
Eating a huge platter of meat

Wang Shan felt like this was another useless drama but one thing that made her confused was the fact that the rest of the family members were neatly groomed, and they were wearing neat clothes. Wang Shan wondered if there were any gatherings arranged by the family today. This time on entering the room, Wang Shan did not climb up her bed instead she sat in the stool near her writing table.

Little An after a while came back to the room but Wang Shan did not allow her to get inside because of one reason. Little An tried to figure out what was really wrong that lead her to stay outside the room. Wang Shan sighed deeply thinking how stupid was this Little An because she hadn't come inside even after a little while of waiting.

Then there was a knock on the door after what felt like 5 – 10 minutes Wang Shan just said "Come in" which let Little An enter the room.

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