
Fun afternoon

Rainy-(eh? I'm alive?)

I awakened on the floor of the forest and i saw the wolf dead. Then i remembered all the wounds i had and they begun to hurt

Rainy- aaaaaghhh (i need to do something! But what...? the magic menu!!)

Then i begun to think on how to make it appear again.

Rainy-(come on, screen appear, please, magic!, menu!, command!)

And just as i thought it the (now we know) command screen apeared.

Rainy-(there it is!!) Magic! Cure!

A white light appeared on my palm as i touched the wounded parts and it healed them nicely, at least with the bite wounds, cause with the wounds on my face the cure stoped working.

Rainy-(?? why it stoped? Command! Magic! Cure!)

On the moment i thought of cure a message appeared on the middle of my eyes saying ''No Mana''

Rainy-(...) Mana!!??

Then bottom right of my eyes some numbers appeared:

Mana: 0/23

Rainy-(crap, that means i need this numeric thing to use magic...? well the wounds on my face aren't that important but i need to go to somewhere safe or else without magic... oh oh i can't use more magic!! if another wolf appears i'm pretty much dead!)

Then i decided to run on the same direction i was walking before the nap, and 30 minutes later i found a road.

Rainy-(good, now i just, need to wait for, a car to, uff, pass, and hope it will see me)

While i'm waiting is a good moment to tell you what kind of knowledge i have cause technically i shouldn'n know as much as i know but can't tell you that much, just that i have some common knowledge of cities and modern era not much more than that. And here comes a car.

Rainy- heeyyy!! hereee!! i need heeelp!!

The owner of the car saw me and stopped on the side of the road

???- A kid? What is she doing here in the mountains?

He then went out of the car and saw my face

???- what? What happened to your face kid? Need some help? Where are your parents?

Rainy- i was attacked by a wolf! Thanks god you saw me, i'm afraid i don't know my parents as i was alone in the forest and yes i need help. I don't know where i am and i don't know anything before being in the middle of the forest

Worried Guy- well first of all you need those wounds treated, we can talk about your situation later.

Rainy- Thanks sir

Then he opened the passenger door of the car and i entered before immediately passing out

[Some time later]

Rainy-(uff second awakening of the day, what a fun afternoon...)

I got up to see that i was on a hospital bed when the nurse saw that i was awake

Nurse- don't force yourself dear, wait a moment

Then she called the medic that took care of me and he told me that i had lost a lot of blood and that i had to remain another day on the hospital.

He also talked about my situation. Because there is no one to take care of me in my family (of course the can't find someone that doesn't exist) i'm going to an orphanage.

Then he told me that the wound in my face was pretty bad and it will leave a scar, not that i care specially but cure would have healed it without a scar. That got me angry against that mana thing and surprise, i had the mana recovered.

The last thing he wanted to say was that they bought me simple clothes as the ones i had had holes on the sleeves. After hearing it all i decided i should sleep again.

Leave comments on what you think i could have done better and, above all else, my grammar. That's the reason i'm doing this :D that and because it's fun

Luxordcreators' thoughts
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