
Mark and Rosh

We reached the Great Hall, and sat down with Harry and Ron. And we hadn't begun to talk yet when Dumbledore begun his speech. It was about the fact that the Dementors will be outside the castle, searching for Black. It was clear that he didn't want them here, but Black was more important. He also mentioned three things I already knew. Professor Lupin as the new DADA teacher. Professor Hagrid as the new Care of Magical Creatures teacher, and...

Albus- and, as you all probably already know. We have a new class of Defense Against Other World Arts. And with a new class we have to greet the new professor. Professor Juny will continue with her own class, like she did with DADA classes the last year. Well, I think that's everything of importance, Let the feast begin!

We continued with the feast, and I told Harry and Ron that what McGonagall wanted was to make sure I didn't have a muggle weapon here. They were distracted because the fact that Hagrid is now a Professor was a lot for them. At the end of the feast, when Dumbledore told us to go to bed, they went to congratulate him, and I went to the Ravenclaws.

Rainy- Luna!

Luna- Rainy? How are you?

Rainy- fine! I wanted to say hello to you before going to bed.

Luna- nice, hello then.

Rainy- hello! Okay now that that's done, see you tomorrow?

Luna- sure.

And with that out of the way, I went to the Gryffindor common room. By happy chance I met on the way with Percy, and he told me that the password was Fortuna Major. So I went straight to the third year girls dormitory, found my trunk, and went to sleep on my trunk-room's bed. It's more comfy.

The next day I went to breakfast, and sat down on the Ravenclaw table with Luna.

Luna- hi.

Rainy- hello, how was it the summer?

Luna- pretty good. And yours?

Rainy- I almost died. So pretty awesome. I've been fighting nonstop until the last month.

Luna- you always find joy in strange things, Rainy.

Rainy- you are not one to talk, Luna, jajaja.

Luna- maybe...

Then McGonagall came with my schedule.

McGonagall- here, Lionheart. Enjoying with your friend?

Rainy- yes! She's one of my best friends

McGonagall- really? Good luck with that then, Luna.

And she went back to the Gryffindor table to give more schedules

Rainy- what's that supposed to mean?

Luna- then what are you going to do this year?

Rainy- befriend people from all houses.

Luna- is that really your objective?

Rainy- it's more like an optional mission. This year probably I'll deal with Sirius Black.

Luna- Sirius? Aren't the Dementors here to catch him?

Rainy- and he escaped from their prison so I'm not trusting the dark creatures, thanks.

Luna- and why do you want to find him?

Rainy- he... might have important information? I don't know. That's what I've been saying but I feel that there's more than what meet the eye in this story.

Luna- so, another interesting year?

Rainy- another interesting year.

Luna- what do you have after breakfast?

Rainy- nothing, I have a free hour and after that, Transfiguration. I took Care of Magical creatures and DAOWA.

Luna- nice. I have to go to potions.

Rainy- good luck then.

I used this first hour, to wander a little, and think about the keyblade.

Rainy- (keyblade wielders are like guardians of the worlds. But I want to freely explore the worlds. I hope that Master Koro doesn't care about that... also, I hope those Dementors wont be attracted by the light of the keyblade. The Heartless are...)

Soon after digressing a little on my thoughts, I reached the door of the Transfiguration class, and I sat to wait.

I looked to the hallway I just came by, and I saw two Slytherin boys from probably first year, yelling to each other.

Rainy- (that's weird. The Slytherins are famous because they don't fight in front of anyone. They are like a perfect family for the outsiders. It's clear that if a Slytherin sees them they will get in trouble.) hey, don't fight out of your common room! Didn't your prefects told you that!?

The both of them then stared at me, surprised.

Boy 1- since when have you been there?

Rainy- when you guys came here, I was already here. What's the problem?

Boy 2- we have Transfiguration but we are here late because the castle is huge!

Boy 1- and because Mark forgot his books on our common room!

Mark- oy! Rosh, stop that!

Rainy- hahaha, don't worry. McGonagall is stern, but you are not the firsts nor the last first years that arrive late to their first class. Just go in there, and try to look apologetic. And don't fight between you both. You are Slytherins, you have to look like an unbreakable family.

Rosh- how do you know so much about Slytherin if you are a Gryffindor?

Rainy- I've taken my time to know every house. Even my own. And let me tell you that there are not better or worse houses, just better or worse students. You'll learn that the 90% of the Gryffindor students hate Slytherins, and it works both ways. And that's not a trait of the houses, just plain hate. So go in there, learn some Transfiguration tricks, and try to enjoy Hogwarts. It's not worth hating someone because it's cunning. Or hate someone because it's reckless.

Then Mark and Rosh looked me with a weird face, and went to the Transfiguration class.

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