
Doom part 1

Decked in his ever present set of armour and green robes, Doom waltzed into the room as if he had no care in the world.

"Yes the Arachnid is right, we will talk later about this interesting subject." Another smile came to Peter's face as he heard a villain finally refer to him as an arachnid, but that joy quickly dissipated as Doom was moving closer to them, though he was taking his time.

"Victor!" "Doom!" "Victor!" The rest of the fantastic four shouted out as he made his way over, with Sue taking care of Johnny and Reed still recovering somewhat, it was only Ben and Peter who stepped up to block his path. 'Why am I always right about my luck? It's never easy is it?'

Peter quickly assessed the situation as he whispered to Crystal. "Crystal I would be forever grateful if you could open those hangers doors as soon as…."*Clank* *Clank* He hadn't even finished the request when the doors at the end of the small runway started to open.

A cold chill came with the opening of the gates, showing the setting sun on the horizon. Everyone stopped what they were doing as the doors slowly opened themselves. The rest couldn't see it, but under dooms mask, Victor had a vicious frown on as he looked at the slowly opening doors.

He slowly reached down to the gauntlet on his hand as a small screen appeared before him. He typed for a few seconds to stop the doors from opening, and got even more disgruntled as he realized that he, HE! Was being locked out of his own system!

'No one disrespects Doom like this.' Lowering his hand, he prepared to take down the opponents before him, before going after this unseen nuisance that was steadily climbing his enemy list. What he didn't notice, was the small packet of data that piggybacked the small access he just used to connect to his main castle system.

Peter quickly snapped out his orders at the lull in action. "Reed I need you to get that ship in the air as fast as possible! You're no good in a fight right now! Sue, take Johnny and help Red get the bird in the air. Ben and I will distract Doom until then!" "But..!" Reed wanted to protest but Peter cut him off "You know this is the right move! Don't waste anymore time!"

Reed looked conflicted for a few seconds before he helped Sue towards the plane, leaving Ben and Peter to face doom. Rubbing one of the spots that were hit by one of those green blasts from before, Peter had a small mental debate with himself.

'Ok Peter, you've faced crazier villains than this, all he has is a suit like Tony and a genius like Reed….Yep no big deal, we deal with guys like this for breakfast…' Finished his small pep talk, Crystal's voice sounded in his ear.

Listening quietly to her words, the smile of confidence on Peters face grew and his body straightened even more. 'Oh I have so got this!' Doom finally stopped in front of Peter and Ben, one of his eyebrows quirked up behind his mask as he looked at them.

"Do you really think that you two can stop Doom alone? What foolish thinking. Bow and submit now and I will make sure your suffering is not prolonged." Peter stepped up next to the Thing and patted him on the shoulder before starring Doom down and pointing at him.

"Doom I may respect you for actually calling me an arachnid, but it looks like I'll still have to kick your ass!" Nudging the Thing once again, Ben tilted his head down to his small friend. "You know what time it is Ben?" A full blow grin came to his face as he cracked his huge brick like knuckles.

"It's Clobbering Time!"

Mass Release Number 4!~

OK I Know its a small chapter, but the full thing was too big not to split and it was the perfect place to split the chapter!

And as this is a Mass release, no bad feelings?

Zevrencreators' thoughts
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