
When two Tyrants greet

"Wait. What did you say?" Nelen breaks the silence.

"The whole East district. It's gone. Tarrith came back and turned the whole place into a fucking hole. You can see em at the balcony." Jayce takes a second cigar from his pocket.

"I'll go check it out." I say.

"No, mate. Don't check it out. The kids come first. The carriages that'll help us are waiting outside."

"Right. How many carriages are we talking about here?"

"I don't count, and I don't care. Now who's responsible for this barrier? We go outside after I finish my smoke."


Jayce goads the kids to come with him while the couple casts that same smoke-repelling magic to each one. Una instructs me to go to in front of them and guide with the barrier, so that's what I did. Loud, vacuuming sounds greet us as soon as we get out. They're using the same vehicle I saw back at Esmeralda's. The ladies are behind them, pushing and pulling the children, making sure that no one separates. Large, clove shaped carriages greet us outside. I wonder what Jayce meant when he said that there's a 'fucking hole'. Is it something lewd? I don't know.

"Are you sure we didn't miss anyone?" I ask Una while she guides the twins inside the vehicle.

"I don't know, dad."

"I'm not Jayce."

"Oh, shit! Sorry! Yeah. All fifteen are here. Sorry about calling you daddy again! I didn't realize!"

"It's okay."

"Where's dad?" She looks around.

"I don't know. Can you stay here and watch the kids? I'm going to the balcony. A bit curious about what he said, so yeah."

"Oh, sure! Don't worry about me! I'll just wait here until dad comes."

What is it about her dad that excites her? Oh, well. I guess thinking too much about it won't help. I'm going to... go? What? The smoke's starting to smell again. Oh, shit. Nelen's spell is fading. Okay, think. How will I-- Wait. Can I somehow refresh it by chanting myself? Repelare Fumys!... There we go. No more sleepy-sleep. In your fucking face, Cerberus!... Or faces. Three heads. Yep. In your f-- I'll just go.


Nelen voice trembles as I climb up the stairs. Diana's also with her, her figure blocking the view of whatever scene laid across them. I can see large amounts of smoke, though. Normal, transparent ones. Unlike the ones from this place. Can't see a hole, though... Oh! Exterminator guy is with them, and he's showing a projection of something... What the fuck?

"What the fuck?"

"Right? The attacks are progressing, and the Chimerians aren't doing anything."

The spell coming from the exterminator's hand depicted nothing but soil. It didn't even take me a second to realize. What was once a part of the city got replaced by shattered earth. Carriages from the North and South Gates flocked the area of the cataclysm, and a large number of Chimerians surrounded a person.

"Why are we at the balcony again?" I asked.

"Because the spell only works in an arc. See them other lights coming from other directions? It means they're watching, too." Jayce yawns and scratches his face.

"What's it ca--"

"SSHH! Something's happenin'!"

The warden's dialect puts a smile on my face as we watch the projection. He speaks just like Jayce. Is this common around here? Even the women sound like old men. Oh, wait. Something's really happening on the screen. Let's see... Wait. It's thirty against one? Alistair, Aldwynn, and Visar are also there. There's also a guy with a weird-looking ornament on his head.

"Who's that guy with the weird head? His crown looks like a cabbage." I point to the guy.

"... That's the king, Sol. That 'cabbage' on his head is the crown." Jayce snorts.

"Told you. It looks like a cabbage." Nelen gives a smug grin.

"Aye. Aye."

Although it's hard, I try to ignore them and continue to watch the screen. Tarrith wore nothing but a black, patterned leg armor and a cape bearing the symbol of the Legion. His face can't be seen because he's too far away, but he had a beard and two large, diamond earrings. His eyes are also emanating blue aura... Gods. Just like people who died by our hands. Wait... How do you even kill a king? Just how many are the people controlling Cerberus? Gods. This is so confusing. The nameless king orders his men to do something, but the commotion prevents me from hearing it. Come to think of it, I still don't know what cabbage king's name is.

"Come to think of it, I still don't know what cabbage king's name is."

"Oh. We still haven't told you yet?" Nelen scratches her head. "His name's Karyne."

"That sounds womanly."

"I know. He's rumored to be one of the weaker descendants of Tarrith, but he's still strong enough to become king. He defeated an Ancient without any help. It's how he earned his title."

"Why is he king if he's the weak, then?"

"Probably because he's of Tyrant kin. His relatives are all out of the city. Probably trying to conquer other cities."

"Enlighten my dumb self, but what is a Tyrant?"

"People who inherited their powers from the Curator himself. Living gods, although their bodies are just as frail as ours."

"How strong are we talking about here?"

