
Battle of the sexes

"Mom, Dad! can I go over to Vic's house?" Chelsea shouted from her room after getting off of the phone with Mari and waking up Victoria with 30 texts a minute until she replied. "I will F∆¢k!ng cut you! why won't you let me sleep you monster."

A few moments later and the three ladies are in Chelsea's Civic blasting Bad guy by Billie Eilish full volume and singing along. As the car pulls into Tom's dirt road of a driveway Chelsea slows down and cuts the headlights off as Mari reaches over to turn the volume down before Victoria speaks up. "So are we just crashing boys night? or are we skipping school tomorrow? Cause I could go for Carowinds..."

"Aww You and 'Larebear' wanna go on a date?" Mari says as they get out of the car. causing Victoria to laugh "Wow I wanted a girls day but your sooooo jelly of me and Larry that's the first thing you could think of?" "C'mon girls we're on a mission here". Chelsea said as she popped the trunk. As they get to the back of the car Mari and Vic stop squabbling and grab a water gun each.

~five minutes earlier~

Tom, Mike, and Larry are sitting in the kitchen drinking hot cocoa when suddenly a low electric chime toned signaling someone pulled into Tom's driveway. "why did you guys order delivery? we still have plenty of food left over and..." "We didn't order anything" Tom cut Larry off and peered out from between the blinds of a window. "I think someone is creeping down my driveway"..

"So what should we do?" Mike asked while looking out the window from behind Tom. "Larry go in my room and grab the paint ball guns I have some paint balls in the freezer" Mike stares at Tom menacingly "I thought we agreed no more frozen pellets.."

"Hehe oops.." Tom smiles awkwardly before continuing "look man they were already frozen when we made the rule and thawing them would have made a mess and.. shit is that the girls?!" Tom cut himself off as Chelsea got out of her car.

~present time with the girls~

"So what's the plan Chelsea? just knock on the door and blast the first idiot to open?" Mari asked while pumping up her Hulk soaker™. "Nah I still have the key to the house from when Tom and his dad went to the Grand canyon and asked me to house sit.." "Oooh I remember that week we wrecked Tom's room and ate all his food!" Vic chimed in cutting Chelsea off.

"Yeah.. anyways all the doors use the same lock let's go through the basement and work our way up and out soaking everyone we see, Mari did you bring the sillystring™?" "duh got it right here" *chacka chacka* she says as she shakes a bag full of cans.

~inside the house~

"well we can't shoot them with the paint ball gun, anyone else have a plan?" Tom says while watching the girls prepare. "Looks like they got water guns.. you still have that bag of balloons from when your dad made you practice shaving with a straight edge?" Mike asked causing Larry to snigger and laugh before Tom ran to the bathroom to grab them.

The girls already made it to the back of the house while the boys filled up the balloons with water. "On the count of three I unlock the door and.." "Let me go first you guys don't play shooters and I know proper sweeping techniques" Vic cuts Chelsea off again while pumping her gun to Max pressure.

"Fine Victoria is bullet catcher follow her lead" Chelsea slumps in defeat just before the door gets thrown open and the boys run out """LEEEERRROOOOYY JEEEEENKKKIIIINSSS"""

The boys all roar as they run out throwing water balloons. The next few minutes of pandemonium resulted in all of them coming inside dripping wet and soaked to the bone.

~inside the realm~

"Strange..." Cab mutters while standing to the side as Sunny and Hotten hold their ethereal hands out to the 'Sky'. "What is it Cab? did something happen to Tom?" Hotten asks. The three 'Gods' have been taking turns alternating between watching Tom and working on their game.

"Well Tom and what appears to be his friends are having a mock battle involving water and just as his team were going to be routed they opted to leave the fort while shouting a.. War cry.. and both teams wound up defeating each other."

"War is in their nature Cab.. how is that strange?" Hotten asks but before Cab could answer Sunny grunts "I enjoy how you two talk while I'm working but everything is quiet and boring when I'm on watch.." "Can't help that Cab is easier to talk to.. well I can't help it at least" Hotten says before focusing on the project again.

"Are you insinuating that I am an unpleasant conversational partner? Nevermind that what was the war cry? I would love to see Tom's face when I shout it as he dies to my claws." Sunny proclaimed with apparent Glee.

"Oh yes very pleasant.." Hotten mumbles as Cab replies "Well they were shouting Leeroy Jenkins.. must be a current or recent God of victory or war." "It could also be a water God.. let's look for him when we have time, Tom would be surprised to meet a deity he 'Actually knows" Hotten says while being a little snide obviously she is still slightly hurt Tom couldn't recognize her.

~Tom's house~

"Everyone stay in the kitchen I'll grab towels to dry off, I don't feel like having wet carpet." Tom says as he runs to the laundry room to grab a few beach towels and looks at the clock. "Damn it's almost midnight, I gotta get some sleep."

After everyone towelled off, Chelsea sprawled out on the couch like a Cleopatra knock off. "I could go for some hot chocolate about now" Mari hopped on Chelsea's stomach "Same here, Larry would you please make some for us?" "You guys aren't even my girlfriend.." Larry sighs as he heads to the fridge

Sorry for the delay lots of stuff came up got me super busy, but on the brightest side I'm gonna be a father soon, enjoy the chapter

Sum12hatecreators' thoughts
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