

As the blue humanoid declared his threat i attacked him straight away as fast as i could. However, the problem was that the category 6 kaiju had deflected my attack and was able to counter as well. The blue humanoid then said, "It would seem that you are fast and that you have extraordinary abilities, tell me are you part of the kaiju faction." It seemed that the kaiju was comparing me to some faction about kaijus or something. However, i was too focused on killing it rather than letting it finish what it was saying. The other jaegers who were behind did not know what to do but one of them reacted faster than the other and sent a blast attack towards the category 6 kaiju.

I don't know if this kaiju is controlled or not, but i could tell that it felt that, because it roared and focused on the jaeger instead of me. However, it was a short moment but i took advantage of it and tried to attack the humanoid on its head. But as soon as my punch was about to land a blue shield had appeared around the humanoid creature. The blue humanoid turned towards me and said, "Hahaha, nice try, however there is a shield around me which even this category 6 cannot even break." I did not care and tried to pry the damn thin out of the kaijus head, but before i could the category 6 kaiju had pried my hands off of its head. The kaiju then slashed my stomach and managed to penetrate my defense, it hurts but i did not care as i moved away.

The jaegers behind me had also begun to move and started firing the weapons within their arsenals. However, the kaiju only showed a small reaction towards it and kept advancing towards me. It then tried to attack me with its arms, however i blocked them with my wings. I then grabbed the kaiju as i needed to use my flamethrower to try and injure it. However, the kaiju used all four of its arms to tear pieces of my wings off. It hurt a lot, but i decided to let the kaiju go and advance to the surface as i needed to get some oxygen to burn the kaiju with. As i broke through the surface i took in a breath of fresh air and saw a sight that astounded me, there were nearly 5-6 amount of jaegers heading towards the breach.

Meanwhile in the command center...

"Commander Brian, it seems that the dragon kaiju has surfaced.", one of the jaeger pilots said as commander Brian watched through the monitor. "Good, whatever you do, do not attack it as we need its help, but after that go to work gentlemen." The jaeger understood and did as commander Brian had asked. "So commander its a good thing that a few of the other governments sent some help wouldn't you agree." Frank said as he looked towards the commander. However, commander Brian replied saying, "Yes, Mr. smith." Through the past 30 minutes Commander Brian had asked every other government including his own for their help, as he had a plan to close the breach.

At first many of them did not agree with him as there had been many attempts to close the breach but none of them succeeded. However, when commander Brian told them about the creatures responsible for the breach and the kaijus and that one of them had crossed the breach, all of the world government leaders began to reconsider. However, in the end Commander Brian only received help from both the Japanese and Australian Governments. Two Mark 5 jaegers from the Japanese and two more Mark 5 jaegers from the Australian Government and a few Tnt on the side. This was a big help but Commander Brian also knew that it was a big gamble, "Mr. Smith is the package ready."

Frank who had been sitting next to the monitors looked at the commander and said, "Yes commander.", Commander Brian looked at Dr. Gotlieb and said, "Are you sure that this will work.", Herman looked at Commander Brian and said, "I am certain of it commander." Commander Brian nodded and then looked towards Newton and said, "I apologize for not believing your previous theory Dr. Geiser.", "Oh its all good i just hope that you can do me those three solid favors." Commander Brian sighed and said, "I cannot guarantee the first one however the second is possible as there are a few kaiju organs sold at the black market. However, the last one is possible as we have the tools here."

When Newton heard that he felt excited at finding more about the kaijus especially when he is about to drift with one. The plan at the moment was simple, while the jaegers attack those kaijus, the payload equal to 120 million pounds of Tnt would dropped into the breach and finally close it during that time. The plan will work if the humanoid from the breach did not have any other contingency plan. However, Commander Brian did not say anything as everyone inside the command center had high morale hoping that this plan would work. Suddenly an activity came from the breach signifying that there was a kaiju coning out, however after the first one came out another followed. This kept going until there was a count of four category five kaijus and two category four kaijus.

Meaning there was a total of 7 kaijus who were right next to the breach. "Goddammit Retro destroyer what the hell happened.", Both chris and john responded saying, "Sir, we engaged the damn humanoid that came from the breach, however seeing that it was cornered it sent a signal that created a reaction from the breach and well, here we are." Commander Brian was shocked to hear that but responded saying, "Just hold on the cavalry has arrived.", "Umm... no need to worry sir, the kaiju seem to be standing by at the moment." Commander Brian did not understand and asked, "What do you mean be more specific, ranger.", "Umm... well its like i said sir the kaijus are literally waiting next to the breach."

The pilots turned their cameras towards the breach and showed what they were currently seeing. Commander Brian and the others inside the command center knew that each of these kaijus could destroy an entire city if they got to the surface. "Retro destroyer, hold on help is on its way."


Hakaira's Pov...

As I was fighting the category 6 kaiju the blue humanoid on top its could not shut up. "Hmm... just by looking at your physical structure it is different from the kaiju faction. Or it could be that you are a mutated one at that, Oh my... i can't wait to dissect you apart and find out." I got pissed at that point and used my tail whip along with my scale shield so as to damage the shield surrounding the smurf fucker. However, the category 6 kaiju blocked most of it and stopped me from damaging the shield. Then as the jaegers who were behind us were about to move, the category 6 kaiju moved backwards. My first thoughts were that it was giving up, but then the blue humanoid said, "Lets even out the odds."

He then pressed something within his shield and something occurred from within the breach. Then a kaiju with the same height as the previous category 5 which i killed was now coming through the breach. However, it did not end there, as 5 more came out with the same or almost the same height as the last one. I thought that this was bad but damn after seeing this much kaiju i was not sure if i could escape with my life. However, a splash came from above and showed 4 jaegers coming out from the breach. So this is what that smurf meant, it probably sensed the jaegers coming and wanted to make sure that it was not in a disadvantage. With 6 jaegers on my right side and 7 kaijus on my right including a blue smurf, this was going to be a brawl.

Siguiente capítulo