

It is another day on the run for Aero and Helena. It is the second night that this valley is experiencing rain.

The rain pours down heavily in the afternoon and now it slowly slowed down

Last night it was raining heavily and today it is raining again. Fog has set in as night is approaching.

In the darkness of the night, the leaves rustles, and dark silhouettes move cautiously around the valley, surrounding this cave that is not so hidden anymore.

This is a formation to ambush someone.

And there is no doubt that the reason why they are even bothering to do these kind of formation is because of the man that keep protecting the target they were supposed to kill.

Under cover of the rain and fog, the pack had stalked in, unseen, converging from three directions, like wolves waiting for the right moment

Meanwhile on the cave, on a slightly elevated point of the cave Aero is sitting beside a fire place he made.

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