
Satan's Will

Surprised, deeply surprised. Yes, I, Sesa Purusa is astonished. The words that I just heard right now definitely made my brain freeze. An actual Angeloid is here. In this world. Memories of another world arose in me and the girl in front me, I know exactly who she is. The difference is that she, Chaos, is a lot older. Not the little love psycho like before.

Suddenly, the figure blinked and the red glow of her eyes that gave a sinister feel disappeared. Her eyes became normal.


I discovered that my body was in the embrace of the girl.

My body, my whole body seems to be frozen as a naked fragile silhouette squeezes me tightly. I'm not dying though, not dying from pain that is.

Chaos: Hehe, how may I please you, master.

Such a sweet, cheerful voice. it caused my brain to function again. I look down and see the face of the girl, Chaos. She seems very happy at the moment. With her chin against my chest I realize three things.

1) A naked girl is hugging me.

2) My face is so close to her's

3) There are two more people present so I still have to behave myself.

"Chaos, lets be together from now on. By the way can we get some clothes on you?"

I say aloud because I need some help in this situation. More or less, I guess Chaos has become something like a familiar. I hope that will be a good thing, I'm her master now. I have to be responsible.

Chaos: Okay!

The one to respond to my question is none other than Chaos. She lets go of me. This time a magical reaction takes place and the body of Chaos gets covered. I can remember that she used to wear a nun outfit...

Guessed it. Chaos has dressed as a nun in merely a few seconds. It isn't the conventional one that I'm used to, instead it's separated in a three piece set. Head, upper body and lower body. The upper body clothing is designed to reveal some skin at the waist while the bottom, although covering her knees, shows the pure whiteness of her legs. Her feet wore white sneakers. Chaos was certainly a sight to behold.

I turn to face the others in the room, I want to say something but what can I say?

"Um..er.. M-my apologies Ajuka sir."

Ajuka: Hm, no problem. This quite an interesting discovery. Now I feel more secure in giving you your own evil piece set.


It seems that Ajuka was well prepared long before I turned to face him. In his left hand I can see a small case. Even Tia who stood next to him had a surprised reaction. 'Looks like she didn't notice the appearance of the case until now.' I thought. From Satan's earlier words, it must be the chess set.

Ajuka: In here are the pieces that will start your peerage. Place your hand on it.

"Oh!" Raising my hand to place it over the case, I can't wait. But another thing caught my attention. Wrapped around my hand still was the chain that connected to Chao's collar.

"Can you free my hand from this?"

I asked the girl next to me. There seems to be some sort of fascination in her eyes as she analyzed the case in hand of Beelzebub.

Chaos: Okay!

Woah! She was paying attention after all. As expected from a top notch Angeloid. Soon the chain on my hand shone then disappeared. Seeing my hand free again made me feel good. Since all this didn't take any time at all, my hand went over the surface of the case.

My hand is placed on the case. Ajuka begins to speak an incantation that I don't understand but from for some reason I remember it well, 'Oh! the reason why I feel so familiar with it is because of the Mask of Deception, Mimicry.'

Not long after the spell was cast, I could understand that the evil pieces are finally mine. I think it is about time for me to get far away from this place as fast as possible. Before that though, I've got to check the pieces and see everything is there. The case is now in my hands

"This is kind of different from the ritual that is usually done, right?"

I blurted out the question unexpectedly.

Ajuka: Yes, this set is completely different. It is my personal set. There is no need for the traditional means.

"Woah!" That was unexpected. Did Ajuka really give me his personal set. I was going to check the evil pieces anyway, now I've become eager. I open the case.

Inside the case, neatly set in two rows are all the evil pieces. Eight pawn, two rook, two knight and two bishop. One Queen and...

"K-KING PIECE, KING PIECE!" I'm over reacting, there's no way that Ajuka will give me this. Maybe he made a mistake. I breathe in and calm my agitated heart. "There is a kings piece in this set, Lord Ajuka."

Ajuka: I guess there is.

What is he saying? He can't be so careless. This is the king piece we talking about. The piece that is holding the top places in the rating games.

Ajuka: Oh! That is not and ordinary kings piece. It is the very first piece I've ever made. It has been coded and recorded several times. The current you will not be able to live more than 3 seconds if you use it.

I can hear the thumping of my heart just by hearing the words of Satan. Lowering my head to see the glistening blood red pieces, especially the king piece makes me scared but excited in another sense.

Ajuka: Another thing to note, all those pieces are mutation pieces.


I can feel my brain freezing again. Why is he giving me such rare pieces, and it's his personal set? Even Tia's looks like she's going to drop her jaw to the ground.

Chaos: Hehehe, master is so lucky. Is this like Satan's will.

Author: AnantaKesh


1) Phantom Instinct ( original )

2) Crossing Over: Chronicles of DxD ( fan fiction )

3) _ ( coming soon )

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