
Love Is Not Over

Alistair spent those hours going over the life of Min-soo and committing it all to memory. Since he had been given a second chance, he would live it to the fullest and embrace it as Min-soo, it was the least he could do to pay him back for giving him this body.

However, Min-soo was in deep trouble. He had gone behind the back of his family and taken his sister out to an amusement park she had been wanting to go to for the longest time. He had felt terrible for forgetting about her birthday and had decided to make up for it by spending a day with her at the amusement park.

In the end though what was supposed to be a joyous day ended in tragedy. They had taken the bus in an attempt to lessen the likelihood that they would be found and also because she had wanted to experience what she called the 'entire package'. But the bus ended up colliding into a car that had run a red light.

The incident had left him in a coma and he was currently unsure of his sister's condition. However, a quick search on the internet had answered his questions. Of the forty-five passengers on the bus, ten died including the bus driver and five were heavily injured, two in a coma, who he assumed was him and his sister and the rest suffered minor injuries.

Turned out, the person who ran the red light was the youngest son of the current President and was drunk at the time. Out of all the victims, he was the one who ended up with the lightest of injuries, no thanks to the expensive safety features in his luxury vehicle.

The President had done all he could to put a lid on the affair, going so far to even order a suppression order on the media revealing the name of the driver. However, living in a country with laws, this blatant attempt to save his own hide not only failed to protect his son, but even drew criticisms onto the suitability of him in his office from all areas of the country.

This sustained pressure from both the public and National Assembly had many pundits questioning when he would announce his resignation. What would have normally been a simple affair, where all he had to do was apologise for the actions of his son, was possibly going to lead to the end of his career.

Min-soo examined this incident and the one that had led to his previous death and saw many similarities. They both had younger sisters that had dragged them onto a bus and they both had ended up in a serious incident. It appeared both Min-soo and Alistair had died. But he had returned as Min-soo, could Min-soo have become him in that other world? He would never know, but it still piqued his curiosity.

However, from what he could remember, Erika had not suffered any serious injury, however, Seo-yeon, his younger sister in this life had.

Upon seeing Hyun-woo return with the discharge papers, Min-soo immediately asked about his sister.

"How is Seo-yeon? Where is she?"

A flash of sadness crossed Hyun-woo's eyes before they returned to their usual placid state.

"The Young Miss is still in a coma. The doctors were losing hope that she would awaken any time soon, however seeing your current state they immediately checked on her. But there has been no change. They say that everything is fine and she should wake up anytime now, but that is also what they said three months ago. Young Master, you should not blame yourself, you could not have known that idiot Kang Dong-hyun would drink drive. If there is anyone you should blame, blame that bastard."

Min-soo felt angry, at himself for his actions and at Dong-hyun. Even though Seo-yeon was not his 'real' sister per se, he still felt the raw emotions that were instinctively triggered upon mention of Seo-yeon. In fact, he could barely tell apart his own and this body's emotions. He chose not to worry about it, after all he had promised to take on Min-soo's life.

Whether it was in this world or his last, Min-soo had always been the number one protector of his younger sister. The image of Erika and Seo-yeon eventually overlapped in Min-soo's mind.

"Can I see her?" Min-soo asked with a desperate look.

"Of course, Young Master. I am sure, the Young Miss will be glad to hear your voice." Hyun-woo responded kindly.

However, before that Min-soo spent the better part of an hour adjusting himself to his new limbs. He was actually taller than before and well endowed for lack of a better word. Seeing himself in the mirror for the first time, Min-soo was shocked. Handsome. Very handsome. Now Alistair was not a pushover when it came to the looks department, but that was according to Western standards.

However, Min-soo would not lose out even when compared to both Eastern and Western standards. Alistair had upgraded indeed.

By the time Min-soo had completed his vanity trip, he had become perfectly adjusted to his new body. Mind, soul and body were in perfect harmony. Well, at least as harmonic as someone who had just woken up from a three-month coma could be.

Hyun-woo guided Min-soo over to the room next door. Unlike Min-soo's utilitarian style room, Seo-yeon's room had been redecorated and looked no different from any other girls' room. Warm lights permeated the air, a light fragrance drifted about, and the slight gurgling of a water feature broke the amicable silence.

It was clear just how much Seo-yeon was loved. Min-soo without even asking knew that it was on the orders of his Grandfather. It further reinforced just how angry the family was with him, given the contrasting treatment.

Min-soo cautiously walked over to the bed. Hoping that she would be awake, perhaps two miracles had occurred today. However, he was met with nothing but disappointment. But for the beeping from the heart monitor and the slow rise and fall of her chest, Min-soo would have assumed the person before him was dead.

Min-soo felt immense guilt and regret. He lightly grabbed onto Seo-yeon's hand and kissed it gently, whispering his apologies over and over again. He was a mess. He had not thought he would cry, but cry he did. For Min-soo, it was the blame while for Alistair it was the fact he would never see Erika again. Regardless, the feelings held and shared brought them together. Mind, soul and body were truly one at this point.

Min-soo stayed in that position until Hyun-woo gently prodded him and reminded him that they needed to return to the family home. Min-soo gathered himself and promised to exact justice for Seo-yeon and that he would do everything to bring her back.

Min-soo took one final glance before he left. His new life would begin here. He had an inkling of a goal, but how he would achieve it remained unclear.

Hey again. What do you think about the story so far? If you have not guessed by now, my style of writing is fairly slow. My bad. I'm still new to this.

Anyways thanks for the support so far.

Poor Erika and Seo-yeon, never to be seen again. Maybe? :)

toombcreators' thoughts
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