
Chapter 3

We jogged over to the cabin, up the front steps, and into the house. Everyone was doing their own thing inside: Kathy and Madelyn were doing a puzzle, Ryder was napping on the couch, Axel was playing tug of war with Catalina, and Carter and Eclipse were somewhat getting along. Eclipse darted straight for me when we pushed the door open.

"So you're letting him in the house now?" I asked Carter as I started to straighten out Eclipse's collar.

"He's only in here because he wasn't trying to kill me today," Carter responded as he stood to his feet, "He let me pet him."

Eclipse stayed outside ninety-five percent of the time due to him having such a hatred for Carter and Ryder. We collectively decided to keep him outside for their safety. As much as I wanted him inside, I knew that keeping him outside is the safest option for everyone.

I looked down at Eclipse and started to pet him. "You're a good boy," I squealed at him in a high pitched baby voice.

Carter looked at me with a forced grin. Something was eating him but he wasn't telling.

I stood up straight and looked around at everyone once more, "We have a new threat, I think we should close borders and have them patrolled. For everyone's safety I think that nobody should leave or enter the colony territory unless first throughly examined and profiled."

Everyone turned their heads at me and Carter seemed to be the only one that didn't look absolutely confused.

"I need to speak to Nathan and Hannah, where are they?" I asked.

"In headquarters," Axel shortly answered. I dont know what's been up with him but he's been irritable with me.

Ryder groggily sat up on the couch and rubbed his eyes. "Knock first," he groaned through a yawn. I knew to knock, I wasn't sure why I was being reminded.

I just merely nodded and walked out of the door. Headquarters was located in the basement beneath the conference room. It was like the Hideout but better because it was decorated nicely and had much better tech for Nathan to use.

Hannah and him have been spending a bunch of time together. She's helping him design tech and he's making them.

I walked down the steps in the conference room and knocked on the door that led to Headquarters.

"Come in," Nathan called out from inside the door and I pushed the door open. It creaked slightly but not too much.

I stepped into the nicely lit room and shut the door behind me. Hannah was typing quickly on a computer and Nathan was on the other end of the room piecing some tiny tech together. Nathan's nanobots were building something in the center of the room.

"Hey," Hannah acknowledged my presence without looking away from the screen.

"Whatcha need?" Nathan asked, same as Hannah, he didn't look away from what he was doing.

"I was about to ask you two the same thing," I lightly said with a laugh. They were both wearing flame resistant shirts which meant at one point they were probably welding. Hannah's long black hair was back in a high ponytail and Nathan was wearing a beanie which prevented me from seeing how he had his hair styled.

"I'm writing out the programming for that," Hannah explained as she pointed at the middle of the room, she never looked away from the computer.

"I'm making the computer that goes in it," Nathan added.

"And what is that exactly?" I curiously asked. It almost looked like a mechanical animal.

"My new ride," Nathan laughed. He rolled his chair over to a big computer and clicked a few buttons before a 3D picture of a mechanical horse appeared.

"Why not just get a horse?" I asked.

"Because this one is weaponized," Hannah answered.

"You weaponized a mechanical horse?" I confusedly asked, "In what event will we need on of these?"

"It's bulletproof and if you control it with this," Nathan explained as he lifted a small, black, circular thing.

I picked it up from his hand and examined it.

"It goes on your temple," Nathan explained. He gently took it from my hand when I extended my arm to give it back to him.

"Sounds cool," I answered with a smile. I thought for a few seconds after Nathan nodded at my comment. "Can you make me a lion?" I asked as I walked over to the center of the room to examine what had been build already.

Hannah spun her chair and looked at me with a confused and slightly paranoid facial expression. She crossed her arms and looked over at Nathan who was also looking at her. I knew what she was thinking.

"It's okay to say no," I said after a few more seconds of dead silence.

"No, no, no," Nathan started, "Lemme finish this horse and then Hannah's horse and then we can design your lion."

I smiled, "Thank you."

"Is there a specific reason that you want a lion?" Hannah huffed. I had the feeling she didn't like the thought of me having a million different powers, a murderous mechanical lion, and an aggressive wolf mix. I guess that can look really scary from her perspective.

I shrugged, "I like them."

"Okay," Hannah shortly answered.

There was a moment of silence as Hannah spun her chair to continue programming. I could tell I irritated her.

I sat down at the computer that showed the 3D design and minimized the page. I scrolled through the database that had everyone in the colony's faces. I was looking for the guy we had seen.

No luck.

I pressed my earpiece to send a message out. "I need to talk to Madelyn in headquarters please, if you have time at the moment." I stated into the microphone piece in my radio.

"On my way," Madelyn answered.

I had to debate with her about who this person was, what he wanted, and how we catch him.

A few minutes later the door creaked open and Madelyn walked in. She shut the door behind her and walked over to me, "Whatcha need?"

I explained the situation.

"He sounds creepy," Madelyn replied.

"That's what I was saying," I agreed with a slight laugh.

"Why don't you get close enough to him to touch him and steal his power and then we can detain him," Madelyn explained.

"You've never met him?" Nathan asked.

I looked over at him and nodded.

"And he mentioned a daughter you don't have?" Nathan asked.


"Okay," Nathan answered and then scrunched his eyebrows like he was thinking.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Its a stretch but what if his power is time manipulation?" Nathan asked.

"Like time travel?" Madelyn asked.

"Maybe," Nathan answered.

"Well if you're right," I took a deep breath, "Then we have a bigger problem than I originally thought."

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