
- SUGA -

Jimin glanced at the mysterious guy beside him, driving the car at a fast speed that almost surpassed the legal speed limit. It didn't though, or else a bunch of police cars would be following them by now.

He honestly had no idea what to do or how to react with the situation. Everything was so sudden. Sudden was even an understatement. Nobody could explain how confused, scared, and tired Jimin was. Nobody could even explain how embarrassed he was, knowing that he had been into a thrilling action similar to the ones he would see in movies while naked.

While naked.

And now, he was sitting on the passenger seat of a car owned by someone he had just met minutes ago. Still naked.

He didn't even have any single idea if it was right to trust said stranger. He also didn't have any idea who was that man that broke into his house, why he did that, and if he really intended to kill him like what this boy was telling him.

Speaking of this boy, Jimin took another careful glance. He was young, maybe just a few years older than Jimin. He was also, umm, really good-looking. You know that kind of good-looking with the flawless pale complexion, sharp jaws, bored eyes, cute nose and lips, and a really scary aura.

This kind of people was considered as the cool bad boys in Jimin's college. Jimin's type, actually. Not that this stranger was his type. He was just saying that bad boys with intense glares were his thing. Really, crushing on strangers was so low and disgusting.

"What?" the stranger asked sharply, noticing Jimin glancing his way. Thankfully, the boy remained looking at the street while he talked to him. Jimin would feel really uncomfortable if this boy would turn his head to look at him, considering how naked he was.

"Umm, I'm naked... A-and it's c-cold..."

There was silence for awhile before the boy sighed, stopping the car by the side. He turned.

Jimin covered his bits so fast it's faster than lightning. He could feel a deep blush creeping up his face.

Wait, so he was not covering little Jiminie ever since he slid into the car? Was he insane?

He watched as the boy rolled his eyes and stretched out his arm to reach something from the backseat, throwing it to Jimin's lap and starting the engine again. It was a suspicious-looking bag.

"What's this?"


"Clothes?" Jimin curiously peeked inside, rummaging over what was inside. There was a shirt...a cap...and a...skirt? Why the heck was there a skirt? "W-why is there a skirt?"

"It's either that or nothing at all. You choose," he answered curtly. Aish, what a grumpy asshole.

Without any much choice, Jimin wore the shirt that had girly designs, putting the bag on his lap to cover his bits for him. Next, he fished out the skirt, looking at it with so much apprehension. How would he wear this without having to expose little Jiminie and his butt? This would probably be the most awkward moment in Jimin's life.

He side-glanced at the boy driving before speaking, "Don't look, okay?"

The only response he received was a roll of eyes.

Slowly, Jimin lifted his legs up, the bag safely covering anything that should be covered. He slipped on the skirt as far as his thighs. Despite being so uncomfortable, as he had no choice, he set aside the paper bag so that it would not block the skirt. He then, still slowly, lifted his butt, fully lifting his body from the seat and slipping on the skirt all the way.

Jimin breathed a sigh of relief.

At least now, he was not naked anymore, be it wearing a female's outfit or not.

But let's admit it, it felt kinda weird not wearing any underpants. He couldn't even open his legs because it felt so uncomfortable when his bits were exposed to air. Shit, he had no choice but to keep his legs close for the rest of this unknown journey.

The strange boy glanced at him as Jimin was rubbing the exposed part of his thighs.

"Is it still cold?"

"Kind of, I'm not wearing underwear and this is a skirt so...you know, my bits are still a bit exposed and ummm..." Jimin stopped in the middle of his sentence because he noticed the boy shrugging off his jacket. He threw it into Jimin's lap as if he didn't give a single shit to anything at all.

"Cover that on your lap and knees. It will be less cold."


Did Mr. Grumpy Pants just offered him his jacket?

That's...kinda sweet. For such a cold guy.

Jimin carefully did what he was told to do, and glanced again at the stranger, thinking that maybe this guy was really kindhearted on the inside, opposite to what was seen on the outside. After all, he was saving Jimin, right?

