
A night on a swamp

[that night, on a tent]

Rainy- okay, I'm not going to sleep with these thoughts, so I'll take the night guard.

Ginny- you sure you'll be fine?

Rainy- yeah, there were nights on Hogwarts that I didn't sleep at all. I have more energy than you.

Ginny- fine, take care.

And with that Ginny went with Ron to the tent to sleep. I sat on the campfire to wait, and talk with Ifrit.

Rainy- Ifrit, do you know anything about those... heartless? Those shadows Ixat was fighting against.

Ifrit- (no, I don't. but I do know about the guys that are after the keyblade. The weapon Ixat was using. They are another branch of the organization the Daijuroku is part of. I don't know their name, but it seems that the Keyblade has to be absurdly powerful. I know this because Daikun fought against a guy with long black hair that wielded a Keyblade, and got destroyed. He would have died if it wasn't for this other branch I'm talking about. The Keyblade wielder ran from those guys, and using his Keyblade, he opened a portal on the sky. And while conjuring an armor around him, he transformed his Keyblade on a vehicle and escaped through that portal.)

Rainy- wow, that sounds like the Keyblade is indeed powerful...

???- what is powerful?

I turned around as fast as I could and leaning against a broken tree, a guy with a blonde long ponytail-tied hair. He had a black cowboy hat, a white t-shirt with a blue denim jacket, and blue Jeans. And he had two swords sheathed, one longer than the other.

Rainy- who...?

???- my name's not important, Stray one, dear... what is powerful? You were talking with yourself for a moment there...

Rainy- ... the Daijuroku has sent you? I'm not telling you anything!

???- oh! No, nonono. No one has sent me, dear. They can't...

Rainy- only the Daijuroku calls me Stray one!

???- True, and I won't negate that I'm from the Daijuroku. But no one has sent me, no one can tell me what to do, dear. You see, I AM the Daijuroku!

Rainy-... !!! y-you are The Last Half?

???- quite close there, but no. I... Was The Last Half... I'm afraid, dear, that those idiots of the new Daijuroku stole from my hand that branch of the organization... you see, when they took the Last Half position from me 15 years ago... they thought I had died. And I've been trying to get revenge since then. Right now, I'm a Second Half on the Daijuroku and I'm waiting for my moment. And you seem to be that moment I was waiting for, dear.

Rainy- but I don't need your help to thrash the Daijuroku.

???- I know... But I don't want you to thrash it. I want you to recover it for me!

Rainy- and why I would do that? How can I know that you will be better than the actual The Last Half?

???- you can't dear. But you will understand soon enough... that the Daijuroku HAS to survive. It's necessary. But that's as necessary as it is that The Last Half dies. He doesn't know why the Daijuroku was formed, and with him on the lead, it's original purpose is as good as dead.

Rainy- you've been talking about this original purpose... what is it?

???- that will have to wait, dear. You have company, and I can't stay outside of they radar much time. Bye.

Rainy- hey what do you mean with compan-

Then I heard a hiss behind me and when I turned around, there was a giant snake, almost as big as the Basilisk.

Rainy- oh! Come on! Why are you here!?

Snake- !! you can talk with me!? well, it doesn't matter. You crossed the limits of my swamp! Now you'll die!

Rainy- ha! Come and try! I've fought bigger snakes!

Snake- you are facing the great Midgar Zolom!

Rainy- thanks for telling me which meat I'll eat tomorrow!

The Midgar Zolom went for a Bite attack, but I dodged to the right, conjured Joyeuse and stabbed him in the eye. He recoiled because of the damage, and Ron and Ginny got out of the tent.

Ron- what is hap-- what IS that!?

Rainy- from what it has told me... a Midgar Zolom. We'll have to talk with Juny about this one..

The snake suddenly entered a rage mode and begun to charge magic.

Rainy- oh, oh. Guys take cover.

Ginny- what is happening?

Ron- yeah, it is just there withou-

Rainy- take cover NOW!

As soon as I yelled that, the snake hissed something like ''beta'' and a magical fire explosion happened under our feet. I used that moment to call Command! Magic! And with the time stopped I begun to think of a plan.

Rainy- (hmm, I think the better thing to do right now would be use a shellga and I'll heal us later on... okay,) Shellga!

I defended us with a Shellga! and the attack just burned Ron, who defended Ginny from the fire, and me. But I can hold on a lot more than some burns. While the snake was surprised that we survived I took the chance and ran forward, jumping on his head and stabbing him on his other eye. Then I proceeded to stab the snake on the back, and run all the way to his tail while dragging the weapon, cutting effectively all the back of the snake, and killing it in the process. After that I went where Ron and Ginny are.

Rainy- Ginny, is Ron alright?

Ginny- yes, I think. But he has the back burned.

Ron- It hurts! A lot!

Rainy- well, you could have listened to me and take cover. Command! Magic! Cura! There, better. We should get going to the Chocobo Farm. I don't want to fight another Midgar Zolom.

Ginny- okay.

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