
To the future (2)

The next day, since John wasn't in a good condition to adventure in the woods to hunt, he decided to refill his stock of arrows for future outings. As he was used to the process and the arrows were quite simple to make, since they were only made from wood, it wasn't quite taxing on time and stamina to make them.

As he was making new arrows and arranging them extra quivers and baskets, he started hearing sounds of something coming from the forest in his direction. Worried that some wild beast were coming in the direction of the hous, he immediately grabbed one of the fuller quivers next to him and his bow, lodged a arrow and pointed it in the direction of the forest, where the sounds where coming closer and closer. As he started to see some shadows aproaching the end of the forest, he entered an focus state, ready to start shooting arrows. What he saw was the two siblings with a basket who frooze as soon as they saw John ready to fire agains't them.

"Why have you come? What are your intentions in coming here?" said John as he looked at them with a fierce glare, while maintaing his instincts sharp enough to search for more presences within the forest. Alfie put himself in front of his sister, his sister tried to peek behind him as he said "We only came here to give you our thanks and to ask for forgiveness for our fellow kin who hurt you without knowing the full story of what happened!". As he heard Alfie's answer, he relaxed for a bit before he once again detected some movement in the woods. "Your feelings might be real, but I can't say the same thing for your fellow kin. Go! It's better if you go and never come back here!".

"Why? We just wanted to compensate you for what they've done and for saving us from our peril! Why must you treat us as such?" said Alfie with a confused gaze as he compared the fierce boy in front of him with the gentle and caring boy from yesterday.

After gazing all over the woods, John's gaze returned once more to Alfie's eyes. "You don't understand, but your presence here put's me and my family in harm's danger, And I WILL NOT ALLOW YOUR KIN TO HURT MY FAMILY! You can't tell because you're not used to fighting or hunting, but I can feel the intense killing intent released by the ones hidding in the woods, probably your guards.". "What???", Alfie turned his head to the forest and tried to find hints of presence in the jungle. "We left our house in secret, how did they find us???".

"Do you really think that with what happened yesterday, they would just let you guys roam free in the wilderness? Without any protection? What they did yesterday to me, I cannot, in any circumstance let that happen to my parent's just because I talked you or associated in any way with you. If you understand, leave! I know its not your fault and that your good guys, but I just can't take any chances, I´m sure your understand now.". Alfie gave a frustrated look as he answered "I.... see.... I'm really sorry.... I never thought about that.. We'll leave. We will leave behind a basket with food me and my sister made to thank you. I just hope someday I'll be able to return the favor. Remember! I, Alfred of the House Irythil, owe you a favor and I will someday repay you, even if it takes my life!" As he turned his back to John and grabbed his sister's hand and started going home, Alfie revealed eyes focused like never before, as he promissed in his heart that someday he'll be strong enough to make John his friend and to protect his friendship with him, never letting it be ruined by their kin and family. As John received these words straight from Alfie's heart, he could not help, but feel a warm feeling in his heart, as he though and imagined what it would be like if he was his friend. As he watched them leave, he gave a sorry but warm smile and waved his hand to Silvia who kept back look at him with sad eyes and an unhappy face, whisppering low words as if he was speaking to the wind "I'm sorry Silvia, don't be sad. Maybe we'll again someday...".

After they finally disappeared in the depths of the forest and the killing intent disappeared, John gave a long sigh of relief and sadness as turned around and frooze as he found his father looking at him with a smile.

"So.... were those your friends? The girl was quite cute! Wasn't she, son?" said his father with a mischievous smile, as he watched his son freezing and blushing in deep red up to his ears. "Dad!?!?! What were you doing here? How long were you there!?!?". Eric saw his son flustered and he laughed "Ahahahah! I've been here since the beginning, I felt a presence in the woods and some killing intent in the air, so I came as fast as I could and hid myself just in case.".

"I..... see... Dad?", "Yes, son?".

"Will I ever be able to become friends with them? I'm just afraid that if I become their friend, something bad might happen someday to you and mom... I'm afraid you getting hurt.". Eric watched as his son talked and showed many expressions filled with looks of expectation, worry, sadness, etc. Thinking to himself that John as shown to be a very intuitive and mature boy, Eric sighed and thought to himself that it might be alright to reveal an hard but important lesson to life "Son, if you feel like you can't do what you want to do because of others, all you can do is either discuss with them to see if your allowed to do what you want or become stronger and force your way! If your strong, no one will stop you from doing what you want. I know that your a good boy and you care for others, so I'm not worried that you would use your strength to hurt others or do bad things, but, REMEMBER! Only strength can allow you to protect your loved ones from harm, I...I..I w-was..."

Eric stuttered as he remembered some events of his life, a very deep sadness surged in his eyes and his face cringed "I... was weak! My best friend, my only trusted friend, he was by my side all my life, but because of my weakness he died protecting me. I-I c-could only watch as he was slaughtered in front of me and I couldn't do anything to stop it....".

"Dad." John felt a big squeeze in his heart as he watched for the first time in his life, his father falter and show such a grieved look. "When I lost my best friend, I felt like the world crashed upon me. That's when I met your mom, she felt like an angel who came from the sky to save my broken heart from truly breaking apart. As we met, enjoyed our time together and fell in love, we decided to get married, however, I once again wasn't strong enough to protect your mother from the fury of her kin. If I was stronger, your mom might have not needed to be treated badly for choosing to be with me. I'm weak and my heart hurts for her. Because of me, she'll never be accepted again between her kin...".

As he felt a presence near the house, he looked and found Adele looking at him with rivers of tears flowing down her cheeks. She ran and hugged him with all the strength she had as she muttered that it was not his fault. Eric hugged her back and comforted her with eyes full of love and care, putting his hands carefully on here cheek as if he could break it just from touching and kissed her gently for some time. Seeing that seemed calmer, he turned once more to John and said "John, if you truly wish to have and protect your friends and loved ones, you must become stronger than anyone else. You must have the power to fight back agains't that which is wrong, agains't that which seeks to bring pain to you and your loved ones. The same as you, there are others that will use their power to take that which is yours, remember that son.".

"Father, I understand...". After hearing the story told by his father, about weakness and its consequences, and seeing the pain it brought not only to his father, but to his mother as well, John reforged once again his willpower and resolve to become stronger, so that he coud be with whoever he sees fit and protect them from whoever seeks to bring them harm.

Hey guys, I´m not gonna be able to post chapters in this weekend, since I'll be out, but I'll try to write the chapters little by little in the weekend so that I can release them this monday.

Have the rest of a good day and a nice weekend!!!

JohnLightcreators' thoughts
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