
Nelen's dark side

Nelen stood in the middle of forty or so people, raising her hands in the air like she was about to get arrested. Everyone in the room's eyes were fixed to her, and her impassive eyes turned into one with joy. She's wearing an expression much exact like a dog's face when his belly is getting rubbed. It's cute, but the Chimerians near me are shaking for some reason.

"Oh, no." someone mutters in the crowd.

"Everyone in zis room zhall ve on ze ground iv you don't poot yer veapons dewn!" Nelen slurs.

"You heard the lady! You bastards better put it down! The same goes for you lads!" Alistair points his index finger towards his own men.

"Gods. How long will this take?" Arra sighs.

"Can't we just ask other people around here?" I ask Arra, her hands covering her face.

"Oh, right! I remember a couple of people now." Hamir coughs and laughs as his words start to sound casual.

"There it is. He's drunk now."

Arra sighs in relief and smiles at me.

"See? We just need to wait."

"There's this doctor who works as an executioner for the Legion, and a couple who's known around the neighborhood for their hatred against nobles despite being one themselves. The three of them, I have personally taught myself, and they don't come to our sessions anymore. Despite the invitations from my brothers, they won't come. It's sad. They only used me because I know voodoo." Hamir frowns. "They---"


Hamir snores as his men struggle to carry him away. I stand up and drag Nelen, who's in the middle of grabbing some Chimerian by the collar, away from the guy. The group of people wearing black robes quickly dispersed, some of them giving some of Alistair's men the death stare before going. Three of the men on a table near us seem to be staring at Arra with weird eyes. I wonder if Arra noticed this.

"There are people staring at you." I whisper to Arra as I struggle to keep Nelen in check.

"I know."

"Should we go somewhere else?"

She sighs, and nods her head.

"Yeah. Let's get something to drink first. This place is hot."

I look back and see Alistair searching for someone in the crowd, but he then distracts himself by inviting some of his men to drink with him. Arra fans herself with her right hand as I follow her to a nearby counter. The wall behind it seems to be filled with different types of food and liquor like a normal bar, but this bar's size isn't exactly normal. It must've extended for about thirty feet long, and the bartenders use magic spells to their drinks. Most of the people here looks rich, too.

"Would you like a drink?" The snake-man bartender said.

"Just water for my friend over here." Arra replies.

"So... What do you suppose we do now?" I ask.

"Let's... head back for now." She smiles and points to Nelen. "We can't work properly with that, can't we?"

"Haha. You're not wrong about that. This girl's as strong as an ox."


Dragging Nelen outside was much more challenging than the golems back at Rusar's. The stairs were dark, so we stumbled a lot when I held her hand. I didn't know Nelen had a sailor's mouth when she's drunk. I would've preferred carrying her since she looked light, but Arra told me she doesn't like being carried, so I didn't. I look at nearby clock hanging next to the door outside. It's quarter to six.

"She's asleep. You can carry her now."

"Gods. It took us an hour just to get her outside?" I start. "Why is there even a bar underground in the first place?"

"Relax, Sol." Arra giggles. "It's going to be fine. She's just drunk. Nothing to worry about. Ah. Do you want to check that out?"

The unusually quiet street got suddenly brimmed with life all of a sudden. The sound of the wind was replaced by gossip as adults, teens, and a handful of Chimerians seem to be looking at something. There's also a metallic scent in the air for some... Wait. Oh, Gods. It's blood..... Why can I remember the smell of blood, though?

"Sol?" Arra snaps me out of my trance. "Is something wrong?"

"I... Have you ever seen a dead body before?" I ask.


Arra widens her eyes. I'm guessing she realized, too. Her breathing's starting to get ragged, so I offered her that we should move along. I can't blame her for being scared, and I'm sure I don't want to make her feel bad either.


"Are you sure you want to check it out?" I ask.

"I... don't know, but... I have to see this through. This... is part of the job. I... I mean, what's the point of being a Lion if a little blood scares me?"

She laughs and forces a smile, but her voice is wavering. We walk towards the scene, the scent of blood becoming stronger with each step. The black-tinted glass windows and the shadows coming from the buildings were overbearing, and the street lights were on. The same yellow light looks somber.

"Seriously? That's the fourth time this week." One of the two old ladies near me shakes her head. The other one sighs and replies.

"People are messed up. What was the motive?"

"The young boy's accused the lass of taking his girl. Seriously, why can't people just love each other?"

A murder, huh? Arra follows me as we brush against the people blocking the way. Arra said nothing, but her body was nervous, as her forehead was getting sweaty. Her face looks skeptical, but she still looks at the scene, hoping that someone would take her by the hand, so I did. She was a bit surprised when I did this, but she followed along like a stray kitten who'd just been given food.

"... Ugh. That's fucked up."

Brown hair got dyed red as a lady, whose age was probably in the middle to her late thirties, laid on the ground with holes all over her body. Another lady stroke her hair as she cradled her like a child, her pretty face full of tears. She looks like a noble. Beside them, Chimerian officials struggle to contain another noble with a crazy face as he whispered something continuously to himself. I look at Arra to see if she's alright. She's not. Her face was pale, and she's covering her mouth with her hands, making noises like she's about to vomit. I sigh and try to drag her out of the crowd, but she wouldn't budge.

"I... Sol... I need to..."

