
Day 22

We're out of food again. Now, I'm not sure what I need to do. We may have to starve a little for tomorrow. I need to sleep on it.


I just had a really dark thought. Something that I never would have thought of before, but now maybe it really isn't that far off. We still have some of our injured crew members left. We don't need them. They're a liability.

No. No. No. They are still a part of the crew. They're not dead, yet. I can't do that to my own crew members. My own? What about Mr. Green?

Donovan Green. He isn't a member of the crew. He's the guy who made us come here in the first place. We wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for him. I'll be right back.

Update 2:

I can't regret it, now. Mr. Green isn't dead. He has just become part of the crew.

When I went to Mr. Green's private quarters, I knocked to see if he was awake. He opened the door.

He was surprised to see me and offered if I could come in. I gladly accepted. He turned around and offered me a drink, but as soon as he turned I struck him on the head. He fell with no resistance. I looked outside the quarters to see if anybody was around. Nobody was there.

I tightly wrapped a piece of cloth around his mouth just in case he woke up and carried him to the kitchen.

I laid him down. I took a kitchen knife and put it near his throat. I paused. Did I have second thoughts? Do I really want to make this man the crew's next meal? It's not about want. It's necessary.

I slit his throat wide open. I don't think he felt a thing. Or so I hope.

I cooked him into a stew.

Also, I had to clean up after myself. A living body is far more messy.

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