But let's face reality. Even if this guy claimed that he was saving Jimin, it still didn't mean that it was really the truth. He could be a kidnapper for all he knew. Or maybe, that guy who came to his house was really the one who went to save him and this boy he was with now was the one who wanted to kill him. In the end, Jimin knew nothing. It's so easy to lie.

This stranger could just be lying to him.

"Uh, where are we going?" Jimin asked, voice awkward and unsure.

"To the safest place I know. He told me to bring you to a safe place."

"Who's he?"

The boy side-glanced at him. "You'll know."

Silence once again engulfed them, but Jimin's nerves were hyper due to the fact that he had no idea if he'd still live or if this boy was going to kill him. And so, to calm himself down even just a tad bit, he started a conversation again. He just needed to talk and talk because if not, he would probably have panic attacks.

"What's your name?" was the first sentence that came out of his mouth.

The strange boy did not answer at first, making Jimin even more nervous. What if he was already annoyed with Jimin and decided to kill him? Or put a duct tape on his mouth? Aish, he shouldn't have spoken. He's so stupid.

Then, unexpectedly, the boy spoke up.



"Call me S," he drawled.

What the heck was with the 19th letter in the alphabet? Jimin thought it was weird. And maybe it was the fact that his nerves were wrecking his insides, he complained without thinking.

"What's with the S? Does it have a meaning? I don't want to call you that. It's weird. S is weird. Like, seriously weird," he babbled unnecessarily, and upon realizing so, he quickly covered his mouth and blinked his two wide eyes. Now he's definitely gonna be killed.

Thankfully, all the boy did was to scowl at the street ahead of them. Good thing he did not look at Jimin with those intense eyes or Jimin's nerves would be in a worse situation now. He could barely even take looking at the boy's face, much less at his eyes.

"You're so noisy for someone who almost got killed," he scoffed. "Fine, S means Suga. Call me Suga. Happy now, brat?"


"Hyung. I'm older so it's hyung for you."

Jimin nodded stiffly. Suga-hyung.

Oh well, it's still weird but way better than just S.

So this handsome boy who supposedly saved his life was named Suga. Who could he be? Was he a police or something? Should Jimin trust him? And why was his glare so hot?

Of course, Park Jimin. It's really helpful to keep thinking on how hot this stranger is even though he might actually be a killer and will sell your internal organs to the black market. Well done.

Wait, what if he was right? What if it was all an act to make Jimin come with him and his original plan was to sell his internal organs like the ones he saw in the news?

"What?!" the other boy suddenly spoke, his deep voice cutting off Jimin's thoughts.

The car had stopped in a halt and Suga was facing him with one raised eyebrow. It was then that Jimin realized that he had said his thoughts out loud.


"Do I look like some kind of low class goon?" he said, in which Jimin shook his head immediately. "I told you that I'm here to save you, didn't I? If I wanted to kill you and sell your organs, I would've done that in your house earlier because you were obviously alone. That's too cheap. Yah, seriously, you should be kneeling on your knees right now and thanking me."

Jimin blinked many times. "U-uh...okay. Thank you...?"

Suga tilted his head as if contemplating the very existence of Jimin. He then leaned closer, and closer, and impossibly closer until their nose bumped into each other. Jimin's breathing hitched as he stared at the boy's face with eyes as wide as saucers.

"That's barely sincere," Suga said huskily, his voice giving Jimin goosebumps. "I want a sincere thank you."

Jimin licked his lips nervously. "Thank you..." he whispered.

"Mmm, you're welcome," the other boy said, glancing down at Jimin's lips with a smirk. "I know the situation is really odd, but be good if you want things to go smoothly. And even if I'm really a cheap goon in need of internal organs to sell, I will still not kill you. You're too cute." And with that, the mysterious boy leaned back from his position and got out of the car.


What did just happen?

Jimin's nerves were definitely going crazy now.