"He's stronger than everyone here in Stassi combined. If you exclude me, of course. He never bothered to challenge me." She grins.



"...I'm surprised you're not getting angry at me for asking too many questions." I smile at her.

"A good talk's rare for me. I actually like it."

"Damn... Are you sure you're lesbian?"

"Yes. You're persistent, though. I like that."

"Does that mean I have a chance?"


"Damn it. We'd be good friends, Nelen. Wanna play that game?"

"Sure. Now look at the projection. They're about to fight."

She yawns as the Chimerians ready their weapons. There's tension in the air, yes, but no one's moving. Gauntlets, axes, swords, and spellbooks are at the ready, but no one's casting a spell. The king with the cabbage head marches forward, leaving the soldiers and the generals to their own devices. Aldwynn, Visar, and Alistair are at the top of the screen, staring intently at the two Tyrants. Karyne draws his sword. That's a nice sword.

"That's a nice sword." I remark at the sight of it. It fits the weapon of royalties.

"It's just a normal one. Only imbued with Tyrant magic. All the people here has the trait. Weapon augmentation. Them Tyrants are top-grade quality, though." Jayce scratches his nose.

"These Tyrant people are that broken?"

"Yep, mate. Some races can compete with them, though, although most of them are close to none. Little girl Nelen here's an example."

"Stop calling me a little girl, Jayce. We talked about this."

"Aye. Aye. So it's the Karyne against that bastard Tarrith, huh?"

The yellow, luminescent energy coming from cabbage king's blade intensifies, and with it, his eyes. Tarrith just stares back, his face just as emotionless as the guys we've been dealing with for the past few weeks. The dead king then kneels and lowers his head. What the fuck is he doing? Oh, wait. Something's happening. Karyn shouts something to Visar, but the distance makes it once again impossible to hear. Visar's snake-like staff glows the same yellow energy from Karyne, before a large, transparent barrier entraps the the two kings.

"If you can share magic with other people, then does that mean you can do it with other people's weapons? I'm guessing Tyrants can also augment another person's weapon?" I look away and stare below the balcony, watching the exterminators at their element.

"Aye, mate. It requires a percent of the giver's total energy, though. Tyrant-imbued weapons are highly sough out, and they fetch at a very high price. That's why they can get rich easy. Well, most of them." Jayce takes another piece of cigar from his pocket and plays with it.

"Most of them? What?"

"Aye, you see, Tyrants are at their weakest at childhood, and all kinds of bastards try their best to take advantage of it. Whether it be trafficking, selling their body parts and Essence, forcing them into submission, or anything else a bastard can think of. They'll do it."

Jayce continues as small earthquakes resound throughout the whole city. The two Tyrants are slowly but surely deepening the hole with their blows, and all the magics they're using is inside with them. Yellow, resplendent aura bursts everywhere as Tarrith grabs a hold of Karyne's weapon. Damn. He's made a huge mi-- What the fuck. He goes for a headbutt and lands it! It's super effective! The crowds of Chimerians and citizens alike cheer as the dead king stumbles back. He used his cabbage crown. I can't believe it!

"THERE WE GO! GET HIM, YOU BASTARD!!" Jayce screams as Karyne pounces and pummels Tarrith. People in the background scream and raise their fists.

Karyne punches his face again. That's the twenty-seventh time now. I've been counting it. What's up with Tarrith, though? He's not alive, but why is he letting Karyne punch the snot out of him? Sure, an occasional yellow glows from inside his chest, but other than that, nothing weird's happening. It's a one-sided fight, and it's a good thing. One less Doll to worry about.

"Is Tarrith really a pushover? He's starting to look the part." I start.

"Aye. I don't really know what the hell's goin' on, but we're winnin', so I'm not complainin'." Jayce replies. "What do you think, Nelly?"

"I think you should stop calling me names because we're not really close."

"Hey, that's harsh. I took care of you when you was young, y'know."

There's that flicker in his body again. It's starting to become more often now. No one's reacting to it, though. These guys are only cheering... Cheering like the giddy fools they are... Oh. Why am I being condescending all of a sudden? It's like a habit. Maybe I was arrogant back then? I don't really know. What does giddy even mean? Why did I even say that?

"Why're you laughin'?" Jayce squints his eyes.

"Nothing. By the way, do you guys see that? That, uhh, yellow stuff occasionally glowing from Tarrith? Or is it just me? Is it just me?"

"... Aye. Just you. I don't see shit. Especially not at this distance. Shit's too far away."

"How about you, Nelen?" I ask. "Do you see it?"

"Hmm... Sorry. I don't see anything." Nelen looks closer to the projection. "I'm going to watch closely, though."

