
A Proposal

The following day was sunny and hot. Emily wore a sundress over her swimming suit (just in case) and Justin wore the coding shirt she had gotten him for Christmas over his swim trunks as they left everyone else, who had decided to go see a show, behind.

"I haven't been canoeing since summer camp in middle school," she remarked when they arrived. "Have you ever been?"


She frowned. "Do you want me to handle the oars then? It can be kind of tricky."

The last thing he needed was to be embarrassed today but which would be more embarrassing, admitting he knew nothing from the get-go or having to have her take over later?

Justin sighed. "I bow down to your superior knowledge. Here." He handed over the oars, knowing he would only get them into trouble.

"That's what I thought," she said with a laugh bubbling up in her voice.

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