
Chapter 20: Unseen Threat

Mandarin International Hotel and Casino

Henry Dewey Street, Metro Tondo

Lusong Region, Republic of Easting

February 05, 2023 C.Y.

2030 Hours

The smell of cigarette, chatters and laughter of people overwhelms the senses of Enrique, playing poker with his friends in the Casino. There were at least five of them in the table and were playing exclusively. He lost the game almost three times and in the fourth time he stood up and quit.

"Such a sore loser. Come back here!" One of Enrique's friend teased him.

Enrique holds his patience and returns with a mischievous smile in his face. He calmly responds to his friend and said. "I had enough for the night."

He grabs his coat and leaves his seat, he did not look back and went to his room. He is not in his best mood, he is disappointed and displeased when his plans were messed up. The untimely death of Roman Villamor, less support from the Premier of the Politburo of Qina and the crime syndicates. Despite of his plans being laid back, he does not wish to back down. Rather, he wishes to continue and find a way to make it work.

He arrives at the door of the elevator, the door automatically opened for him and he enters. He swiped his card to the card reader, entered the floor number where he wishes to go. His room is located at the twentieth floor. The elevator started to move and within ten seconds the elevator stopped.

"Twentieth floor!"

The elevator doors opened and the tired man exited. He went for his room which is located near the balcony, exposing the sight of the city at night. The city lights illuminated from the city until the foot of the mountain several kilometers away.

"Disorderly, but, beautiful!" Enrique subconsciously said staring the view of the city that night before proceeding to his room.

Enrique swiped the card key to his room's card reader and the door opens. He enters his room and the lights automatically opened when he entered. His things were all messed up, his clothes are scattered everywhere. In the table near the television set, he grabs the glass of brandy and takes the glass beside it. Pours the contents of the bottle to the glass until half-full and then gulps down the contents of the glass.

After giving off a sigh from drinking his beverage, Enrique sat down in the table and turned on the television. He watches news, local and abroad to keep track on the latest news. There's nothing that interested him in the news and takes the remote control in order to turn the T.V. off. Before he switch it off, something caught his eye and decided to take closer look on the details.

"With the efforts of Lieutenant Luis Alfonso of the Easting Army Special Operations Command. The capture of the well known separatist leader Feliciano Zamora was made possible. The Lieutenant is awarded the order of the Chieftain, one of the most prestigious awards a military personnel can get for his service..."

The chatter of the news became inaudible as Enrique furiously stares at the person in front of the television. He clenched his fists in fury then grabbed the remote control and turned it off.

"Failures upon failures!" Enrique furiously outbursts inside his room and shouted.

After releasing himself furiously, he takes the phone as he calmed down a bit. He collected his thoughts and calls his contact from the army to inquire about Luis.

"This is General Conrado Doce Mayor, who is this?" The General asked Enrique on the phone.

"It is me, Enrique." Enrique replied calmly.

"Oh, sorry my friend." The General apologized and asked, "What can I do for you today?"

"We need to talk, important matters!" Enrique replied with scheming thoughts in his mind.

The two talked about the recent incident with the Reds and the government forces in Sibalu. Enrique was surprised in hearing the details of the government's forces progress with the help of the talented Lieutenant.

"Is that so?" Enrique asked.

"Yes, we cannot underestimate him. I thought to have silenced him about the incident earlier that involved with an agent of yours." The General explained.

"What incident and agent?" Enrique asked.

"It is about the same Lieutenant I let go after making an agent of yours escape from Infante during the siege. He promised to keep his silence but did not take the money." The General replied.

Hearing this Enrique paused for a while then his anger builds up and yelled at the General,"You fool!"

The General surprised asked his friend and asked, "What have I done?"

"You should have killed him while you still have a chance!" Enrique replied.

"That would put us in suspicious light. In killing him, we could cause public uproar..." The General tried to explain but was interrupted.

"I do not care, I had enough of the likes of him interrupting and messing up my plans. My meeting with both the leaders of the Red movement Zamora and Villamor should have been successful if not for him!" Enrique again bursts with anger.

"I do not know that he stillhave a fight in him. We all thought he is just a failure but recently, he proved otherwise different..." The General replied trying to calm down his friend.

"Do whatever it takes to remove that man out of our plans!" Enrique replied and sat down in his bed.

Hearing that his friend calmed down a bit. The general brings the topic of their next plan and asked, "What about our plans in the future my friend?"

"What about it?" Enrique asked.

"You know, that event we planned in the future. I have met with our boys, we only need your signal and the support from your side." The General reminded him, confident that his preparations are enough for their next endeavor.

"You sound confident eh?" Enrique commented.

"The longer we wait the more dangerous matters will become. I think we should strike when we still have the chance." The General recommended.

"Do we have the loyalty of your men?" Enrique asked.

"They are willing to die for our cause." The General said.

"Very well..." Enrique sounds convinced and stands up. He looks on the window and looks on the view of the city that night.

"Are you ready?" The General asked.

"Proceed as planned!" Enrique instructed the General and puts the phone down.

Knowing of the minimal support he had received from his allies. Enrique knows he have to be resourceful to get what he wants. The support of Qina and the Mafia may come when he succeeds most of his objectives during the "fated" day of his plans. Whatever he is planning that day is a close guarded secret to him and two more people he knows.

Using his connections, Enrique now plans the lasts stage of his plot. He shifts his view towards the heart of the capital, the Presidential Palace. The seat where the power of the nation is located. The very heart and the capital of the Republic of Easting.

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