Nelen takes a pack of gum and pulls a piece out of the wrapper. I ask for some by extending my hand, to which she accepts with a smile. She then proceeds to offer everyone a piece, to which the exterminator refuses. The three of us chew our gum while watching the scene. It almost feels like we're watching a movie. By this time, Karyne had stopped, and a small hole formed around the dead king's head. No tension in the air anymore. We're good for now.

"That's everyone! Get back to the vehicles, guys! We're going back to headquarters! There's an evacuation center inside of it!" Someone from below screams. "MOVE IT! MOVE IT!"

"Aye, whaddya say we move on over to a closer view?" The exterminator suggests. We agree, and Nelen jumps from the balcony.

"Shorter route. Try it, Sol!" She waves. I look at the three shaking their heads. I look at Nelen again. Her smile's fading... Oh, boy. The things I do for friendship.


"How long until we get there?"

Nelen asks the driver as I watch the smoke dancing from the streets. She's the only one I know in here, because the vehicle we intend to get to is full. She's the only one noisy, as well. Most of the passengers are children and women. It's a good thing no one looks hurt, though. At least, the passengers here look so.

"Oh. Ten to fifteen minutes at best, baby. What else do you wanna ask?" The driver replies with her sweet tone.

"Hmm... Well, why are these people quiet?"

"Oh, it's because they're shocked and. You don't look quite affected, hon. Why is that?" The driver glances at her. "You're Nelen, right?"

"... Yes."

"Oh. You look even more beautiful up close. Even with that eye patch. What's your secret?"

"Oh, it's just my lineage. Mom told me that demons are good-looking, unlike what they tell in stories. I'm also guessing that's why they get away with almost everything?" Nelen states.

"Is the part about their brutality also true?" I ask.

"Hmm... I think so. I've read some books my mom had. Demon men are known to be merciless in physical combat, and the women are dominatrices. So I guess they're both brutal in their own ways."

"What about you? Are you a dominatrix?"

"Yes? I think that's the case. Esmeralda likes it when I dominate her during our 'sessions'."

"You seriously answered that?"

"It's a question. Why wouldn't I? Right?"

She turns to the driver, who's busy looking at one of the rear-view mirrors, blushing all the while. I'm guessing it's because of Nelen's risque answer? Maybe. I'm not sure, though. I'm not always sure. Either way, I should tell her about being very open with her sexual activities.

"Psst. Hey." I whisper.

"What?" She leans closer.

"You shouldn't be that vulgar around people."

"What? You asked a question. I answered it. That's none of their business."

"Well, yes, but there are kids in here."

"So? It's not like they understand."

"Hmm... Oh. You're right."


"Their parents will scorn you, though. Parents don't like perverts. Ever heard of a silent judgment?"

"No. What kind of weapon is that?"

"Oh, it's something close-minded people do. And boy, is there a lot of them. Including me."

"So, you're silently judging me?"

"Yes, but I try my best to ignore your bad things. It's inevitable, but no good thing comes from thinking about those."

"We're here."

The driver instructs us and reminds about the other people needing the rescue. The air's fresher this time, and the same handful of establishments greet me as we get off the vehicle. I smile and wave at driver goodbye, while Nelen excuses herself to find Esmeralda. The crowd is thick as I brush past all kinds of men and women. This is a good time to think... Oh, yeah. Jean's still missing. Hmm... Did he say something about going to the East gate to check on Khrall? Oh, wait. That was the other day... Where's that bastard, exactly? He never told me where he'd go when we got back from the brawl. Not to mention, he's with Arra's brother. I don't know if he's the little or the older, t--

"Sol?" A woman's voice calls from the crowd. I look around, but don't see anyone familiar. "Hey!"


"Over here! Behind you!" Danella taps me on the shoulder and pokes my cheek. "Good timing! Jean's watching the fight! Come with me!"

"How did you even know I was here?"

"Jean told me. Now let's go! The fight's this way!"

"Wait. How did HE kno--"

"Just go! We're going to miss it!!"

She powers her way through the mass, dragging me along as she shove her way with zeal. Scents of perfumes and food mix, and a few people from the crowd can be seen casting the same projection spell back at the orphanage. Nelen's whereabouts become unknown as we pass another set of alleys. Just another day in Stassi... Hmm. Stassi rhymes with alley. Nice. They should call this place "alleys" instead. Good joke, me.

"Oh, Sol! Hello!" Jean's armored hand waves amidst the rows of Chimerians blocking him. The ground rumbles as Karyne hits Visar's barrier. Danella tells us that she'll buy something and runs off.

"You knew I was coming. Danella told me. How?"

"Oh. I put a tracking spell on you. Do you wanna learn it? The only catch is that can only use it by chanting Sensom Anima first, which drains up more of your energy."