He struggled to breathe as he felt heat rise up to his face and to his ears. He probably looked like a tomato now with how red he was.

As he was in the middle of having an existential crisis and trying hard to mentally fight away the blush creeping up his face, he had failed to realize that Suga had already gotten out of the car. He only managed to notice it when a hard knock on the window resounded inside the car. He turned to the car window and saw a smirking Suga standing outside and waiting for him to slide out of the car.

He scrambled to open the door, hands clutching the jacket that was previously offered to him.

"Took you long enough, babe. I almost had the urge to open the door for you. You know, like what a boy would do to his girl while they're on a date," Suga teased.

Jimin glared at him. "I'm not a girl!"

Suga's eyes grazed his body from head to toe, then his smirk deepened. "Well, you definitely look like a girl with that skirt."


Least to say, Jimin was very annoyed. This stranger had done nothing but smirk at him ever since they arrived. He didn't even have any idea what this place was.

They were in the middle of a forest. He had not even noticed that they entered a forest as he was too busy thinking too much. It looked like it was near noon, which meant they had a long drive and they were now out of the city.

Suga went inside a suspicious looking cabin, indicating Jimin to follow.

If he's gonna end up getting butchered, might as well get through it fast.

However, when Jimin entered, the place looked far from being a meat-cutting place. It looked like...a house?

It looked like a house, but not really. More like a big cabin or something. It was just a square space filled with random things that if properly divided into rooms, could definitely become a bungalow house. On one corner there was a large bed and hanging pictures, probably the bedroom part of the place. On another corner was a poor replica of a kitchen, with only a few cupboards, a wooden table, a single stove, and a suspicious old refrigerator. On another side of the house, still at one corner, was what Jimin guessed as the bathroom. And the last corner was tucked with what seemed like a studio vibe.

Jimin frowned at the mixer, laptop, and several other things used for music production.

"Is...this your house?"

Suga glanced at him. "No, it's more like a recreational place or something. I don't have a sofa, so just sit on the bed or something. Are you hungry?"

Jimin shook his head as he looked around. The place honestly looked chic and impressively arranged.

"Since you're not hungry, we'll immediately get to business. I don't want to waste any time," Suga said, sitting beside Jimin on the bed.

These words made Jimin remember something. "Now that we're here, can you please explain to me why this is all happening, Suga-hyung?"

The boy snorted when Jimin called him Suga-hyung, then shrugged in response with Jimin's question. "You want me to be honest? I also have no idea. I do not even know if it's safe to tell you who I am and what I do. I was only tasked to bring you to a safe place because apparently, your life is in danger."

Jimin frowned. "What are we gonna do then?"

"Call Y."

"Y?" What's with these people and their alphabet names?

Suga only nodded and pressed something on his watch. A holographic thingy appeared again, just like earlier when he made his home telephone ring to avert their pursuer's attention and not find them. Jimin's eyes was getting wider and wider as he watched Suga click and type things on the hologram that was floating above the watch. He had never seen a technology like this before.

Jungkook and Taehyung would surely be just as awed as him if they see this.

Jungkook and Taehyung...

Swearing, Jimin gasped when he remembered that his two best friends did not know where he was. The situation finally sunk in and he realized even more that he still had to go to school tomorrow. What the heck?! What should he do?

He was about to speak to Suga when the holographic thing became bigger. Jimin narrowed his eyes and observed. It was now the size of the screen of his laptop back at home. A few seconds later, a face appeared on the screen-like hologram.

"Agent Y, I'm done with the mission. What's next?" Suga spoke in a very professional manner.

"Good to know," the man on the screen replied.

As Jimin stared at the man's face, his mind kept on nagging him that he was just seeing things. Because it really couldn't be. It's impossible.


He probably looked stupid because his jaw was hanging the whole time.

"Hi, Jiminie," the man on the screen greeted with an apologetic smile.

"U-Uncle... U-Uncle Tadashi?!"

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