

They reached Country A on Thursday night and went to their respective homes to rest. David's main guards came to pick her up from the Airport as Sky forbid David to pick her as it was a late night.

After reaching the office on Friday morning, Sky looked at the heaps and sighed. She finished her meeting which carried a long time before going back to the office.

"Come in" Sky instructed in inter-com. Andy knocked on the door and entered inside. "Ms.Sky!"

"Andy, Are you free this weekend?" Sky spoke checking the files.

"Yes, Ms.Sky. Do you have any instruction?" Andy replied.

"Then go and pack your bags. You are going to Harley's resort this weekend with others. It will be a work trip and you can rest in the meantime. If you want, you can take Rony or any companion."

Andy took time to digest and agreed, "Sure Ms.Sky. I will report to you on Monday."

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