
Awakening Ability

The first thing that caught Ron's eye was a white wall and a incandescent lamp.

After he saw the wall and the lamp, Ron began to look at something else.

Ron saw the white curtains, the white quilt, the white bed, the many medical devices besides the bed, and so on.

This should be a reasonably good single room.

Knowing he was in the hospital room, Ron frowned and lifted the covers to check on his body.

After looking at the rough white skin and the nice little thing under him, Ron knew that his body should still be Ron Branstad's.

And the reason he was in the ward, it should be his coma earlier, which caused him to be sent to the hospital by school and teachers, right?

"No, how long have I been in a coma, what time is it? Has the Columbia show started now?" Ron thought.

The day of his coma was a Columbia exhibit, which was Ron's best chance to be Spider-Man, and now he didn't know how long he has been in a coma. Where is he going to cry if he misses the mutant spider that bit Peter Parker and misses his superpowers?

Ron rummaged for a while and finally found his cell phone in one of his pockets. Looking at the date shown, Ron was excited and confused.

The excitement was that it was the day he had passed out in the coma, only a few hours had and it had come to that afternoon, and the wonder was that he had been in darkness and nothingness for so long that he had been transformed into a universe, only a few hours had in this beautiful world.

By the way where is "Gaia"?

"Gaia, are you still there?" recalled Gaia whom he had talked with before, Ron began to call out "Gaia" in his heart, just as he did in the Nothingness.

Right away, Ron got a reply. "Don't worry, I'm still here, I'm you, and as long as you're not dead, the two of us won't disappear." Gaia sounded in Ron's head, and Ron could feel it.

Ron was relieved to hear Gaia again. Both of them had been together for so long since he was in the Nothingness. Ron already knew Gaia was himself. Then Ron's body began to suffer from his old ailments. "--cough--"

The sound of a sharp cough indicates that Ron's body is still so bad! "Get a spider's superpower and improve your body!" Ron frowned and began to rethink how he would be bitten by a mutant spider with Peter Parker tomorrow.

"Ron, I can feel that we don't seem to be in very good shape right now, are you not from this world...?" At this moment, the Gaia's voice sounded. After he heard Gaia's , Ron smiled helplessly and told Gaia about his past world and the general knowledge of the Marvel world where they lived.

"So, this is the world we live in now..." After listening to Ron, Gaia said with a little surprised.

"You're saying that we're in the world where some of the most powerful beings can destroy the Universe? And they could all end up on the we're on?" he said.

Ron answered, "Yes, I am sure that in just a few years there will come to earth a creature of great strength, which, even if its power isn't enough to destroy the Universe, it is not far off."

Ron not only had seen a lot of Marvel movies and some cartoon in his last life, but he was also a fan, he knew that there were many powerful people in the world who could even destroy the world, such as Legendary Gods, Five Cosmic Entity, the Celestials and so on.

And as well as those strong beings who are strong enough to destroy the universe, even a few years later, powerful aliens will come down on earth, stronger than all the mutants and the Avengers on the present Earth combined!

"Well... if that's what you said is true, then we're in a bit of a difficult ; As Gaia heard Ron's words which gave it a sign of surprise, then laughed it off, and added, "But we have a chance being that strong!"

"What chance?" Ron was thrilled to hear that he can be strong enough to kill Spider-Man's spider power is nothing compared to that powerful being who can destroy and universes, such as Hercules, Grandmaster, and

Ron did everything he could to get Spider-Man's ability to provide him with a decent level of security. If Gaia really had the character that made him a devourer, Devourer is a powerful destructive entity and would Ron need to find some mutant spider to bite himself?

And then Gaia began to tell of its methods, "Remember what we are? We are a universe, we are everything, we can be anything!"

"Although we are very small now, our greatest advantage is that we now clearly know that we exist. That way, we can evolve our universe autonomously and not wait in chaos and nothingness."

"I can feel that although we have failed to evolve the universe before, we are not incapable of continuing to evolve."

As he spoke, Gaia seemed to begin to get excited too "I think, we can try it now!"

''How shall we try it?" Ron asked hastily, trying to find a way to try it when he heard Gaia. But at this point, Gaia laughed even louder.

Finally, it said, "Have you that I am you, and now we are just talking to ourselves, 'I' and you know this method and everything after that. "with a gentle sigh, it continued, "it is really stupid to talk to yourself, 'I' am going, in future perhaps 'I' will come out and chat with you, bye," Gaia said, and it disappeared directly.

And when Gaia said that, Ron fell into a coma. Ron began to absorb everything about Gaia. Or, rather, everything he should have known!

At the same time, in one of the large rooms of a school for gifted teenagers, Xavier, a man with a helmet equipment suddenly gave a little surprise, a new psychologically enhanced mutant had been born.

The man has closed his eyes, using his mental power to search. But for a long time, he didn't get the or the person which upset him. The bald man somewhat unwilling and continued to search.

Even though the bald man had begun to bear some burdens of using his mental power, yet, surprisingly he had not found the person. Without founding the man, the bald head finally stopped searching and removed the helmet from his head.

"Professor, what's the matter?" asked a man on the side of the bald man, with concerned after seeing him exhausted.

"Nothing , but just a moment ago I found a mutant kid who just woke up and trying to find out where he is." Xavier touched his bald head and soothed his tiredness.

"Professor, have you found out where the child is?" the man on his side smiled, continued to talk with a wry smile.

"No, but I can confirm his general He is in Queens."

The man said with surprise, "Can he avoid your telepathy, is this child a psychic mutant?"

The bald professor nodded and said, "he is indeed a psychic mutant, the extent should be in the level gamma mutant, with the ability to shield others' telepathy, the ability is quite good."

At the mutant of the gamma level, the man on one side slightly, somewhat disappointed, and said, "Does the professor need us to find this child and take him to school?"

"No, we have more important things to do now. Let's wait until this thing is over, and we will find this new mutant!"

Xavier smiled, not to care about it, and then opened his mouth to the young man on the edge to push himself out. ", let's go out..."

On the other side, in a hospital in Queens, Ron, who was in a coma, breathed a sigh of relief. During his coma, Ron who was chasing his own memories, felt a powerful force trying to invade his mind.

Ron guessed at once that this powerful force was supposed to be the telepathy of the mutant Professor X. Although he knew that Professor X was not a bad person, Ron still did not want anyone else to get into his head.

He had a lot of secrets in his head that no matter who they are, Ron would never let them know! Ron used all his mental strength to resist Professor X's telepathy and finally to prevent Professor X to invade his mind.

After he felt that Professor X's telepathy was gone, Ron finally began to merge his memories again. Shortly after, Ron found all his own memories of incarnating universe and knew what he was capable of.

With the inexplicable spot in his filled, Ron suddenly opened his eyes and began to use his first ability.

In the instant, something eerily suddenly appeared on Ron's empty right hand. It was a small stone which belonged to the starry sky.

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