"Don't force yourself. Let's just go for now."

"No. I---"

"Isn't that Arra?"

I turn to the sweet voice calling. It was Esmeralda, accompanied by the two men from before. She looks worried as she rushes to where we are. Jean seems to be missing.

"What happened to her?" The one who wore my same expression asks. I still can't tell who's who.

"She got drunk." I reply. "What's the drink called again? I think I never got the name."

"Iz zat Ezmeralda?" Nelen raises her head. He sees me carrying her and... punches the back of my head.


"What the hell did I do? By the way, Esmeralda... Where's Jean?" I ask as Nelen jumps off my back.

"He told me he forgot something back at the house. He should b--"

"I missed you, love!!"

Without hesitation, Nelen wraps her arms around Esmeralda and showers her with kisses to the neck. Esmeralda pushes her away with a grin in her face, but Nelen manages to snatch three more before letting go. I look around to see if everyone saw their sweet exchange. Nelen's loud voice sure attracted some attention. Some people in the crowd looked with smiles on their faces, while others looked away with condescending eyes. The black guy that was under the command of Arra was blushing and looking away, while the one with the burgundy eyes whistled. I look at Arra to check if she's okay. She's looking at the couple, as well.

"Hey." I snap her out. "You okay?"

"Uh... Yeah. Thanks for worrying about me." Arra smiles and takes a deep breath. "Khrall! Strauss!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Please tell me what you guys found."

"Yes. Apparently, there were rumors circulating that the ones behind the massacre were people who were excommunicated from the Arshalam Sect. A professor and a couple." Burgundy said.

"They were excommunicated? I thought they left on their own." I ask.

"We're not talking to you."

"Shut up, lazy eyes. We're trying to help here."

"He's going to help us. Don't be rude to him." Arra pouts at them.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm very sorry about that."

"So, Arra... Any theories as to why the misinformation happened?"

"I honestly don't know, Sol. I couldn't really tell if Hamir was lying."

"You guys went to see Hamir? Isn't that a bit too bold?" The black man said.

"Well. Nothing happened to us, and Arra's father was also there so it's all good. Anyways, Arra... Can you tell me who's Khrall between these two?"

"Oh, Khrall's the large black guy."


"Do you guys wanna come back tomorrow? It's getting late. We'll just help here for a while."

Khrall points to Nelen, who's currently leaning on a wall along with Esmeralda. This guy's much more friendly. I like this guy better than the other one.

"Alright. Esmeralda! Nelen! Let's go! I'll see you guys tomorrow!"

Arra, Khrall and I exchanged goodbyes as I went over and helped Esmeralda carry Nelen. She tries to swat me away and kiss Esmeralda on the cheek, but she made those vomiting noises again. The sky's blue hue is starting to become deeper as our steps to the shop grow closer, so I distract myself with thoughts of what happened today. What the hell happened in there? Will Arra get home safely?We got back to the shop five minutes after seven. I help Esmeralda lay Nelen on the couch as soon as she opens the door, and she goes to the kitchen right after. There's a knock at the door.


"Here. Where have you been?" I ask as I open the door, already knowing who it is.

"I've been looking for you guys. Esmeralda told me she'd wait at the crime scene, but I didn't see her there, so I went back here. What happened to you? You look even more tired than usual."

"Nelen's drunk."

"Well, that explains it. So? What did you find?"

"Three people who would've done it."

"Would've? So you guys aren't sure about it? Who were they?"

"I never got any names, but the guy told me there was a couple and a professor."

"Wait, so we got the same results?"

"I'd like to think so, but there's something that bothers me."

We both sit on a couch next to Nelen, and Esmeralda comes out with tray full of cookies and a glass of tea. She gives the tea to Nelen and Jean speaks as we both stare at them.

"Well, spill it out!"

"Khrall told me the three of them were excommunicated, but Hamir, who's apparently the leader of said cult, told us that they went suddenly missing from his sessions."

"So, this Hamir... He didn't know what was going on?"

"Bingo. What do you suggest we do now, Chief?"

"We'll decide on that tomorrow."

I reach for a handful of cookies laying helplessly on the table. The cookies were shaped like humans, and there were stripes filled with what I assume to be chocolate chips. I take a small bite at the right hand. Mmm. I was right. This is chocolate. And it's delicious. I bite the head off and stared at the others like a tyrant. Prepare to meet your doom, gingerbread men!

"What are you smiling at?" Jean asks me as I chew on the cookie.

"Oh. Was I smiling?"

"Yeah. It looked weird, too. It's like you were forced to smile for a picture." He giggles, so I fought back.

"Oh, yeah? Well... You laugh like a girl. Esmeralda, where did you get these?"

"Oh, I bought it in the market for a few Cings." Esmeralda helps Nelen go to her room.

"Can you show me where?" I ask, taking another huge bite. The chocolate has the right amount of sweetness and it instantly melts in the mouth. This is bliss.

"Sure. Let's go there tomorrow!"

"Don't do anything erotic, now!"

Esmeralda looks at her, flustered, before rushing off with Nelen. Jean finishes her cookie and takes another one before following them, leaving me alone with my thoughts again... Yep. My brain's done. I'm too tired to think right now. I should rest.

"A person with one face simply doesn't exist... Unless you're talking literally, of course."

Kuuzuucreators' thoughts
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