

"Everyone! Stay calm, because right now, the admins of this battleground gave us a huge advantage this time. Right, let's get to our positions..." Scarlett spoke to the crowd, instructing them to where they'll be assigned.

They all cooperated without any complaints and felt quite motivated to win this time! But they didn't know what was about to come at them.

Shawn sat beside a tree and a large rock that faced at the tower before placing his AWM on the rock with the bipod extended, "This should be good enough for a vantage point." he thought while looking through the scope. He could somehow see the people in the tower and how they were specifically positioned.

This was no ordinary box wired through his scope, it was simply for giving an aimbot vision for 3 minutes! Aimbot was a hack in PC games, people usually hate that hack. But to WARFARE, aimbot is actually a type of rare equipment!

"So judging by the positions that the girls are doing, some are leaning on walls, peeking out of the windows while the girls on the rooftop were simply sitting down, discussing something." He thought, then pulled the trigger as the bullet silently shoots out of the muzzle thanks to the suppressor, it shot through the thick brick and went through a girl's head who was leaning on the wall.

"Man down! Man down!" The combat medic rushed over to the scene but she couldn't do anything to her anymore, she was already dead.

"How was that even possible?" Eve asked as she looked at Scarlett in confusion.

"There's only one reason, aimbot..." Scarlett replied and looked at Eve, then looked around before speaking out loud, "Everyone! We need to get out of here now! This place is too risky to be in."

All of them rushed downstairs. Still, they had a long way down but they didn't stop because bullets kept coming out of the walls and 2 have already died in the process. Luckily, they made it.

They took cover in the deeper parts of the forest and hid themselves quite well. After the 3 minutes, the aimbot device automatically turned off and Shawn couldn't see where they were anymore, but even though they were only a few meters apart, he couldn't get a clear shot because there were a lot of trees blocking them. So he got up and sneaked in like a ghost, never made a single sound, even the slightest of footsteps couldn't be heard.

After reaching a good spot for sniping, Shawn noticed that the campfire was empty, "What!" he thought, surprised that they actually figured out that he was actually using aimbot then continued to think, "Guess I'll have to step it up a notch."

He still had to wait for 5 hours before the aimbot could be used again.

A sudden movement coming from Shawn's left side caught his attention and aimed at where she was running, calculating the shot, then fired. Tick! The sound of the bullet, piercing through a thick helmet echoed throughout the forest.

"Hah! Still got it!" Shawn thought, thrilled that he still knew how to get a shot right. He then looked for another place to hide.

Almost an hour had passed and Shawn got 2 more kills, but didn't saw where the other 4 were.

"No sign of them yet..." Shawn thought as he looked around, crouching on top of a sturdy tree branch. He knew what he was about to risk so he remove the aimbot device first then puts it back into a pouch on his vest and jumped down, making a loud thud.

"Now!" Scarlett shouted before 3 guns started sticking out of the bushes and open fired, shooting out countless amounts of bullets towards Shawn.

Shawn on the other hand, activated his camouflage suit, turning invisible but still got shot in the leg, dropping down behind a tree. He got up after the drop, ignoring the harsh pain and fought back blindly, hitting one of Scarlett's member through the chest, but she wore a tier 1 armor so there was no chance that she could still survive after the hit.

They stopped firing and Shawn could hear guns reloading, "I can't fight back. There's still one of them missing in action! I'll have to retreat for now." he pulled out a smoke grenade and tossed it beside him, the grenade popped out grenade smoke while a bullet flew through the smoke and shot Eve, who was beside Scarlett.

Fortunately, the shot went through the the ear, "Aahh! He barely missed!" Eve shouted while covering her wounded ear.

Scarlett helped Eve get up and ran after Shawn, "Amanda, are the traps ready?" Scarlett spoke through the radio while running.

"Yeah, it's all done! I'll gi-" The radio went static afterwards, Scarlett was furious. She grabbed Eve's hand looking at her, straight in the eyes and said, "Plan B."

Eve nodded as a response and followed Scarlett who was running towards the tower. They both went inside, Eve blocked the door using bags of sand but a bullet came through the door, killing her in the process.

"No!" Scarlett shouted, putting all her rage into her weapon, firing all out.

Shawn got hit by the shoulder and took cover by the rock, "I should've kept myself low!" he thought reloading his sniper rifle before shooting back.

Then all of the sudden, click! Shawn accidentally stepped on a land mine from his right foot. He wouldn't dare to move at all, yet he still kept firing back at Scarlett.

After minutes had passed, they stopped. Scarlett was out of ammo and Shawn only had one bullet.

Scarlett tossed out a smoke grenade, covering the door with gray smoke. She took out a knife and ran towards Shawn.

"Oh god..." Shawn thought before firing at Scarlett. It missed! Now was her chance to finally kill him.

"You're mine now!" Scarlett shouted while pouncing Shawn with a knife. But right after the stab, boom! They suddenly exploded into pieces.

[Match 2/3 - End]

[Session Over]

They all teleported back into the entrance, confused.

"Didn't we have three matches?"

"Then why were they only two?"

"Did the admins ended this on purpose?"

They all questioned themselves over and over again, until Shawn spoke loud and clear to the girls, holding his helmet.

"In WARFARE, battles will only reach to 3 matches if both sides' scores are tied. Ours wasn't, it simply lacked a point. Which means your leader..." Shawn paused before looking at Scarlett then continued in a very cold tone, "Was too careless to be in a situation. Y'all still have a very long way to go."

"Yes! That is quite true." A man who came out of the battleground observation deck, commended with a smile.

"Let me guess, Wolf Pack?" Shawn asked the man, pointing at his clan badge.

"As a matter of fact, I am indeed a Wolf Pack member." The man gently striked his chest with his hand and said it, full of pride.

Wolf Pack is the 7th ranked clan in the global rankings. A clan consists of 500 people or more, and making a clan costs a lot. Most of the people in there clan are aggressive, lacks discipline, and non-cooperative, but they'll eventually team up when time goes by.

"State your business." Shawn said to the man, standing in a straight posture.

"After my observations during the fight, I'd like to hire you. Even if we are the 7th ranked clan, but with you, Bushman, the legendary gamer who has risen from his slumbers, and has come back to take his rightful throne. We'd be unstoppable!" The man cleared his throat before continuing, "I, Plaidy Z, a trustworthy member of clan Wolf Pack, would like to invite you to join us!"

Shawn chuckled, shaking his head then looked at him in the eye and said, "No."

Siguiente capítulo