
Arrival to the city of Veii

The soldiers began to assemble the suitcases while Julio used the crossbow to kill as many cursed beings as he could before the crossbow's ammunition would end.

The first to kill were those who could run, to find out who they were, he used one of the empty glass bottles of juice and threw it towards a stone.

The cursed beings heard the noise of the breaking glass bottle and headed towards the broken bottle, Julio was able to locate the cursed beings that could run at high speeds and aimed his crossbow to kill them.

The first to fall was the girl the soldier had seen, the Bolt pierced his little head while the girl fell to the ground without life, Julio continued with his crossbow attacks.

He did not always have such good aim some of those cursed beings had some Bolts in the face or neck as Julio had failed the shots.

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