
Chapter 23:

Amara Pov

I get back to my room and lock my door. Then I finally take off these boy clothes and I get in the shower. After that I get into my bed. and turn off the light. Why do I hear snoring and it is not me. I turn on the light SOMEONE IS SLEEPING IN MY BED! I pull off the covers and it THAT FUCKING PERV BENNY! I push him off.

Benny: That is not nice way to wake someone up


Benny: I fell asleep waiting for you

Amara: Give me one good reason I should not strangle you where you stand.

Benny: Video

Amara: You're an asshole

During our fight Benny has an eye camera in his suit. He has a video of my chest, and if I don't want it to get out I must do everything he says. The only thing he said so far was make him food every day, but there i no telling what that pervert will think of next.

Benny: Here

Amara: What is this

Benny: A Ticket

Amara: To what

Benny: Wonderland

Amara: Are you asking me on date

Benny: No because if I was asking you on date you would have the choice of saying no.

Amara: Fine

Benny: Take this to. you can't go looking like you did today.

He hands me bag it is a dress that matches my green eyes with some white heels and a silver jacket. Why did he gives this me these things they are really pretty?

Benny: Got it from my sister Petra where this tomorrow see yah Amara

I look at this stuff all these things are brand new. How the hell did he know my sizes. I look at the tags these things are expensive. I would probably never be able to afford this.

Amara: I don't get that guy?

Benny Pov

I crawl back out of Albert AKA Amara's room. I gave her ticket and bought her some clothes yeah, I am rich, I made several inventions and sold them to the government. Also about the video. I erased that a while ago, but she does not need to know that. Yesterday I was only planning to mess with her. Than I smelled her cooking and I got tempted. The cafeteria food taste like shit. In a room with three guys only Zen knows how to cook. He will charge us when he has to fix us something. I told her i still had video and she had cook my meal every day. Her angry face was adorable. I make it back to my room

Zen: You gave your friend the ticket

Benny: Yeah, all right I am going to bed

Zen: all right night

Sei Pov

Amy: So, what are you wearing today

Sei: Just this

I show her I wearing a blue sweatshirt and some jean pants and tennis shoes. I also have my panda stocking hat Amy does a face palm. What we're going to be moving around I want to be able to move easily.

Amy: This will be your first date you can't go looking like that.

Sei: It is not a date

Amy; Well were all probably going to split up. I know I am going with Deck, Benny probably going with his friend and Zola always been a loner. You two are going to be alone together and you can finally make some progress. You like him don't you.

Sei: I DO NOT!

Amy: Such denial. Frankly my head is hurting watching the both of you. You have not even told him you kiss him yet.

Sei: There were circumstances

Amy: Whatever anyway I can't have you going like that. I need a little help

Amy Creates a portal and out pops XU TU! and several other maids from my house. They have tons of bags with dresses make up and shoes.

Sei: Xu Tu what are you doing here

Xu Tu: Miss Amy called and told us about your date your mom was worried and said she would probably wear a sweatshirt.


Xu Tu: One more thing your mother said NO PANDAS

Sei: WHAT!

Xu Tu: Alright people we got a lot of work to before the fairy arrives in a hour.


Amy: It is for your own good see yah down there.

Zen Pov

We are get to the fairy one buy one. Only a few people are missing Sei and Benny friend. Benny's friend come first she has light tan skin dark brown hair and green eyes. Strangely she look really familiar have we met before.

Zen: Do I know you?

Amara: ahhh no this is the first time we met

Zen: I am sure I have seen you before somewhere.

Benny: Of course, you have

Amara: BENNY!

Benny: She is Alberto twin sister Amara. They are twins so of course they have the same facial features. Amara has come to visit her brother but he is sick, so He ask me to show her around.

Zen: Oh, I guess that make sense. you really look like your brother for a moment I thought you were the same person.

Amara: I get that alot ..ahahhahah

Decklyn: Now we just have to wait for Sei where is she. I thought she would be the first one down here. I still haven't spotted a panda so she must not be here yet.

Sei: I am right behind you

We all turn around and we see Sei she wearing a dress? It blues she also has on a black leather jacket and some flats. She has a bow in her hair and is wearing a sapphire necklace. Not a panda in sight she looks pretty.

Sei: Why are you just staring at me like that.


Decklyn: This is time you say you look pretty

Zen: You look pretty

Sei face blushes a bit

Amy: Nice work Xu Tu

Zola: Are those two not going out yet.

Benny: They are innocent give them time.

The Seven of us get on the boat I hear a familiar voice screaming at me. Than a lightning bolt shoots at me. I avoid it. Lighting High squeaky voice


Danm something annoying just appeared in a pint-sized body. It is the Legal Lolli herself Leah Clark. Standing behind her is her little big brother Leo. He grabs her from behind

Leo: I apologize for my big sister.


Zen: You are going to Wonderland as well.

Leo: Yes, it is my sister birthday and I decided to take her there. Well if you will excuse us.

Well I can already tell this turn into a headache so much for my two days' off

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