Young men coming to workplace to meet you huh. Our little girl is growing up."

" Stop it alright." Silvia said before walking outside.

I’ll be flying back tomorrow morning. So you will get regular updates starting tomorrow. ^_^

The schedule for this novel is same as the first one i.e. three chapters/day.

You’ll get a mass release as soon as I manage to stockpile some chapters ^_^

Happy reading ^_^

Sofia05creators' thoughts
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