
Epochraphyl History

The world has changed since an angel fell. That's the spark that diverged this plane. Many witnessed it. It's armored body with wide black wings shooting down through a skyscraper into the middle of a busy street. A crater. Smoke. Screams. Crashes. Death. And the angel emerging from within the ashen smoke. Many have recorded it showing the world what transpired that day. "The Day of Judgement" many called it. Although, it may not be the day that the world ended, it was the day that it began to. For the men, women, and children of that earth never could have stopped fate's unflinching wheels.

The angel was never seen again. His black wings never appeared once more. His red and black armor forever lost. And nobody discovered his face.

Blood. Blood splatters were found on that street. The local government had samples of it. Started experimenting. Created new life from the fallen angel's blood.

Eventually, the first hybrid of both man and angel came to being. Almost human, but with scaly grey wings and the ability to breathe fire. Their skin had grey scales and on the sides of their face, body, arms, and legs. Their strength was immeasurable compared to an average person. Many began to be filled with hope as a savior was born, while others saw it as the end of times. But the ones in power saw only one use for it.

A soldier. A weapon to fight for them. At first, he was a miracle. A manufactured angel created to protect humanity. But, as other countries were wrought with envy, it would only seem likely for them to create their own. Nobody was sure how the blood was spread. It could have been stolen by spies or sold on the black market by a disgruntled employee, but it spread nonetheless. The blood and the formulas spread far and wide for the creation of more super soldiers. Every country began to experiment with this miracle blood. More and more of these false angels were made. Armies of these grey-winged angels were mass produced by every country.

Tensions ran high. This new weapon had the capability to decimate cities with only one of them. Each country expected their neighbors to attack at any moment. Fear spread among the populace. And with only a spark, war broke out. There was only a minor skirmish between two countries. Alliances were made. Borders and treaties broken. And that small skirmish was reason enough to deploy their angels. And when one angel appeared, many others came to the frenzy from all sides. Armies of men blown away by the sheer power of the angels made by them. Entire empires crumbled on every side of the war. Not even the innocent were spared.

And those that still believed that their fallen angel was a savior, quickly faded into ash and dust.

But eventually, men on both sides were tired. The only people left were the people in power and the angels. Workers could easily be made. Development on new machines and androids started as a result to rebuild what was destroyed.

But the false angels were not finished with their war. Without war, they had no purpose. An idea was born from one angel. He led a revolt against their leaders, and it ended within a fortnight. They easily marched through their gilded gates and burned them down. And their actions brought forth the might of all other angels. One-by-one, countries fell from within by their own creation. They broke their chains and flew across the world doing whatever they pleased.

Those that survived tried to fight back, but to no avail. Instead, they took whatever possessions they had and escaped the planet. Only a few humans were still alive on Earth. The few were only to hide and scavenge, while they feared what came above.

The angels believed themselves to be victorious, but those that escaped plotted to retake their home. And over a century later, the remains of humanity were finally able to strike back.

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