"Tracking makes me feel exposed. The whole thing's just weird and creepy. What's the spell?"

"Venarys. The usual Y instead of I, because apparently, that's how most of the magic works. Lots of Y's. The author likes Y's. It makes the spells look cooler."

"How do you cast it on someone?" I ask.

"You touch the person and chant it. Anywhere's fine, really, although they react differently t--"

A sound comparable to a meteor shower takes our little chat away as everyone turns to the barrier. Karyne's body crashes through the ground, his crown rolling along with him as he stops after hitting Visar's spell. Tarrith is still lying down, but a bright, yellow light is now covering his entire body. The light fades after a good thirteen seconds, revealing a new version of the dead king. His skin is radiant, his eyes are glowing blue and yellow, he's floating, and a damn beautiful spirit is hovering above him. A tattooed, bigger version of Tarrith with three heads behind it: Snake, Lion, and Goat. So that's where the logo came from. Karyne glares and picks his sword up before activating his own. Now there are two Chimeras for people to watch. Karyne's spirit looks a bit smaller, though.This is interesting. I wonder how strong they are... Why are the Chimerians ushering people away?

"You said that spells are like muscles, yes?" I start.

"Did I really say that?" Jean replies.

"Who do you think will win?"

"I don't know. I can only guess, but I seriously think that whatever happens inside that barrier will have a large impact on Stassi. Alistair and Visar are weak from old age, the rookies are still blooming, and a city without a ruler sounds like a hassle. Like I said, Karyne's the strongest, so if he loses, then this whole city's going down with him. If I had to guess the things that'll lead to this city's downfall?... Hmm. Mainly poison smoke and the quest for power and authority."

"That's... unexpected. I expected a half-assed answer, to be honest."

"Oh, Danella!~ You have the coffee?"

"Yes. Can I ask why you told me to buy twelve?" Danella hands the tray to me and takes one.

"Well, I've hired a cafe's worth of people to hand free coffees out." He grins and turns away from us. "DOES ANYONE WANT CAWFEE?! WHO WANTS CAWFEE?! FREE CAWFEE!"

No one notices at first, but Jean's persistent screaming forces to attract a few Chimerians. A trio of Goats come over to us, eyes baggy and all, and smiles at me before taking some for themselves. Danella laughs as I smile, shocking the trio away before laughing off somewhere. Jean's still busy screaming, so Danella uses this as a chance to take another cup, giggling before running off. She's different from the mad girl I saw yesterday. Same with everyone in here. I don't think they realize the terror attacks that's happening for the past few weeks... Maybe that's exactly why Jean is doing this? I don't know.

"Where's Danella?" Jean asks as the two Tyrants lunge at each other. "Did she take another cup?"

"Another? How many have she taken, exactly?"

"That's the fifth time today. I keep telling her that it's bad for her heart, but she still claims that magic can cure it. Oh, well. I guess it can't be helped... You want some cawfee?"

"Is it good?"

"It's Jean-tested and verified."

"Then d-d-d-don't mind if I do."

I nod my head, and he takes the tray from me. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Taking a coffee break in the middle of a city getting gassed to death by human puppets. Everyone's cool with it, though. Like everything here's just an event. Some people are even betting. They're getting a little bit too comfortable. I wonder if they'll be as indifferent if Tarrith wins... Ooh. I'm getting chills. Maybe there's a chance that it'll happen? Why do I feel like the bastard will win, though?... What's he doing now?

"There, there. Don't cry, little boy. Here's a coffee." Jean holds the kid's hand and calls a spectator from the crowd. "You there! The girl with the worker's tunic! You get two thousand Cings if you hold this tray until the coffee runs out!"

"What are you doing now?" I ask as he leads the child away from the crowd.

"I'm gonna help him find his parents. If they're not dead, of course."

The boy cries harder. Well, that's expected. The boy looks at me and screams some more. Oh, right. I shouldn't have laughed. Oh, wait. Why is everyone running? Jean? What are you looking at? Why are you running along with them? Hello?...


Sorry for the lalalalalate chapter, guys! As compensation for the delay, I'll be making this a 3,500 word chapter (yay!). Tbh, I don't consider this a break because I kept on thinking about the story rather than stopping it. So yeah... Chapters may be a bit delayed because I'm pondering on all the bad things that need to happen to develop Sol and Nelen (Jean will only act as the support for ? chapters) lol. Anyways, I'll continue trying my best to get my ass off the distracting games and give you guys the first series of SnS! Thank you for sticking with me and the gang!

(P.S. I can't find a way to sneak the good magic inside halp)

Kuuzuucreators' thoughts
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