
First Skill

A few years pass without anything going on. Besides my parents getting me some dolls for fun. I'm passing in school at least. Right now it's right before my 15th birthday. I'm just an anxty, rebellious teen... I guess this was the reason that I didn't tell my parents. You see, the only and first time my tree had a spot light up so far was just yesterday; it was beginner puppet making. This allowed me to do just as it said; it allowed me to make puppets. I asked my mom for some needles and thread, without telling them about it. I said something like "Can I get some yarn and those yarn-stick-things that you use to hold the yarn. I think I should be able to make what i'm bound to use." At the time, I just wanted to avoid the stereotypical "proud mother" mood I would see (that is always embarrassing might I add).

So, for anyone who didn't notice, I added some more to the original first chapter a while ago. It basically just helps me translate the plot I know to you all with an actual name and numbers system (like the quirk system of whatever it is, I can get a representation of the power). It also allows for me to give set names to parts of peoples powers and such.

Arbre_Blanccreators' thoughts
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